The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 650 Abnormal way of appearance

"The prisoners just now are the last batch, sir." Veronica reported to Aiden.

"Yes." Aiden nodded, "We can't let our guard down. Some prisoners haven't shown symptoms yet, and the infected person who initially spread the plague has not been found. And..."

"The enemy may spread the next round of plague at any time." Veronica whispered.

"That's right." Aiden nodded, "Pay attention to the movements of prisoners in the prison, and report any suspicious movements immediately."

"Sir, if the enemy may attack at any time, do you need me..." Veronica asked in a low voice.

"No." Aiden refused before she finished speaking.

"Sir, you don't have to worry, my life is yours after all..." Veronica insisted.

"Even if we use a double to exchange appearances, the enemy is still able to find the real me." Aiden replied softly, "I already know your intentions, don't worry, believe me, just do as we agreed in advance."

'I understand. ' Veronica nodded.

After Veronica left, the phantom of the goddess of vengeance appeared beside Aiden.

"Is that little girl responsible for executing the details of your plan?" asked the goddess of vengeance.


"Won't you tell me?"

"No need, we share a body now, I'll tell you if I need it." Aiden said.

"Is that little girl reliable? I don't think she has much power." said the goddess of vengeance.

"The key is that she is trustworthy, this trait is more important than anything else, and none of you have it." Aiden shook his head, "To be honest, I don't like bad women."

Whether it is the goddess of vengeance or the three witches, they are teammates who must be bound by contracts before they can be trusted to back up. Only Veronica can he trust directly.

"I hope your plan is comprehensive enough." said the goddess of vengeance, "otherwise we will all be finished."

"I know this better than you." Aiden replied.

"Law" can only be declared once again, "Return" can only be used again after an hour or so, and "Punishment" must sense the target before it can be used.

What will Mr. Bloody Clothes do next... He tried to think, but the result was still the same as the previous few times of thinking - there is no definite result. After becoming a dead person, Mr. Bloody Clothes hiding in the dark has many small moves to do.

In order to hide in the underworld, Mr. Bloody Clothes turned himself into an undead. It was a great sacrifice, but it also brought many benefits.

Not only can the goddess of vengeance no longer sense him, he can also swagger in this prison without being affected by the rules of the "Wordless Code".

The domain of the "Wordless Code" now covers the entire prison, but it cannot extend to the underworld. The underworld belongs to another independent space, only the entrance and exit are connected to the inside of the prison.

And the "psychic" power creates the power of the "death" authority in the underworld, and the "Wordless Code" cannot directly formulate rules for authority.

Of course, the Wordless Code cannot take effect on the power itself or the underworld, but it can take effect on people who have the "psychic" power in the domain.

Aiden also tried to force people in the domain to release all people and things in the different space that they can open, but it didn't work.

He guessed that there were two possibilities for Mr. Bloody's state: one was that Mr. Bloody used "psychic communication" himself, and then replaced himself with the dead in the underworld, and then manipulated the dead to play the dead through the underworld. The dead themselves have no will and do not have the ability to open the underworld, and Mr. Bloody, who is in the underworld, will not be affected by the "Code". Similarly, if you want to use the "Code" to force the dead to lie, the same is true. As long as Mr. Bloody's body is not affected, he can manipulate the dead to lie across the underworld without changing his face.

Second, Mr. Bloody allowed a believer whose memory was cleansed to master "psychic communication", and then hid in the underworld created by the believer. Because the believer lost his memory, he did not know that he had the ability to open an underworld.

Aiden guessed that the former was more likely because the latter had more uncertain factors. Even if the believer was "sacrificed" and his memory was washed away and he did not know the power he mastered, the power of God would be imprinted in her consciousness. If she used this power to open the underworld and summon Mr. Bloody on a whim, the goddess of vengeance could immediately lock him.

Moreover, the user of the "psychic" power has a certain dominance effect on the dead bound to his underworld. If it is not necessary, Mr. Bloody Clothes will not let a believer who has lost his memory affect himself.

As for the former problem, the main thing is that if a dead person plays a prisoner in the prison, there will still be a difference between the appearance of the dead and the living. The dead person's face is bloodless, there is no heartbeat or breathing, and the pupils will not change. If you just glance at it occasionally, it's okay, but long-term observation will definitely be seen.

So Aiden thought that the blood clan prisoners who were sent in were the most likely. Mr. Bloody Clothes suddenly created a large number of blood clan believers in the Blood Moon Cult and sent them to prison. I'm afraid it was also to cover himself.

Aiden chose to lock up all the blood clan and undead prisoners and focus on them. Although the prison was a little confused because of the sudden plague, the management of the prisoners would not be relaxed.

Let's try the reverse method. Since you can't think of the next step, just think about the last step directly.

Mr. Bloody's ultimate goal is only one, which is to kill "Aidan Jarod" this time, eliminate the hidden dangers and take away the "Code Without Words".

And his, Aiden Garrod's goal is just as simple - to kill Mr. Bloody.

If he wants to kill Mr. Bloody, he must change the "No harm" and "No death" in the "Wordless Code", and seal Mr. Bloody's "revenge", and then let Qiqimora touch Mr. Bloody with the hand of annihilation.

And Mr. Bloody will probably also make a plan, aiming at the moment when the two rules are eliminated to counterattack - with that guy's adventurous spirit, he will almost certainly do so.

As Aiden was thinking this, he suddenly heard a rustling sound behind him.

He turned around, and then his cheek twitched violently.

Cockroaches - countless cockroaches poured out from every corner and the gaps in the doors and windows, quickly gathered into a ball behind him, and then quickly merged and mixed, changing into a vague mixture of flesh and blood, and growing a female human figure, white skin began to grow on this piece of meat, and the first to grow was the face.

Aiden recognized the face—the top witch, Abigail, who appeared in front of Aiden in a shocking way.

Abigail chanted the word "return" and the scraps of cloth carried by the swarm floated up and covered her body, spliced ​​into a witch's robe, covering her newly grown skin, and not exposing any sensitive parts during the whole process.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Warden." Abigail greeted Aiden expressionlessly.

"...Do you dare to use a slightly more normal way of appearance?" Aiden also had a blank expression.

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