The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 566 God’s Favor

At dusk, outside Shancheng, Autonomous Prefecture, a carriage was speeding on the business road.

Mr. Bloody Clothes sat in the carriage, leaning against the wall of the carriage with his eyes closed, his consciousness still sinking in the fatigue brought by the bumps of the carriage.

But even in a half-awake state, he was still thinking in the corner of his consciousness.

For the sake of safety, he had to take action first.

Although that was the opponent's home court, and the opponent seemed to be able to sense him, it was too dangerous to let that "Aiden Garrod" continue to grow.

It was useless to simply kill him without erasing his existence. The existence of "Aiden Garrod" must be completely eliminated from this world - this was the bondage given to him by the goddess. In his eyes, this was a test and a promise.

Before he fulfilled this promise, no matter how many times it was repeated, the goddess would revive a new "Aiden Garrod".

But that's good, the next Aiden Garrod may not be more dangerous than the current one.

He opened his eyes slightly and felt the position of the enemy in the depths of his consciousness.

Silver City is a place that he remembers deeply.

It's very close. As long as he finds the Hand of Annihilation again, it doesn't matter how many times Aiden Jarod is resurrected.

God's authority, eternal lover... everything will be his. Human desires are endless. Since we are born as human beings, we should take the initiative to climb the tower of desire.

The carriage suddenly slowed down. In this sudden brake, he suddenly woke up and almost fell in the carriage.

"What's going on?" He conveyed his thoughts to the believer who was driving the carriage.

"Someone is blocking the road, my master." The voice of the believer came from the front.

Mr. Bloody looked out the window vigilantly and saw that there was really a man in front of the road who raised his arms and waved them across. He was wearing a wide-brimmed cowboy hat with sunshades on his head, and the lowered brim of the hat covered his eyes.

"Hey, friend! Don't go forward, there are wolves ahead! If you run into the carriage, you will be attacked!" The man shouted loudly.

"Keep going forward." Mr. Bloody gave instructions without waiting for the believer to ask.

The probability of wolves appearing on the trade route is much lower than the probability of highway robbers appearing. He is not afraid of either robbers or wolves. In comparison, he prefers to save time.

The believer waved the reins and drove the carriage forward ignoring the warning.

"..." The man turned his head and shouted at the carriage passing by.

As soon as the voice fell, the wolves appeared, but not in the distance, but just next to the carriage, driving side by side with the carriage.

The pulling horse neighed in fear, and the wolves that appeared immediately pounced and bit it.

Amid the screams of the coachman, the horse fell to the ground, and the uncontrolled carriage fell over.

The overturned carriage spun several times on the trade route, and the shaft suddenly broke, separating the horse and the carriage.

The horse struggled to get up, and the wolf that pounced on it disappeared at some point. It let its instinct drive it and ran wildly. Fortunately, it no longer had the extra weight behind it, which made its pace much faster.

When Mr. Bloody climbed out of the carriage, he saw that the important means of transportation had already gone away.

He turned his eyes to the man who had just blocked the road, and just shook his sleeves, and the double blades of revenge appeared in his hands. Two believers followed him out of the carriage. The believer who drove the carriage seemed to have broken his legs and struggled on the ground and couldn't get up.

The wolf pack just now was obviously related to this person.

"So I said, don't go forward." The man raised a smile and took off his hat.

The moment he saw the other person's face clearly, Mr. Bloody felt a chill on his back.

The face with a mocking smile was clearly Aiden Garrod!

Even the call for revenge appeared in Mr. Bloody's consciousness out of thin air, almost making him act subconsciously.

But Mr. Bloody quickly calmed down and made a judgment-it was not him.

He could still sense that his enemy existed in the direction of the distant Silver City. In other words, Aiden Garrod had become two people, and the one in front of him appeared out of thin air, obviously a fake.

However, the opponent's disguise was able to deceive even the call of revenge.

This is undoubtedly the power of authority, and the level is not low.

"Who are you?" Mr. Bloody asked.

"I am who you see me as." "Aiden Garrod" standing there laughed.

Try it.

After this thought came up, Mr. Bloody did not hesitate to insert the double blades of revenge into his heart, and recited the words of God loudly.

The same injury pierced through the chest of "Aiden Garrod". At the same time, behind Mr. Bloody, the believer who was struggling on the ground with a broken leg suddenly collapsed to the ground and did not move. Mr. Bloody transferred his own injury to him.

Even though his heart was pierced, "Aiden Garrod" still had a smile on his face: "You should look more clearly."

Mr. Bloody was surprised, and in just a blink of an eye, he found that the appearance of this "Aiden" had changed, and became the appearance of another believer behind him.

He turned his head to look at the believer, just in time to see the other party fall to the ground like a puppet with broken strings, and a pool of blood quickly spread under his body.

"Don't be so impulsive." The other party said again, this time he turned into a dark-skinned middle-aged man wearing pioneer clothes.

The look in Mr. Bloody's eyes when he looked at the other party changed.

This transfer of harm is not "sacrifice", but simply "transfer".

It was as if after the other party became the believer, everything he had to bear would all fall on the believer.

If the person the other party had just changed into was him, then the person lying on the ground now would undoubtedly be him.

No matter how powerful the double blades of revenge are, they cannot resist the ruler who has already sat on the throne of God. Similarly, the power of the saints he controls is the same.

There is still one believer who can bear the damage, but there is no need to test it anymore, that would undoubtedly be a suicide.

"As you are worried about now, I can kill you easily." As if seeing through Mr. Bloody's thoughts, the middle-aged man raised his finger and came over, "But don't worry, I'm not here for this."

"What is your purpose?" Mr. Bloody asked.

"I hope you can go back and don't go to where you are going now for at least a month." The middle-aged man said calmly, "I know what you are going to do. The appearance of extra characters will affect my script."

"In other words, you want to stop me from taking revenge? Good, that man is really favored by God." Mr. Bloody looked unhappy.

"I only care about stories, I only pursue inspiration..." The middle-aged man smiled carelessly, "As long as you don't destroy my material, I won't hinder you."

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