The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 568: Lawless Classroom

"Fix one endpoint of a line segment and rotate the line segment around the endpoint. The closed curve drawn by the other endpoint of the line segment is a circle. This fixed endpoint is the center of the circle, and the line segment itself is the radius of the circle. From this we can Next definition, a circle is the set of all points whose distance from a fixed point is equal to the fixed length..." Tony Dodge stood in front of the stage and gave a lecture with a tense expression, "Well, am I being too boring? ?”

Under the podium, several girls were letting themselves go in front of the desks. Some were wandering, some were drawing on their exercise books, some were passing notes, some were blatantly doing so, and some were a little more serious about their homework. students are secretly writing today's homework.

Aiden stood outside the corridor, observing the situation inside through the one-way glass, followed by Veronica. The students inside could not see them through this window.

"The effect doesn't look particularly good." Aiden smiled helplessly.

"Well, although the textbook knowledge is very solid, as a teacher, Tony is not dignified enough. He is about the same age as these children." Veronica agreed, "Sir, I feel that you asked him to suddenly come over as a temporary teacher, which is a bit of a waste. It feels like a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth.”

"Indeed, he has no experience in dealing with prisoners, and his attitude is too gentle." Aiden looked at the students below.

There are not many juvenile offenders housed in the core area, only twelve. Except for special cases like Afansha and the twin killers, most of the juvenile delinquents were around sixteen years old, and Tony was a peer in their eyes.

"Sure enough, we should let the prison guards at the surveillance post stay in the classroom." Veronica suggested.

"Let's see what happens," Aiden said.

"But sir, half of these children have very bad personalities, and they might cause some trouble." Veronica said with concern.

"If there is a situation, Avansha will suppress the scene immediately." Aiden waved his hand, "You see she is quite serious, she has been reading the textbook and taking notes."

"Sir." Veronica's expression was a little complicated. "Based on my previous experience as an acting teacher, I'm afraid she has a magazine in her textbook."

Aiden was stunned for a moment: "But she is still taking notes..."

"I've seen her notebook, and most of it is graffiti." Veronica paused as she said, "She is actually very naughty in class. She sometimes cheats with cheat sheets in class tests. She has sharp reflexes and quick hands. , very difficult to catch.”

"I thought...she was quite well-behaved." Aiden smiled a little bitterly. He found that he didn't seem to know all the prisoners who were often around him.

"After all, it's human nature to be lazy," Veronica said.

In the classroom, a female prisoner raised her hand and said in a nonchalant tone: "Teacher, why do you have to come up with such a troublesome definition and memorize it for the exam? Isn't a circle just a circle?"

"Eh? Well..." Tony was caught off guard by the question, "Then, a definition is still necessary. A circle is what meets the definition..."

"Is it like your head?" The prisoner pointed at Tony's evil smile.

Her words elicited a burst of laughter.

"Please, please don't make fun of the teacher." Tony was very embarrassed.

"Please, please, please, please... don't make fun of the teacher!" Another girl exaggeratedly imitated Tony's stuttering look, and then burst out laughing, "Hahahahaha, look at his bearish look!"

Tony's face turned red from holding back, and he didn't know how to answer the question. He didn't have much experience in interacting with people, so he didn't know how to deal with being laughed at like this.

The students discovered that the new teacher seemed to be easier to bully than they thought, and the prison guard who was watching seemed to just move away. The class suddenly became "active", but it slipped in a bad direction.

"This guy has no sense of existence at all."

"Teacher, let's stop going to class and let's play some games!"

"Hey thorn-headed girl, is this weakling a relative of yours?"

"Fuck your mother, your relative is the right one!"

The chaos at the scene got out of hand, and a few noisy students ignored Tony and started to fight.

At this time, a student grabbed the triangular board used to draw pictures on the desk.

"Hey!" Tony exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Veronica picked up the police whistle and put it in her mouth, preparing to break open the door and rush in.

Amidst the noise, Aifansha also withdrew her attention from the comics in the book. When she looked up, she saw a group of demons dancing wildly in the classroom.

"Come and get it if you have the skills." The girl threw it far away, preparing to pass it to her companion sitting in the back seat.

But she threw it a little too hastily, and the triangle flew high in the air, and her companions couldn't catch it even if they jumped.

I saw the triangular board drawing a parabola, pointing directly at the girl dozing on her stomach in the corner seat - she was still sleeping soundly amidst such noise.

Seeing that the girl was about to be hit, Tony was shocked. In desperation, he subconsciously shouted out the divine words - he was in a state of demon possession, and he could speak such unhuman words without any unnecessary changes. language.

Then he raised his hand and pointed.

At this time, Aifansha had already rushed to the front of the seat, ready to take the triangle. As a result, she witnessed a magical thing happening: the triangle suddenly twisted and lengthened during the rotation, turned into a thin line, and then quickly shortened to At one point, it disappeared on the spot.

Afansha was stunned for a moment.

Other noisy students were also stunned. When Tony spoke the divine words, they felt something was wrong. To them, the divine words were no different from the roar of a monster, which made people feel palpitations inexplicably.

When they saw Tony's casual finger make the triangle square disappear directly in the air without leaving any residue, the scene became completely silent.

The sudden silence made the dozing student uncomfortable. She shuddered in a half-asleep state, raised her face in a daze, and saw that everyone stood up. She rubbed her eyes: "Is the get out of class over?"

Some students suddenly broke into cold sweats. Some of them had been apprentices of wizards and had some understanding of black magic. The phenomenon just now was absolutely impossible to be achieved by ordinary black magic.

With a bang, Veronica broke in with a cold expression.

"Those who just stood up and made a scene, come out." Veronica said coldly, "I saw everything from outside, be more self-disciplined, if you dare to fish in troubled waters, the punishment will be doubled!"

The students who just made a scene exchanged glances with each other, and lined up at the door tremblingly.

"Stop laughing if you are sleeping in class over there, and you come out too!" Veronica pointed to the corner.

The student stopped laughing on the spot.

"And you!" Veronica's stern eyes swept over Evansa.

Evansa, who had just returned to her seat, froze and whispered, "I didn't do anything!"

"Hand over the book stuck in your textbook!" Veronica said sternly.

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