The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 663 Two Dominators vs. Two Dominators

A few minutes later, in a corner of a certain street.


Kikimora gasped for air and stretched out her hand towards the lamppost next to her to help herself, but her hand went through it.

Only then did she suddenly remember that she was still in an "overhead" state, and she only allowed the ground and herself to interfere with each other.

His mind was almost blank, and everything he had just experienced seemed like a nightmare.

But she managed to escape from that realm, and even when she encountered Mr. Bloody Clothes in Gistas, she didn't escape in such an awkward manner.

Fog suddenly rolled up in front of her eyes, and she instinctively became wary, then realized that it was Abigail calling her.

She obeyed the call, and then the figure of Abigail shrouded in gray mist appeared in front of her.

Kikimora lifted the "invisibility" on Abigail, allowing Abigail to see her.

Kikimora noticed that Abigail at this moment had wings and sharp claws, exactly like a harpy.

"Are you still conscious? Kikimora." Abigail asked.

"You look like must have just escaped. Thank God, that area only covers the vicinity of the prison." Kikimora gasped, "How did you do it?"

"Before my consciousness was eroded, I let my instinct completely take over my body, and I turned myself into a beast." Abigail explained, "It was my survival instinct that allowed me to successfully escape from that realm."

"What a gamble." Kikimora let out a long breath, "Where's Lamia? Have you finished playing?"

Abigail did not speak, but raised one of her wings, allowing the wings to quickly transform into a hand, pointing behind Kikimora.

Kikimora turned around and saw Lamia's projection.

Wrapped in the thick fog, Lamia's figure was extremely blurry, and only the half-human, half-snake silhouette could barely tell who she was.

"Lamia?" Kikimora frowned.

"Ah...ah..." Lamia made a hollow sound like babble.

Obviously, she was not aware of the existence of the other two people in the projection space at all.

"She was releasing magic power unconsciously, so I could use the credentials to summon her." Abigail said, "But that's all, she no longer has her own consciousness."

"Used 'chaos' on yourself?" Chichimora said.

It is obvious that Lamia used the "chaos" power of "chaos" authority on herself, disrupting her spirit and turning herself into a foolish person who completely lost the ability to distinguish. He could not even understand the concepts of love and hate. This makes her immune to the indiscriminate attacks of the power of "desire."

"Without it, she would have been completely controlled," Abigail said.

"But with her like this, we can only hope that the warden will bring her spirit back to normal in the future." Chichimola said.

"Lamia can only place its bet on him, and we are the same now." Abigail said, "We agreed to help him fight against the Dominator, but in the face of the Dominator's power, the Saint is completely vulnerable. "

"The Dominator is such an existence, and you actually want to take us together to challenge the King of the Wilderness?" Kikimora smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"At least the King of the Wilderness has lost his normal consciousness, but this ruler... Humph, we can only be glad that we escaped quickly." Abigail said, "Did that man succeed in being promoted? I called him, But he didn't respond to me."

This is what she is most concerned about now. To a certain extent, they have fulfilled their promise to assist Aiden. If Aiden can successfully be promoted to Dominator and keep his promise, he will be a major help for them to seize power in the future.

"Things may be more complicated than we thought." Kikimora lowered her eyes. At this moment, she remembered the last smile on Aiden's face, which was obviously not the expression Aiden would show.

Aiden once told them that the ruler had the ability to assimilate others. When they asked whether Aiden might have been hinted or influenced, Aiden's reaction was a little abnormal.

Maybe, the current warden has already——

Thinking of this, Kikimora felt her heart sinking.

Don't lose, Warden.

Now that was all she and Abigail could hope for.

Rose Iron Prison.

Melissa came to the warden's office, and the prison guard under her control opened the door for her diligently.

After entering Aiden's office, she found the key with ease and opened the secret door to the underground.

She had read Aiden's memories and knew where Melifilia was being held and how to unlock the tunnel.

She walked down the steps calmly and came to the door of the mithril dungeon.

The runes on the door turned a warning red, and this cell was basically only allowed to be accessed by Aiden, who was the watchman.

If Melissa does not provide a normal blood sample, the traps and magic traps attached to the door will be activated immediately.

She softly recited the words of God, the "prayer" power of the "desire" authority.

A realm opened up around her, and she made a "wishe" to have the gate open, and her desires began to distort the reality within the realm.

In the field of "prayer", everything becomes idealistic, and things begin to develop in the direction she wants. Even if there is only an extremely slight probability of something, as long as the person is under the power, that probability will Manipulated by power and greatly amplified.

Extremely low probability failures occurred one after another on this gate. The magic rune failed, and the trap got stuck as soon as it was activated. Melissa smeared her blood on the door, and the cell door was incorrectly identified during the failure, and it was unlocked and opened.

The door rumbled, and Melissa stepped into the cell without sunlight.

The halo of the lantern illuminated the space inside, and Melissa saw the person she was looking forward to.

"You really came here first." Aiden stood beside the table where he usually played chess with Melifilia with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, Melifilia, nailed to the execution rack by the holy nails, closed her eyes, as if she was still asleep.

"You knew I would come here?" Melissa said.

"You are the one who can manipulate the dice points, and the rules of the game are just for your pleasure." Aiden replied calmly, "You have the ability to liberate your own 'wisdom' authority, so you will regard it as your own option."

"Two rulers against two rulers, I think this is fair, it doesn't count as breaking the rules of the game." Melissa smiled and spread her hands, "She will attach to you."

"You already know everything." Aiden breathed a sigh of relief.

"You really chose this self-consciousness. I gave you the opportunity to leave the chessboard and become a chess player like me again. I didn't expect you to choose to continue to be this chess piece. Are you too into the role-playing?" Melissa put on her signature weird smile on her face, "It was another 'me' who helped you do it?"

"It's the same as what I thought..." Aiden nodded, "The goddess of vengeance was also your clone, right?"

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