The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 656 You should aim for the head

"Exile!" Aiden suddenly declared.

The door to the other dimension opened behind him and sucked him in in an instant.

The "Wordless Code" did not follow him into exile, but fell to the ground, protected by the cage of the imprisonment penalty. Aiden was not worried that someone could steal the code at this time.

Mr. Bloody stabbed himself with the double blades of revenge, and the thought of winning flashed through his mind, but he immediately changed his face.

Aiden Jarod... is gone!

Aiden exiled himself with "Punishment". In addition to exiling the object to every location outside the domain, another use of the exile penalty is to throw the target into a certain space and imprison it for a period of time.

Just as the underworld created by the "Death" authority can isolate the revenge of the goddess of vengeance against Mr. Bloody, the exile space created by "Order" can also isolate Mr. Bloody's induction of Aiden.

Aiden gave him back the plan that Mr. Bloody came up with.

Realizing that something was wrong, Mr. Bloody immediately opened the door to the underworld and prepared to replace the dead.

However, it was too late. Qiqimora had already put the hand with the Hand of Annihilation against his back.

"Revenge" was sealed by the Wordless Code, and "Sacrifice" could not be used because of the suppression of the position of the only authority. The Hand of Annihilation immediately executed the erasure of the individual it touched. A singularity that was too small to be seen by the naked eye appeared between the fingers of the Hand of Annihilation. This singularity twisted Mr. Bloody's clothes and body with incredible suction, sucking him in and swallowing him.

Compared with the ordinary "annihilation" power, the "dimensionality reduction strike" of the Hand of Annihilation is more efficient.

"You should aim at my head!" The voice with a mocking smile made Qiqimora's whole body cold.

The erasure of the Hand of Annihilation actually left a residue - Mr. Bloody's head was suspended in the air.

Blood-red threads extended from the broken part of his neck. These threads were originally connected to the body, which came from one of his vampire believers.

Mr. Bloody had cut off his head in the underworld, which was beyond the reach of the rules of the Code. With the power of "immortality", he could "survive" even if only his head was in the outside world.

He had thought of the possibility that Aiden would use the Hand of Annihilation to kill him, so he asked a high-level vampire believer to vaporize his head, and he connected his head to the broken end with blood magic, and used the power of "immortality" to manipulate the body of the undead.

In order to kill Aiden, he chose a gamble, using himself as bait to lure Aiden to kill him while creating an opportunity to kill Aiden.

However, in terms of the result, they failed to kill their opponents in the first place.

When Chichimora reached out to touch the body, the individual touched by the Hand of Annihilation was not him, but the vampire believer who provided the body!

Chichimora regretted that she should have aimed at the head, or she should have asked Lamia to perform "fusion" first to completely merge Mr. Bloody and the body into one individual.

She reached out again, trying to touch the falling head, but the gate to the underworld that had already opened at this moment replaced Mr. Bloody Clothes with the dead inside.

The dead person pushed out was still a vampire. At the moment of replacement, she split into bats and quickly dispersed, leaving Chichimora with nothing.

Chichimora reflexively turned to directly use her "annihilation" power, selected a space in front of her, and wiped out all the bats that had not yet dispersed.

She wiped out nearly 60% of the bats, which was a considerable blow to ordinary vampires. If the erased area included the heart, the vampire would die on the spot.

However, the dead protected by the "immortal" power had no weaknesses, and the remaining bats quickly flew to the direction where Aiden was originally. Mr. Bloody Clothes realized that although Aiden disappeared, the field of the "Wordless Code" was still in effect, which meant that the code was still here.

The bat hit the "wall", and the cage formed by "punishment" flashed out, and the "Wordless Code" was being protected by this cage.

The bats dispersed again, and moved away from Kikimora. Mr. Bloody Clothes, who was manipulating the dead, knew that the distance that Kikimora's "annihilation" power could take effect was not long.

But at this time, a tall half-human, half-snake figure appeared in the nearby fog.

Lamia, who had been hiding near Aiden, appeared and chanted the divine words - the divine words of "fusion".

Unlike Kikimora who used the hand of annihilation to hide, she would break the "hiding" imposed on her by Kikimora when she used her power to interfere with the outside world.

In her turbid whisper, the field of "chaos" expanded, and she ordered these scattered bats to reunite.

The bats stopped in the field, and then were forcibly pulled together to merge, and only the upper body was synthesized and fell into the cage. Most of the body of this blood clan had been erased by Kikimora.

The re-fused upper body was a bloody mess, with no trace of skin, broken bones and mixed together, and the face had no facial features, and the entire head had become an irregular mass of flesh.

Unlike the "return" of "order", which would force the changed vampires to return to their pre-split state, the "fusion" of "chaos" only mixed things together in disorder.

"Chichimora!" Lamia reminded loudly.

Chichimora approached quickly, and she wanted to bring the dead into the attack range of "annihilation".

The underworld created by the power of "psychic" must be attached to an individual in the world, and this individual is either a dead person bound to the underworld or a user of the power.

As long as she keeps erasing the dead, Mr. Bloody's body will inevitably be forced out, and then she can kill him with the hand of annihilation.

At the moment when the power of "revenge" and "betrayal" is sealed by the "Wordless Code", she, who is also a saint and holds the only authority, actually has an overwhelming advantage over Mr. Bloody.

However, at this time, a door opened in the cage, and the exiled Aiden returned to the original place again.

The "exile" designed by Aiden for himself only lasted a few seconds. According to the original plan, the moment Qiqimora touched Mr. Bloody, the victory or defeat should have become a foregone conclusion.

At the same time, the door to the underworld was also opened, and Mr. Bloody replaced himself with the vampire who was forcibly fused.

Aiden returned to the cage and looked up, but he saw Mr. Bloody standing outside his cage, looking at him with a grim smile.

Mr. Bloody's head was once again completely connected to his body, because he transferred the damage of the decapitation through "sacrifice".

Aiden opened his eyes wide. "Exile" could allow him to float outside this space, so that he would not be sensed by Mr. Bloody Clothes, but at the same time he would know nothing about what was happening here.

Qiqimora took a breath, realized what was going to happen next, and shouted, "Go back!"

"Surprise!" Mr. Bloody Clothes laughed wildly and stabbed himself with the double blades of revenge.

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