The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 654: Let’s end it

"Finally realized it?" The dead controlled by Mr. Bloody Clothes hid in the dark.

The riot squad in the core area has now begun to confirm the identities of the guards on duty and patrolling everywhere. Not only the identities of the two guards who have been exposed, they will also carefully confirm whether the other party's appearance matches the characteristics of a living person.

He can no longer move freely in the prison as a dead person.

The damaged barrier has not been restored. It seems that the warden has preserved the power of "return".

This means that conventional means cannot kill the warden. Only the damage of the double blades of revenge can prevent him from repairing his body through the power of the saint.

The rules of the "Wordless Code" have not changed. Injury, killing or mental control, nothing can be done.

However, the prison did not have the expected riot. Mr. Bloody Clothes thought that at least a little chaos could be created.

He actually did not expect a group of female prisoners in the core area to help him consume Aiden's power. Besides, the "Wordless Code" has long restricted the acts of harming and killing. It was a pity that he could not turn the prison into a bloody battlefield where prisoners and prison guards fought each other. At least he hoped that the escaped prisoners could wreak havoc in the prison to his heart's content - he liked chaos.

However, this expectation was not fulfilled. The prisoners in this prison seemed to have lost their fangs.

"You are very good at managing the prison. Why don't you consider starting a cult?" He showed a twisted smile in the underworld.

There was no way out. He had to take some risks. This was the last stage. If he retreated here, he would not be able to please the goddess!

"Look at me carefully. The last act is about to begin." Mr. Bloody laughed loudly in the underworld and opened the door to the underworld.

When in the underworld, only the power of the authority of "death" could still interfere with the outside world. To use "hatred", he still had to open the door to the underworld.

Through the power of "sacrifice", he conveyed his will to the believers guarding outside the prison.

At the same time, countless bats emerged from the dark corners around the Rose Iron Prison. People nearby were horrified to find that the bats gathered and hovered above the prison, like a spinning dark cloud.

Then, the bats swarmed into all the entrances of the prison.

At the same time, the voice of the goddess of vengeance exploded in Aiden's mind: "Appeared!!"

Just as Aiden was about to ask, the goddess of vengeance synchronized the vengeance induction to him.

He felt the presence of Mr. Bloody Clothes in the cell in the core area, but this induction was fleeting, like a spark flashing.

"Disappeared." Aiden frowned.

At this time, he heard the alarm from the ordinary prison area, followed by several explosions in succession.

"What's wrong again?" Abigail, who was following him, asked.

Aiden didn't reply, and strode towards the direction of the third prison area closest to the core area, and soon saw a prison guard running over in a hurry.

"Warden! The warehouse exploded and caught fire! There are also bats, many bats flew into the cells!" The prison guard reported incoherently.

But Aiden still grasped the key point - the vampires outside began to act.

It seems that Mr. Bloody opened the door to the underworld just now not to attract his attention, but probably mainly to command the vampires on standby outside to act.

In addition to destroying and setting fires in the prison, they also split into bats to attack the cells in the ordinary prison area - they can't hurt the prisoners in the cells, but if they carry the plague or other infectious sources that the god of death has given power to without knowing it, I'm afraid the prison will soon usher in the next round of epidemic outbreaks.

"Have you changed from a cult leader to a terrorist?" Aiden thought.

"You need my help this time." Abigail said calmly.

"Can I ask you?" Aiden asked.

"I'm here to help." Abigail said calmly, "I'll find a way to deal with the plague and those vampires, you just focus on yours."

After she finished speaking, her body quickly split into a group of crows and flew deep into the corridor.

"Organize immediately and put out the fire in the warehouse!" Aiden turned to the stunned prison guard and began to give instructions.

"Another little trick, is that guy going to hide until the end?" The goddess of vengeance appeared beside Aiden and said with some disdain.

"I guess he just likes to create chaos. Since he can't kill me directly, he also wants to make me unhappy as much as possible." Aiden said, "But he can't hide forever. At this point, he should be tired of playing."

As soon as the voice fell, the illusion of the goddess of vengeance suddenly turned to a direction.

"What?" Aiden noticed the other party's action.

The goddess of vengeance who appeared beside him was essentially the spiritual projection of the goddess of vengeance herself. The projection would have such a move, which meant that the goddess of vengeance cared about that direction.

"It seems you are right." The goddess of vengeance grinned with a twisted smile.

She shared her revenge feeling with Aiden again.

The flame representing the existence of the enemy was ignited in that direction. In the mental picture shared by the goddess of vengeance, only the two of them were burning on this chessboard.

Aiden knew very well that Mr. Bloody also had such a picture in his mind.

In the world of "hatred", they seemed to be looking at each other across the abyss.

He knew this prison very well. At this direction and distance, Mr. Bloody was now closer than before, and... seemed to be getting closer.

Then, the existence of Mr. Xueyi disappeared again.

"It's to determine my location," Aiden said.

Just as they couldn't sense Mr. Xueyi in the underworld, Mr. Xueyi couldn't sense his existence across the underworld.

Only when the gate to the underworld opens can they sense each other's existence.

Mr. Xueyi was confirming his position while approaching him, seemingly intending to put an end to it.

Aiden didn't want to delay it too long, he wanted to avenge his dead subordinate as soon as possible.

"Kikimora, Lamia, can you hear me?" Aiden picked up the Great Witch's voucher and started to move at the same time.

"It's time to get to work?" Lamia's voice was a little excited.

"You all go to the playground." Aiden said in a deep voice, "Mr. Bloody Clothes is coming to me soon. I will lead him there, and you will meet me there!"

The cell area of ​​the core area.

"Sir, what did you say?" Veronica asked.

"He chose the small playground as the final battlefield." Chichimola said, "What do you plan to do...or rather, how did the warden arrange for you? The prisoners here should have no idea of ​​escaping. ”

"I'll wait here. I'll leave it to you, sir." Veronica shook her head, turned around, opened the door, and turned to instruct a prison guard to lead the way for them.

Chichimora and Lamia left the cell, and Veronica kept watching as they disappeared deeper into the corridor.

"Are you going to... take action?" The boy's voice sounded out of thin air, and only Veronica heard it among the people present.

"Yes." Veronica nodded, "Just do what the commander arranged."

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