The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 629 The ally has done his work

The body completely decayed and collapsed, and the corpse water flowing on the floor quickly dried up and decomposed. Only the skeleton still stood in the center of the lecture hall, like a tragic martyr.

When the death process finally reached the end, Aiden's "return" divine words finally began to take effect, repairing everything that was decayed, reconstructing it along the skeleton, and making the body complete from the inside out.

However, the repaired body finally fell straight down. Even if "return" repaired the body, it still could not change the fact of death.

Aiden soon realized that the death that happened to Conrad was not the effect of his own power, but the power of the god of death.

But it is almost impossible for the god of death to come here in person, otherwise he would not need a servant of Mr. Bloody Clothes to challenge him.

The only remaining explanation is that the god of death's "death" power was used on Conrad from the beginning, and considering that Conrad's own will may be directly affected by Aiden's "laws" or wordless codes, this death is probably not completely controlled by Conrad himself.

The God of Death, who has been fighting against spiritual erosion for a long time, is unlikely to have the energy to focus on manipulating the life and death of Mr. Bloody's servants. Therefore, the greatest possibility is that this power will be automatically triggered when the conditions are met or the time limit is reached.

In other words, when Conrad came to perform this mission, the assassin was destined to be a dead man from the beginning.

"Really hard-working." Aiden commented in his heart.

While gambling, Mr. Bloody also set up an insurance, at the cost of the death of the believers who acted on his will, to ensure that the principal can be recovered even if the bet is not successful.

It seems that Mr. Bloody is not crazy enough to send the double blades of revenge as a trump card to the believers. After all, his only authority now exists in the form of an item. Once an accident occurs, it cannot be easily recovered.


Outside the prison, in a hotel, a sleeping believer of the Blood Moon Cult suddenly opened his eyes and felt a little different in the depths of his consciousness.

According to everything set in advance, when Conrad launched "Sacrifice", his body would become Conrad's backup body.

Now, the power of authority has been successfully transferred, but Conrad's spirit has not been transferred, and only some fragmented memories have been transmitted back.

"The mission failed, I feel that the damn lucky guy is still alive." The voice of Mr. Bloody Clothes rang in his mind. Because of the loyalty offered by "sacrifice", Mr. Bloody Clothes can convey the "oracle" to them at any time, "Come back, my useless servants, it's time to re-plan."

"Yes, my master." The believers responded with empty eyes to the void, even if their master couldn't hear.


That night, in the office of Rose Iron Prison.

Aiden frowned and sat in the office chair without saying a word. Veronica and Tony Dodge looked at each other in the guest seat, and neither of them took the initiative to say anything.

"It was almost a disaster." Aiden breathed a sigh of relief. "A dangerous saint broke into our prison. If there were no pre-set protective measures, many people would have died. This was my negligence. I should have thought that the other party might do this."

He trusted the goddess of vengeance too much in monitoring Mr. Bloody Clothes. Mr. Bloody Clothes obviously also realized that he had the ability to monitor his position, so he chose to transfer the authority to another person who would never betray him.

If Aiden had predicted the method that Mr. Bloody Clothes would take in advance, perhaps he could find the other party before he made a move and kill the opponent before he used "sacrifice". After all, even if the other party was a saint, he did not have the only authority comparable to the "Wordless Code". Once Mr. Bloody Clothes lost the power of the "hatred" authority, he could not use the revenge double blades without scruples.

This feeling of missing victory called "I could have" is the most uncomfortable, and the more important thing is the sense of frustration.

Although no one actually benefited, and Mr. Bloody even lost a believer, Aiden still felt that he seemed to be suppressed. He had clearly put himself in his shoes, but Mr. Bloody's unscrupulous means were beyond his expectations. If it weren't for the cautious insurance, he would be the one who turned into bones now.

In the pursuit of enlightenment at all costs, Mr. Bloody is better.

Of course, Aiden also knows that this is just a difference in their styles. Mr. Bloody is crazy about taking risks. Even if a plan is risky and the success rate is low, as long as there is a chance, he will do it at all costs.

Aiden is more inclined to be cautious, and he perfectly suppresses the opponent based on the intelligence advantage. When predicting the opponent's actions, he is more accustomed to following rationality, but Mr. Bloody does not necessarily play by common sense. Under such a premise, Aiden can easily fall into a passive position.

Now Aiden somewhat understands why Melifilia said that she felt so difficult when she first started to deal with the goddess of vengeance. However, with the mind of the Goddess of Conspiracy, Mr. Bloody's moves are probably still within her calculations. It can only be said that the actions of the Goddess of Vengeance are probably even more unreasonable than Mr. Bloody. After all, the closer you are to authority, the more deeply you will be affected by authority.

"Sir, you have successfully stopped him." Veronica said.

"Yes, none of the other party's plans succeeded in the end, so we should be considered the winner." Tony also agreed.

"The key is that we are still in a passive situation. Next time, we may not be able to successfully stop it." Aiden reminded seriously.

"You mean we should take the initiative?" Veronica heard what Aiden meant.

"I think it's necessary. Even if you can't kill your opponent with one punch, you can't let the opponent punch." Aiden said, "The power of 'sacrifice' to transfer the body should also be limited by distance. Before the believers rushed back to Shancheng, Mr. Xueyi could not recover his power immediately. "

Mr. Bloody Clothes is now much weaker than usual. At this time, he is organizing a siege against the Blood Moon Cult in Shancheng City. He should not have much room to fight back. Even if Mr. Xue Yi couldn't be caught, he could still give the Blood Moon Order a blow.

"But, Warden..." Tony hesitated, "Mr. Bloody Clothes can sense your location, right? And those believers may be on their way back now, even if you rush there right now Sugiro...the risk is too great, it's no different from throwing yourself into a trap."

"So I won't go," Aiden replied. "It's time to use our network and let our allies do the work for a while."

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