The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 638 You guys are really good at making things happen

That night, in the meeting room.

Aiden looked at the two witches across the iron table, frowning slightly, with a helpless look in his eyes: "You are really amazing, you came in for half a day and you made so many things for me."

"I think we are relatively well-behaved." Lamia disagreed.

"Is it also a rule to sexually harass other prisoners in the bathhouse?" Aiden had a blank expression, "To be honest, this kind of thing is not uncommon in prison, but... that's Camilla, that guy is a famous troublemaker in this core area, barely a bully in the prison, you have a strong taste."

It is said that when the prison guard heard the sound and went in to stop it, Camilla, who was rescued, had a face full of humiliation and resentment-she probably never thought that she would have such a day in prison.

"That girl is a genuine dragonborn. Abigail and I have been studying life alchemy for so long, but we have never seen a living dragonborn. I am just interested in rare materials." Lamia spread her hands, "By the way, can you arrange for me to live with her for a few days?"

"You are amazing. Other prisoners don't want to live with her." Aiden shook his head. He didn't expect Camilla to meet her nemesis one day. "But of course not. In addition, you have to take an extra education class at night to remember the rules of the prison."

"I said, kid, I made an appointment with Daly to play chess in the evening." Lamia was very dissatisfied with this decision.

"I have the final say here." Aiden insisted, "Rules are rules. If the treatment level goes down, you can't even enter the chess and card room."

"What Lamia caused has nothing to do with me." Qiqimora yawned, "Can you let me go back?"

"Don't worry, let's talk about your problem now." Aiden turned to Qiqimora with a sharp look.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm fine, right? I didn't offend anyone today, and I handled the job you asked me to do perfectly." Kikimora spread his hands.

"The problem is your 'perfect handling' of the job." Aiden said word by word.

"I handled all the garbage in the incinerator without leaving any."

"Then I received a report that several incinerators that burn garbage in the incinerator are missing. Do you have any clues?" Aiden asked coldly, staring at Kikimora.

"Incinerator? I don't have any impression of what it looks like." Kikimora thought for a while, "There are a few black iron shells there, which are too dirty, so I handled them with the garbage."

"Then those iron shells are incinerators, thank you." Aiden had no expression on his face.

"Oh, I thought it was garbage too." Kikimora smiled.

"How can metal products be incinerated? Do you think that's a steel mill?"

"Is that so?" Kikimora obviously didn't take it seriously. He just smiled and waved his hand, "Forget it, forget it. Anyway, I'm here now, so there's no need to burn it in a furnace."

"Then what will we burn after you get out of prison?" Aiden pressed, "Or are you going to work in prison forever? Hmm?"

"Uh..." Kikimora was speechless for a moment.

"Pay me the money. I'll have someone deduct it from your control fund." Aiden sighed, "Fortunately you still have some money. This compensation is not something that ordinary people can afford."

"Oh, kid, you're too particular about these trivial matters." Lamia said.

"You're too casual." Aiden knocked on the iron table, "I told you to follow the rules."

"Okay, okay, I'll pay attention next time." Kikimora smiled politely.

"That's it, I repeat, let's be polite here." Aiden didn't plan to go into it any further. He thought that these two witches would definitely cause some problems when they came in, but this degree was still within the acceptable range.

"By the way, kid. What's the situation with the prisoner in cell 3?" Lamia suddenly asked.

"You mean Hero? What's wrong with her?" Aiden frowned slightly.

"When she came out of the cell in the afternoon, the guy took the initiative to greet us, as if he was very familiar with us." Lamia said.

"And she has been reading in the room, doesn't she have to work?" Qiqimora added.

"Oh, she has some mental problems, don't worry about her." Aiden replied calmly.

Hero has been locked up in the cell almost all day because of mental problems. After the goddess of vengeance regained consciousness, Aiden still let her stay in the cell. In Aiden's opinion, the goddess of vengeance's mental state is not very normal. Compared with her meager labor ability, letting her walk out of the cell casually may bring greater hidden dangers.

Anyway, the goddess locked up under his office is similar.

This casual goddess actually took the initiative to greet the two witches. The goddess of vengeance certainly knew the two witches. They fought side by side in the battle of Luohui City. But the two witches didn't know the existence of such a person at all, because the goddess of vengeance was attached to Aiden at that time.

"That guy smiled very strangely." Lamia said, "He really doesn't look mentally normal."

"Okay, let's not talk about these trivial matters, let's discuss business." Aiden changed the subject, "There is one thing I hope you can help me pay attention to, that is, help me pay attention to whether there are any particularly suspicious behaviors among the new prisoners, especially the vampires or other undead."

"What's wrong?" Qiqimora asked, "Is the Blood Moon Cult still infiltrating prisoners here?"

"Do we need to watch this? Continue to use your power to pull them out." Lamia said.

"Those people failed once, how could they not have a long memory?" Aiden shook his head, "It's been a while since I found out the followers of the Blood Moon Order."

"Doesn't this mean they have given up sending undercover agents to you?" Chichimola said.

"It's also possible that they found a way to deceive me." Aiden shook his head. "The power of 'sacrifice' can be used to delete memories. As long as the person who comes in has a part of the key memory deleted, even if I use the power If you force them to tell the truth, you won't be able to find out the reason, because even they themselves don't know that they are undercover agents sent by the sect."

"Are you stupid, kid? If their key memories are deleted, then let alone completing their mission, they may not even be loyal to the Blood Moon Order." Lamia smiled, "These people are sent to your prison. What role can an ordinary prisoner play?"

Aiden shook his head: "No, I'm afraid these people... will be more dangerous than the killer sent in before, because as long as they enter this prison, they will have completed their mission."

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