The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 661: The Successor of Aidengarod

heir of tygarod

"..." Aiden said nothing.

In fact, it makes no sense to speak or not. Melifilia, who has the power of "omniscience", can read his heart at once.

"Can't you understand this interest?" Melfilia said.

"It's really hard to imagine how interesting it would be to peek into other people's memories." Aiden answered his thoughts truthfully.

"It's not a peep, but a complete reenactment. During this process, I can also feel the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of the original memory owner, as if watching a highly infectious tragicomedy. I like to collect those unique lives, It would be better if it was a memory of becoming a ruler from a mortal. It would make me miss the feeling of satisfaction of being promoted to a ruler." Melifilia said and read Aiden's thoughts again, "Are you surprised? ? Today’s rulers are actually promoted from mortals.”

"Same for you?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, but that is a long time ago." Melifilia said, "To be honest, I am very interested in you. You have the characteristics of a 'hero'. With a little arrangement, you can easily obtain magnificent results." Life experience, even if you are lucky, you will have the opportunity to pursue the power of authority with my help, but it is a pity... you will not live long. "

"What's the meaning?"

"It turns out that there is a mortal managing this cult for me. You should know him." Melifilia suddenly started talking about a seemingly unrelated topic.

"We have investigated that the manager of this sect is a man who calls himself Mr. Bloody Clothes. Now my people are looking through the corpses to confirm the suspect." Aiden replied.

"You can't find it." Melifilia replied, "He is not here, because of my script arrangement, he betrayed me. In fact, the people in this cult are still loyal to him, but it's a pity that he hasn't had time to take it back. These believers were slaughtered here by your team - although this was also arranged by me."

"Then what does he have to do with my longevity? Is he planning to..." Aiden frowned slightly, "Kill me?"

"Yes, my power can calculate the future. In the future I see, you will almost certainly die in his hands. He has the power of God which is an overwhelming advantage for you." Meili Filia said.

"Is your calculation of the future accurate?"

"Without the interference of other rulers, it is basically absolutely accurate." Melifilia said, "He will definitely kill you. He is only one step away from becoming a ruler. He needs to kill an enemy who truly hates you to complete it. ceremony."

"I'm really flattered. I've never even met his face, so I'm qualified to be his enemy?" Aiden asked.

"Because you killed almost all his followers here, and the most important thing is that I became interested in you." Melifilia smiled, "He will be jealous of this."

"I really have no chance of winning?" Aiden was still dubious.

Melifilia smiled, and then briefly explained to him the power Mr. Bloody Clothes had gained.

Aiden's face turned serious.

"Do you understand? The prerequisite for having a chance is that you can get the same power as him. Unfortunately, within half a month, he will come to kill you." Melifilia smiled.

Aiden thought in silence for a while, and just when he was about to open his mouth, Melifilia read his thoughts and said: "Don't expect him to betray me, I will hate him to the bone, and his betrayal is also mine." In the script, when he completes his promotion, I will take everything back with interest.”

"But can such a simple script really satisfy you?" Aiden was still considering persuading Melifilia to deal with Mr. Bloody Clothes.

Mr. Bloody Clothes was the one who slipped through the net of this cult. Considering his behavior in managing this cult, it was hard to imagine what would happen if such a person gained the power of a ruler. Aiden still felt it was necessary to deal with him.

But from Melifilia's description, it sounds like he really has no chance of winning against Mr. Bloody Clothes.

"I also feel that there is a little bit of twists and turns." Melifilia seemed to be persuaded. She thought about it and suddenly smiled, "Ah, speaking of which, I have always wanted to go to the underworld to summon souls from other worlds. Yes, I just need a decent body..."

"What are you thinking about?" Aiden asked.

"I've thought about it, I will interfere with that guy's promotion ceremony a little bit as you wish." In exchange, your existence is mine. I plan to summon a new soul. When you die, I will let that soul inherit everything from you until that guy passes my test. Melifilia expressed her whim, "Well, that's right. I'm also worried about whether it would be difficult to adapt to the souls from other worlds coming here. It would be perfect if I could borrow the memories of the 'locals'." . "

"Although some parts are hard to understand... does this mean that I will have a successor?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, he will inherit everything from you, body, memory and even knowledge. I will harvest him as a new chess piece."

"..." Aiden fell into deep thought, and it sounded like his death was inevitable. After a while, he said, "I have a condition."

"You will examine the successor soul first? I see, you plan to choose a soul similar to yourself." Melifilia read the other person's heart again, "To be honest, you are not qualified to make conditions with me, but it sounds like That’s interesting, that’s right. It seems like you’re planning to put your money on your successor.”

"Will you provide him with equal conditions?" Aiden asked.

"It would be too boring to be born to receive favors. What's more, I want to observe more how souls from other worlds will adapt to this world... Well, I'm tired of watching scripts that can deduce the ending from the beginning, so I'll add a little more I won't let him know too much, but I will give him a little bit of divinity. According to my prediction, if I am in this area, the forces related to authority will gather here soon. If you are qualified to enter the world of authority, I will try my best to provide him with equal conditions."

"But you said you can deduce the future. You should be able to see his ending soon. How can this be random?"

"So! How about this, I will fulfill your wish and let you arrest me." Melifilia was prepared, "I know that your organization holds the tools to 'balance' power - of course, you don't know This secret. This thing can fix the mind and body at the same time. As long as I accept it obediently, I can seal the power of my prediction. Just let me be your prisoner for a while."

"Are you serious?" Aiden frowned, a little unbelievable that the other party would take the initiative to propose such a proposal to destroy his power.

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