The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 645 Epidemic Prevention Work

A few days later, Rose Iron Prison, prisoner canteen in the core area.

"The rationing of this meal is really damning. My appetite is more than ten times that of yours, yet I am allowed to eat the same amount of food as you." Lamia complained as she put the meal into her mouth.

"That's how it is in prison. Meals are rationed and regular people's food intake is not comparable to that of Warcraft." Precia, who was sitting diagonally across from her, glanced at her and said, "Speaking of which, you'd better take care of your own food. ”

Lamia basically doesn't use utensils when eating. She just picks up the food twice with her hands, then picks up the plate and pours all the remaining food into her mouth.

"It's good that Lamia doesn't have a live performance to swallow the dinner plate together. If the food is not enough, you can actually apply to spend money to buy some cans and bread." Dai Li, who was sitting in the same seat as Precia, said, "But I guess the entire canteen's inventory is only enough for you, Lamia."

"Ah sneeze!"

A sneeze not far away made Chichimola, who had just walked over and put the food on the table, frown: "Looking at these people dripping nose and spitting on their own food, It’s really off-putting.”

"What's the point of worrying about such a trivial matter?" Lamia said nonchalantly.

"You are too rough." Kikimora rolled her eyes at her.

"Of course, when Lamia swallowed the prey whole, why did she ever consider whether there was feces or urine in the prey's belly?" Dai Li teased.

"You bastards, do you have to talk about this kind of topic during dinner?" Precia said angrily.

"There are indeed a lot of people catching a cold recently." Dai Li looked around, "After all, it's epidemic season, so now we have to sit one seat apart from each other when eating."

"The body that is susceptible to such common infectious diseases is weak." Lamia said disdainfully.

Her monster body is immune to most diseases, especially infectious diseases.

"The only one who needs to worry about this kind of problem here is Precia." Chichimora said that she also has ways to deal with the disease.

"Don't worry, as long as I have the permission to cast spells, I can use possessed demons to cure diseases." Dai Li smiled.

"I can't get used to letting that kind of parasite get into my body no matter how many times it comes." Precia shook her head.

Basically every two or three years, epidemics break out in prisons, mostly in the spring.

So when the flu started to spread in prisons, not many people paid enough attention.

A female prisoner stood up and picked up her plate. Most of her meal was left.

"No appetite?" asked my roommate sitting nearby.

"I felt fine in the morning, but now I feel a little uncomfortable," the female prisoner said.

"I'm envious. I have a reason to go to the infirmary and be lazy." Her roommate laughed.

"Damn, my head is starting to hurt. I'm jealous of my eggs." The female prisoner cursed.

She took two steps out with her dinner plate in hand and suddenly felt dizzy.

She stopped and shook.

At this time, another person who was also following her with a dinner plate patted her shoulder impatiently: "Don't stand here, are you using it as a pillar?"

With this palm strike, the female prisoner immediately fell forward. When the dinner plate fell to the ground, the food also spilled out.

"Damn it, I'm just going to give you a pat and you're going to touch me!?" The person who patted her exclaimed, and at the same time raised his hand to the nearby prison guard, "Sir, it has nothing to do with me, I'm just going to give her a pat on the shoulder. ”

The female prisoner who fell to the ground struggled to breathe. She tried to get up, but she only felt that her whole body was sore. The picture in front of her seemed to be melting and becoming blurry. The disease was stripping her life force from her body at an alarming speed.

The black mist spread little by little in front of her eyes, and her consciousness sank uncontrollably, shrouded in darkness.

Regarding this matter, in the conference room, Aiden was having a routine meeting with the heads of the prison area and office.

"Based on the results of my inspection, there are many prisoners in the workshop of the Second Ward who do not wear masks, and the prison guards do not remind them. There are even guards on duty who do not wear masks themselves. This needs to be corrected." Aiden looked at the prisons in the Second Ward. The district chief said, "This year's epidemic is fierce, and prisons are crowded places. It's impossible not to do a good job in prevention."

"Understood." The warden of the second prison district lowered his head.

"All prison areas are the same. The cotton masks produced in our own workshops cannot be as effective as gas masks, so it is important to keep a good distance between prisoners and maintain good hygiene habits. Prison guards must wear gas masks. This It may cause administrative inconvenience to you, but it is necessary," Aiden continued.

Epidemic prevention and control is also a common issue in prison management. After all, Rose Iron Prison is also a large prison with a capacity of 4,000 people. Once an epidemic breaks out, it will become quite difficult.

The level of development in this world is limited. First of all, although the transmission routes of some epidemics are already known academically, popular science is not popular among the public. Many prisoners and even prison guards do not have a very correct concept of preventing infection.

Secondly, there is prevention and control technology. This world does not even have the conventional masks that Aiden saw in his previous life. The most effective thing is the beak-shaped gas mask often worn by epidemiologists and heresy inquisitors, but each prisoner is given one to wear. This kind of thing is totally unrealistic.

By the time Aiden heard the report and discovered the problem, a considerable number of the prisoners in the prison had already contracted influenza.

Aiden could only isolate some prisoners, and then ask the textile workshop to speed up the production of some ordinary masks with cotton fabrics and ask the prisoners to wear them, so as to reduce the droplets scattered in the air.

"Warden, in fact, the infirmary has reported a problem." Flanda, the warden of the core area, raised her hand and said, "The prison doctors said that this year, the number of prisoners with severe symptoms is obviously much higher than in previous years, and they recover very slowly."

"That requires more attention." Aiden replied, "I will still visit each prison area irregularly in the future, and I hope everyone can do a good job in the epidemic prevention manual."

Although he still attaches great importance to epidemic prevention work, he did not seriously connect this matter with the supernatural aspect. After all, the flu is not very rare in prisons, and the prison still needs to operate as usual.

A burst of hurried footsteps came, and then Veronica suddenly pushed open the door of the conference room.

The wardens and office managers attending the meeting turned their eyes to Veronica in surprise.

Aiden was very surprised, but he immediately realized that Veronica would come all the way here and suddenly push the door in, which must be something important.

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked.

"The infirmary asked me to pass on a message - a prisoner seems to be dying!" Veronica said anxiously.


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