The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 574: The reporter runs faster than anyone else

The next morning, Rose Iron Prison, at the gate of the prison.

"Mr. Jarod, what is your relationship with Miss Alvin?"

"Excuse me, where did you two meet? What was the opportunity for you to meet?"

"There is news that you had dinner together at Crystal Jazz Restaurant before. Is this true?"

"We are not that kind of relationship, we are just acquaintances. I have no comment on other issues. Also, please don't gather around the prison gate. You will affect the office. Thank you!" Aiden, who was about to go to prison, had a straight face.

Early this morning, he was surrounded by a group of newspaper reporters at the door of his unit.

The secretly taken photo was suddenly published yesterday. The first media that got the photo published it almost immediately for first-hand reporting. At that time, the newspapers in Silver City had not discovered who was eating with Deborah.

But one day later, they discovered the identity of the male protagonist in the photo - after all, Aiden was also in the newspapers when he captured the Red Shark Pirates.

This time Aiden finally realized his mistake. He found that he had underestimated the local entertainment reporters. Sometimes they ran faster than anyone else.

Deborah is an actress in the Empire and a new star who just debuted a few months ago. Her reputation is not that big in the autonomous prefecture. So when I first came to the autonomous prefecture, it was not reported by the media.

But her appearance was too conspicuous after all, and coupled with the influence of "existence" authority, local reporters soon noticed her.

I'm afraid that when he met Deborah for the third time, Deborah had already been targeted by plainclothes reporters.

Then a report turned him into Deborah's rumored boyfriend.

Director Harold didn't care much about this kind of thing yesterday. He just asked a few questions and was dismissed by Aiden.

But there was a bit of trouble with other former colleagues. After leaving the office, a former teammate who had also read the report came over to "congratulate" him in person. As a result, it stirred up waves, and a group of people immediately gathered around and asked questions. Wen Xi, labels such as "he has grown up", "a master at picking up girls", and "the peak of his life as a heretic inquisitor" were quickly put on his face, making him unable to even say a word.

In the end, Rebecca came to his rescue.

"It's great. You have become a famous person, senior. You are secretly dating a drama star in the empire. We have never heard of you." When Rebecca said this, although the corners of her mouth were raised, her eyes were Not many smiles.

I don’t know why, but the others quickly fell silent as soon as she spoke.

Although he finally gave me some good explanations, it's not clear whether they believed him or not.

These reporters gathered around the door, and Aiden couldn't even get in. Aiden tried to get rid of them, but no one wanted to leave.

Questions still hit Aiden like a barrage:

"When did you two officially confirm their relationship?"

"Are you two already considering getting married?"

"When is the due date?"

"Have you thought about the child's name?"

"Didn't you listen to what I said? I don't know how nonsense the following questions are." The more Aiden listened, the more he felt that these people were outrageous. "You are now obstructing the normal operation of the prison. Disperse!"

They probably don't need the truth at all for this kind of inaccurate question and answer, they just need a report material that is eye-catching enough.

The sudden sound of police whistles interrupted the reporter's noisy questions. Veronica suddenly rushed out with a team of riot police: "Don't move! Everyone, raise your hands high!"

The reporters turned around in surprise, and were a little confused when they saw the prison guards with guns and ammunition facing them with murderous intent.

"Are you deaf if I ask you to raise your hands high?!" Veronica suddenly raised her voice.

The reporters were frightened by the cold and stern expression of the female police officer. They raised their hands one after another, and the one who was taking pictures also raised his camera.

"I didn't expect that you gang of prison robbers, we have received a tip-off a long time ago! You actually dare to cause trouble openly at the door..." Veronica raised her hand, and the riot police team behind her suddenly started to draw their guns, "How dare you come here? Are you tired of living in jail?"

A group of reporters were stunned on the spot.

Someone said cautiously: "W-what?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid. There are felons being handed over today. We received a tip that there are accomplices preparing to rob the prison. It's you." Veronica shouted, "surrender immediately. If you confess, you will be lenient. If you refuse, you will be punished. You have the right to remain silent." , but everything you say will become evidence in court!”

There was dead silence.

The awkward silence lasted for a few seconds, and suddenly a reporter shouted angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!!"

"I'm just a reporter from "Baiyin Entertainment"!" Someone immediately shouted to prove his innocence, and others responded immediately.

"I'm a reporter from Lace Times!"

"How can we be prison robbers like this?"

"How can you threaten people in the media with a gun in your prison?"

“Violent law enforcement!!”

"Shut up, everyone." Veronica said, her eyes as sharp as if she wanted to cut people open.

These reporters who only specialized in entertainment news had never seen such a battle before. They were suppressed again on the spot, and no one spoke.

"Disguised as a reporter? The recent prison robbers are very clever." Veronica sneered.

"Hey, how can there be such a prison robber!"

"We even have cameras!"

"Can't I show you my ID?!"

The reporters were annoyed by this female police officer who seemed to be out of her mind.

"Okay, since you insist that you are innocent, I will investigate it thoroughly." Veronica replied seriously, "Line up here and show me your IDs one by one. If you don't cooperate, we will blame you for being rude."

"What the hell? Look at me exposing you!" A reporter in the back row muttered in dissatisfaction, then raised his camera and pointed it at Veronica.

Veronica noticed him alertly, stepped forward successfully, stretched out her hand to pull him out, and pressed him to the ground while snatching the camera.

"We got you, jailbreaker!" Veronica yelled, "Great, you even disguised your weapon as a camera!"

"I didn't! I didn't have it!" the pinned reporter yelled, "It was clearly an ordinary camera."

"Others may be accomplices, take them all in for investigation!" Veronica ordered, "Confiscate their 'weapons'!"


"We have nothing to do with him!!"

"Here! This is my press card! I'm really a reporter!!"


The reporters were completely thrown off balance, and after a while, someone finally noticed that Aiden Garrod had disappeared without a trace.

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