The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 648: The weak defeats the strong

Half an hour later, Rose Iron Prison.

"My stomach suddenly stopped hurting!"

"Fuck, so magical."

"What happened?"

The female prisoners gathered in the infirmary were in a commotion. All the prisoners here suffered from the symptoms of influenza, but not long after being gathered in the infirmary, their symptoms began to ease rapidly and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Everyone gather, line up, go back to the cell, hurry up." Veronica loudly commanded the prisoners to leave the infirmary and prepare to gather the next batch of prisoners.

Aiden stood in the corner with his hands behind his back, observing the situation calmly.

"The power of 'Order' is really useful, and it can also cure diseases." The illusion of the goddess of vengeance appeared beside him again.

"Only diseases that I can understand the principles of can take effect, and these abilities are not omnipotent." Aiden replied.

"For example?" The goddess of vengeance asked with interest.

"Why should I discuss my weaknesses with you?" Aiden replied calmly.

The power of "law" is not omnipotent. It can force people to execute rules and orders, but it cannot fundamentally change a person's thinking. It can modify some easy-to-understand physical rules, such as the direction of gravity, the flow of air, the propagation of light, etc., but this power cannot directly interfere with time and space, nor can it target the physical rules of the microscopic world. Aiden guessed that these things might not be interfered with by the saints. Moreover, for things that the power user cannot understand, the effect of "law" will become very limited.

In addition, the power of "law" is the same as the rules of "Wordless Code". It cannot directly interfere with the power of other authorities. It can only target the effects caused by the power of those authorities. If the opponent's power level is higher, "law" will be invalid.

The goddess of vengeance is not a trustworthy object. Aiden will not discuss too many details of her power with the other party, but for Aiden, this chess piece is indispensable to go to the end of this chess game.

"We are not good companions with a unified front. We can take care of each other if we get to know each other. I have told you my power information." The goddess of vengeance smiled.

"That's just because the enemy holds the power of 'hatred'. You and I are totally incompatible. If we are just using each other, don't try to get close to each other." Aiden replied.

"I don't like people like you who have to calculate risks at every step, but the secrets you told me are very interesting. It made me figure out many things that I couldn't figure out before. I am still very grateful to you for this."

"Thank God you don't stab me in the back." Aiden breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then tell me, how many more rules can you declare?" asked the goddess of vengeance.

"Once." Aiden replied.

The cooling of the "law" power of the saint level is similar to the wordless code, and each rule has a cooling time of one day independently.

The difference is that the "law" power of the saint can declare five rules a day, but the duration is only about an hour.

The tricky part for Aiden is that making an unbreakable contract also requires power consumption. If a contract is to be maintained continuously, the rules that the power user can declare will be reduced by one until the contract is completed or terminated.

Aiden consumed it once to maintain the mutual assistance contract between Abigail and Chichimora.

Then, in order to win the assistance of the three great witches to deal with Mr. Bloody and the Goddess of Conspiracy together, and to ensure that they would not betray each other, Aiden made another four-person contract.

Finally, in order to ensure that the Goddess of Vengeance would not betray him, Aiden made a contract with her alone - if the Goddess of Vengeance could be promoted to the ruler, she actually had the power to tear up the contract made by the saint, but according to Aiden's promotion ceremony, once the Goddess of Vengeance returned to the throne, he would also complete the ritual promotion, and the power of the contract would also be upgraded to the ruler level.

Maintain three contracts, so in fact, Aiden can only declare the rules twice a day now. To use this rule to treat the prisoners in the prison, he can only declare the rule once more.

Of course, if he withdraws the few contracts he maintains now, he can restore the ability to declare the rules, but this will also be accompanied by the risk of these temporarily recruited "companions" turning against him - it is so troublesome to join forces with a group of bad women.

"You've almost wasted a power." The goddess of vengeance said, "If he starts to spread the plague again, will you continue to use the power to solve it?"

"Abigail and I have a mutual assistance contract, she will arrive." Aiden replied, "She is capable of dealing with the plague, don't worry."

Abigail's "life" power can easily change the physiological state of organisms, and she is the best at dealing with diseases.

"I guess the maggot will take action." The goddess of vengeance said, "Although it is very risky, he will take this risk. The plague can't kill you, it can only cause chaos or consume your strength. He won't miss this opportunity."

"Since you guessed it, it's probably right." Aiden said, "But that's fine. Now we have the advantage in terms of combat power comparison."

The goddess of vengeance and Mr. Bloody Clothes have both been affected by the power of "hatred", and their thinking methods are more or less similar.

There is a madness in their thinking that is different from ordinary people. They are not afraid of sacrifice, nor are they afraid of risks.

According to Aiden's estimation, unlike the situation in Luohui City when Mr. Bloody Clothes easily crushed him, now they have three saints on their side, holding two unique powers. To some extent, Mr. Bloody Clothes's switch to the God of Death again is also forced.

"Let me remind you that he has done things like defeating the strong with the weak." The goddess of vengeance said, "Like you, the maggot was trained by the goddess of conspiracy."

"I know." Aiden said.

The terrifying thing about Mr. Bloody is not only the power he holds.

That guy is a madman, but not stupid. On the contrary, he is very good at strategy. Unlike Aiden who was escorted to the saint in the script of the goddess of conspiracy, Mr. Bloody climbed to this position step by step from a mortal.

Aiden had experienced it once in Luohui City. Through unexpected arrangements and strategies, Mr. Bloody blocked them from being evacuated at that base. Professor Dodge had the hand of annihilation that could threaten him, but he was killed by him.

Although the fall of the goddess of vengeance was planned by the goddess of conspiracy, the executor was Mr. Bloody, who was not even a saint at the time.

Aiden even had a hunch that he might have missed something.

"Can you tell me how you lost to them?" Aiden asked casually, wanting to use it as a reference.

"Huh, why should I talk to you about my failures and weaknesses?" The goddess of vengeance did not hesitate to return Aiden's previous refusal.

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