The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 575 The Warden's Private Life

An hour later, the warden's office.

"Thanks to your quick response, Veronica, you've been a big help." Aiden breathed a sigh of relief at Veronica at the desk.

"I should have done it, sir." Veronica replied.

"These guys don't listen to anyone at all. It's amazing that you can think of such a way."

Faced with these reporters who inexplicably pinned the gossip on others, Veronica also chose to put the suspicion of "prison break-in" on them without any explanation. As the saying goes, only magic can defeat magic.

"It's just tit for tat. When I was working in the police force, I sometimes had to deal with some media reporters who were not objective but unreasonable." Veronica shrugged.

"Anyway, thank you very much." Aiden thanked sincerely.

"Then..." Veronica thought for a while, suddenly put her hands behind her back, and muttered softly, "Don't you have any rewards for capable subordinates?"

"This..." Aiden was a little confused for a while.

This girl always attacks suddenly when it's unexpected, making people a little hard to guard against.

"If you want it, you can have it. Do you have any ideas?" Aiden asked in return.

"Then, treat me to a meal when you are free." Veronica gave the answer almost immediately, and it was obvious that she had an idea long ago.

"Okay, find a chance, I will book a good place." Aiden smiled.

Veronica also smiled, but did not leave immediately, but brought up another topic with some concern: "Well, sir, I'm just curious to ask, you and Miss Irving, is it true? The newspaper said that you behaved very intimately..."

"It's good if these people's writings are half credible." Aiden smiled helplessly, "She and I just reached an agreement."

Then he explained the content of his deal with Deborah to Veronica.

"There is actually a serial killer in this city?" Veronica's face became solemn when she heard this. "It is indeed necessary to solve this problem, otherwise there will be another victim. Sir, I can help if you need me."

"It is good to have a sense of justice, but I am afraid that you will..." Aiden smiled awkwardly.

"Why? I also..."

"Have you forgotten? I just mentioned the murderer's crime date." Aiden reminded.

"Ah!" Veronica suddenly realized it.

On the night of the full moon, the wild power of the werewolf will surge unprecedentedly. In this case, if the werewolf directly witnesses the full moon, it will be forced to transform and lose its rationality, and will be completely dominated by the aggressive wildness.

On that day, Veronica could not even go to work and could only stay at home to recuperate.

"I know. Then I will go to duty first." Veronica's expression was obviously a little disappointed, and then she left the office.

As soon as the door opened, Tony, who was about to knock on the door, was stunned outside.

"Captain Veronica!" Tony saluted in a panic.

"Well, good morning, Tony." Veronica nodded to him, stepped aside and left.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked Tony.

"Um, first Jarod... no, Warden." Tony was still not used to the change of address in the workplace. "When I came to work, there were many people with cameras at the side door. Did something happen? I could only sneak in 'invisibly'."

Obviously, these reporters made Tony, who had just started working, feel a little at a loss.

"They turned to the side door." Aiden held his forehead with a headache.

These reporters were frightened by Veronica and didn't give up... No, it could be that another group of reporters came after hearing the news.

I'm afraid he will be entangled by local reporters in the next few days until the "rumor" passes and they completely lose interest.

"Are all these people here to see you?" Tony blinked.

"Yes, these people come to catch wind and shadow and dig up the scandal between me and Deborah Irving." Aiden answered briefly.

"But, Warden..." Tony hesitated.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Aiden urged.

"Miss Irving proposed to you. If you say there is a scandal, it is not completely groundless." Tony said cautiously.

Aiden was stunned for a moment. This was the truth.

"But we are just a business relationship now." Aiden waved his hand, and then thought seriously, "If I continue to be pestered by reporters in the future, it will become a bit troublesome to travel. Maybe even my family has been targeted."

"Do you need my help? I can help you hide." Tony offered.

"That's not necessary. I just need to use the 'stand-in' to change a set of clothes." Aiden waved his hand, "But there is one thing I may really need to ask you."

"Please tell me."

"I will give you a contact address later. I hope you can help me send a letter secretly." Aiden said.

Tony thought for a while: "Do you want to contact Miss Irving and change your appearance to meet again?"

"You are very smart." Aiden nodded approvingly.

"Warden..." Tony seemed to be hesitant to speak again.

"If you have something to say, just say it!" Aiden sighed.

"Is there really nothing going on between you and Miss Irving?" Tony asked again.

"Why do you ask this too? You were there when I first met her." Aiden was a little surprised.

"Yes, I saw her kiss you that day." Tony blinked, "I have been keeping this in my heart and dare not tell anyone."

"Fortunately, it was not seen by reporters." Aiden scratched his forehead, "I was also shocked at the time."

"Warden, I respect you very much, but to be honest, I am a little bit..." Tony whispered.

"Wait, Tony, do you have any misunderstandings about me?" Aiden suddenly realized something was wrong.

"It has been less than a month since I met you, and I can't remember how many women I have seen with you. Of course, these may just be the circle you are in contact with." Tony simply said what was in his heart, "But when I was delivering books to the playground yesterday at noon, I heard a prisoner talking about you everywhere in the fence..."

"What are you talking about me?" Aiden frowned.

Tony hesitated for a moment, but still said it: "The prisoner said you are a playboy, a heartless man, and you abandoned her after having an affair with her..."

Aiden's eyes twitched.

"Is the prisoner's number... 3307?" Aiden adjusted his facial expression and said with a smile.

"I didn't pay much attention to this, but now that you mention it, it seems to be true." Tony gave a roughly affirmative answer.

"Tony, you should only trust people who are trustworthy. I don't mean to tell you to trust me, but I mean to absolutely not trust that prisoner. She is a super liar." Aiden said with a smile, "By the way, before you go out, can you ask a prison guard from the core area to come to me so that I can meet a prisoner in person."

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