The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 657 I won in the end

Abigail stood in the middle of the corridor of the cell, with several vampires lying in front of her who had fainted.

Through the power of "life-giving", Abigail injected the power of life into these vampires. The power of "life-giving" at the saint level can revive the dead and give non-living things the characteristics of life. But for the vampires derived from the power of "death", the power of this "life" power can weaken them.

Through this method, Abigail subdued these vampires one by one under the restrictions of the "Wordless Code" and purified the plague they spread.

She split into crows again and flew to the exit of the cell - when she rushed in just now, a fish that slipped through the net escaped first.

The moment she flew out of the cell area and entered the corridor, she saw the vampire.

He didn't run away anymore, but stood in the middle of the corridor inexplicably with his back to Abigail.

Just as Abigail was about to kill him, the vampire suddenly screamed, and then the whole person was crumpled into a ball by an invisible force like a piece of waste paper, turning into a bloody piece of meat.

Abigail reshaped her body and looked at him in surprise.

She realized that this might be the damage transferred by "sacrifice". Mr. Bloody used his power and the rules of the "Wordless Code" were also changed.

Could it be that the winner has been decided? Abigail was a little nervous.

"Hehehehahahahahaha!" At this time, Mr. Bloody laughed crazily on the playground.

In front of him, his enemy, Aiden Garrod, fell down bloody.

"Damn it!" Lamia roared unwillingly.

A second ago, Mr. Bloody stabbed herself with the double blades of revenge, and she applied the power of "mixing" to Mr. Bloody.

The "Wordless Code" stipulates that the spirit cannot be interfered with, but the power of "mixing" can also be used on the body. This power can instantly kill a person and mix his flesh, blood, bones, and turn his body into bloody pieces of meat or sticky meat paste.

However, her power thrown on Mr. Bloody was like a drop in the ocean, and there was no reaction. Her "chaos" power was only intermediate, and Mr. Bloody directly used "sacrifice" to transfer the damage she gave.

The saint-level Qiqimora still posed a certain threat to Mr. Bloody, but Mr. Bloody had no need to be afraid of Lamia's intermediate power.

Stabbed by the double blades of revenge, Mr. Bloody directly chose the damage that cut the whole person into pieces.

At that moment, Aiden felt the sickle of death begin to cut his whole body, and the goddess of vengeance attached to him immediately performed "sacrifice", trying to repeat the trick to transfer the damage to Lamia - this was also what Aiden had discussed in advance.

However, when the severe pain ran through his body, Lamia realized the consequences she had to bear and instinctively chose to refuse.

She could bear the non-fatal injuries for Aiden, but she couldn't really die for Aiden.

The voluntary "sacrifice" was interrupted, and the fatal injuries were all borne by Aiden himself, but he was not cut into pieces on the spot.

The rules of the "Wordless Code" prohibited Mr. Bloody from using super-physical means to cause others to suffer the same injuries when he was injured. Under the mutual interference of the two unique powers, Aiden's injuries were reduced, but he still suffered fatal injuries. Although he did not really turn into pieces like the one who took the damage for Mr. Bloody, and barely maintained the integrity of his body, his internal organs, muscles, bones and even brain were all cut off in several places.

Aiden died.

Feeling the disappearance of Aiden's life, Mr. Bloody felt an indescribable pleasure rushing to his brain, making it increasingly difficult for him to stop his crazy laughter.

He moved his eyes to a place not far away, the fog had begun to dissipate, and Lamia's body gradually appeared.

"Kikimora!!" Lamia screamed. When she used her power, her "concealment" was also broken, and Mr. Bloody could kill her at any time.

Kikimora had to distract himself again to cast "concealment" for Lamia, but she immediately realized that she had made a huge mistake.

She turned her eyes to Aiden's body again and found that Mr. Bloody's hand had touched the "Wordless Code" on the ground. Mr. Bloody cut off his hand, threw it out, connected it with the thread of blood magic, and manipulated it with the power of "immortality".

Aiden died, and the "imprisonment" he cast also became invalid, and the cage protecting the Wordless Code also disappeared.

The "Code" has been opened, and Kikimora has not had time to cast "overhead". Mr. Bloody's hand crossed out the three rules written on it with dirty black blood.

Fear gripped Kikimora and Lamia.

All the rules of the Code became invalid, and Mr. Bloody's power was restored. He could not only rebound all damage and negative effects, but also use the field of "betrayal" indiscriminately to drive everyone around him completely crazy. This indiscriminate mental attack was something that Kikimora's "Hidden" could not avoid.

Kikimora immediately used the Hand of Annihilation to completely empty herself. She no longer expected to kill Mr. Bloody or save Aiden's "Wordless Code". She only hoped to get out of here and save the Hand of Annihilation.

"Hahahaha!" Mr. Bloody laughed and retracted his hand, taking the Wordless Code back into his own hands, "Finally, finally-"

"I still win." A weak voice helped him to continue the conversation.

Mr. Bloody's smile froze.

That voice came from Aiden's mouth.

At the same time, he noticed that Aiden's dying life fire was burning again - at first, it was only restored a little, but the next second, it was restored to the level before his death.

"You?" Mr. Bloody frowned.

Aiden, who was still covered in blood the moment before, climbed up from the ground intact.

Lamia and Qiqimora were not surprised by Aiden's resurrection. They all knew that Aiden had the blessing given by Abigail.

The damage given to Aiden by the Vengeance Twin Blades was based on Mr. Bloody's hatred. The moment Aiden died completely, the hatred was settled once, and the damage caused by the Vengeance Twin Blades became ordinary damage.

Then Abigail's blessing brought Aiden back to life, and Aiden's power was activated - "Return" immediately archived him to the state before his death.

But Aiden's resurrection was meaningless, as Mr. Bloody did not let go of the few seconds when his "imprisonment" failed when he died.

The "Wordless Code" fell into Mr. Bloody's hands, and Aiden could not reverse this defeat even if he was resurrected.

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