Although he couldn't understand, the other party didn't seem to have the kind of direct hostility.

Realizing this, Mr. Bloody was relieved.

"What kind of authority are you?" Mr. Bloody recalled the wolf pack that appeared out of thin air, "Exist?"

"I'm just a creator who does whatever he wants." The middle-aged man took off his hat with a happy face, put it on his fingers and turned it around, and then put it back on his head.

No, there is no way to communicate at all.

Mr. Bloody felt the gap between him and the other party. The ruler's thinking was completely different from that of ordinary people. He had experienced this a long time ago.

But this difference from ordinary people also depends on the situation. For example, the goddess he pursued loved to manipulate the fate of others, which deeply attracted him to devote himself to it, because that was the privilege of the strong.

But the ruler seemed to be pursuing something that he could not understand at all.

"What is your choice? No, I don't need to ask more." The man smiled knowingly.

The difference in power is clearer than any words. With the same authority, the power of the ruler and the saint is not at the same level.

Mr. Bloody knew that he couldn't go on.

"Even if you want me to go back, my carriage has been destroyed by you." Mr. Bloody said, "I took a three-hour carriage to get here. It's a bit too much for me to walk back."

"You are a mortal with a big heart to ask me to make a request." The man took out a cane from somewhere and tapped the ground, "But fortunately, I am easy to talk to."

He suddenly raised his hand, conjured up a pumpkin, and threw the pumpkin on the ground.

The pumpkin suddenly swelled up, and grew doors, windows and wheels.

A pumpkin-shaped carriage.

Mr. Bloody stood there, stunned.

"It's not good to have a carriage without a horse." The man raised his hand and a squeaking mouse appeared out of thin air.

He threw the mouse towards the pumpkin carriage, and the mouse suddenly turned into a horse the moment it landed.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Bloody couldn't understand the other party's behavior at all.

This ruler obviously has the ability to create objects. He could have made a carriage directly, but he had to add this meaningless juggling.

"Since you still have a groom to use, I won't do it. Power can't be used infinitely." The man pointed at the carriage with his cane, "This carriage is for you to use. When the clock strikes twelve, this carriage will disappear. Remember... Okay, this is a joke. Since you said you sat for three hours, you can use this carriage for three hours."

"Take this carriage?" Mr. Bloody's cheek twitched slightly.

A pumpkin-shaped carriage was somewhat ridiculous in his eyes. In his eyes, the clowns in the circus should be suitable for riding in such a carriage.

To say that this is the other party's taste is a bit weird. But to say that this is a humiliation is too obscure.

I don't understand, but there is no need to force myself to understand things that I don't understand.

The man glanced at him: "You... don't you even know Cinderella?"

"What?" Mr. Bloody once again felt the huge gap between his and the other party's thinking.

"What a pity." The man sighed, as if he really felt sorry that no one understood his sense of humor. "You should learn more about good works, especially children's literature."

"..."Mr. Bloody has completely given up communicating with the other party.

"Please disappear from my sight." The man gestured a "please" to the carriage.

Mr. Bloody boarded the ridiculous carriage silently.


At the same time, Rose Iron Prison.

"Are you used to the first day of work?" Aiden asked Tony as he was leaving the aisle.

"Mr. Garrod!" Tony greeted him subconsciously.

"Here, you should call me the warden." Aiden corrected.

"Okay, warden." Tony smiled shyly, "It's going well, because they are all simple tasks."

"You can't do a particularly difficult job on the first day of work. It will be gradual." Aiden nodded, "In addition to purchasing and reviewing books, you may be assigned more logistics work in the future."

"No problem, please leave it to me!" Tony saluted very energetically.

"To be honest, I was more worried about whether you could pass at first, but fortunately I was worried too much." Aiden nodded.

Tony's performance in the entry assessment was quite good. After signing the contract, he was assigned to logistics. Because he knows several foreign languages, the prison first asked him to assist in some book review work.

"I thought logistics was to do all kinds of chores, including cleaning work." Tony smiled, "It's not quite what I imagined."

"Yes, those chores you imagined are basically done by prisoners. Prisons are not hotels for prisoners to stay in, so there is no need to waste their labor." Aiden replied.

"I thought I would never run into any prisoners." Tony said cautiously.

"It's inevitable, after all, they are responsible for the real chores in this prison."

"They...some of them chatted with me, but I didn't dare to pay attention to them. What should I do in this situation?" Tony said and looked away.

"Don't be too alert. The prisoners in the core area are more dangerous. However, the prisoners who can do magic are sealed by the barrier, and the prisoners with power usually wear shackles. Even if they are not restricted, your ability can crush them. They just think you look young and interesting. Just be calm. You can talk about irrelevant topics. If they ask about things they shouldn't ask, warn them. Of course, ignoring them and keeping a distance is also a good way." Aiden replied.

"When I was delivering books, I saw a room with a few girls taking classes. Are they also prisoners?" Tony asked casually.

The rooms where prisoners gather for collective activities have glass curtain walls or iron bars for people patrolling outside to see the situation inside. It seems that Tony just happened to see the scene of those juvenile prisoners taking classes.

"Yes, juvenile offenders here still need to receive normal education."

"But I don't see that the prison regulations say so..."

"The system in this regard is not perfect enough. Most of it is arranged by me personally. I think it is still necessary for them to receive normal education." Aiden replied.

"I think so too." Tony agreed, "I didn't go to school much, and I always feel a little regretful."

"But there is always a shortage of teachers." Aiden thought for a while, "By the way, Tony, have you received secondary education?"

Tony nodded: "Father, I was taught according to the textbooks of the Empire. In fact, I also studied some university history courses."

"Then, are you interested in being a temporary teacher?"

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