The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 667: Limitations of Mortals

The violent tremors invaded the space, and Aiden realized that his prison was facing a catastrophe.

Melissa's power of wish-fulfillment distorted reality. As long as something was possible, she could gradually magnify the possibility through her wish until it came true.

Aiden, who lacked intelligence, was unprepared for this and was caught off guard.

At this time, cracks had begun to appear in some of the dilapidated buildings in the prison, and small pieces of rubble and dust fell rapidly. The prisoners and guards in the prison just opened their empty eyes and had no reaction to the impending death. They had already been affected by Melissa's power.

Without much hesitation, Aiden immediately spread the "return" field to the entire prison and the surrounding areas.

The magnitude of the earthquake was significantly reduced, and the buildings that were about to collapse quickly returned to their original state.

"Just as I thought, you care about the lives of these mortals." Melissa smiled at Aiden and raised her hand.

Aiden's eyes widened. He saw several core area prison guards and staff with empty eyes following Melissa, including the warden Franda, Veronica and Tony Dodge.

"How about this time, I order them to do it themselves?" Melissa smiled.

She kept her word. After raising her hand and clapping twice, she passed the order of "ending one's life" to the consciousness of everyone who was bewitched by her power.

Aiden also heard this order, which could not affect his actions. He knew that Melissa just let him know that the order had been issued.

Franda and Veronica drew their pistols at the same time and prepared to point them at themselves, while Tony began to chant "annihilation".

"Phoenix!" He shouted to the goddess of vengeance in his heart.

"What a trouble..." The goddess of vengeance didn't care about the life and death of these people. In the end, she imposed "betrayal" on these people according to his wishes, reversing their desire to die.

Aiden took this opportunity to announce a new rule: "In the domain, any behavior that may lead to your own death is prohibited."

"Finally, I found a loophole." When Aiden and the goddess of vengeance were distracted to protect other people in the prison, Melissa did not miss this opportunity.

"Persuasion" and "Desire" were imposed on Aiden again. The third mental erosion attack, Aiden's "return" and the goddess of vengeance's "betrayal" were scattered to other targets to a certain extent, while Melissa focused her power on Aiden alone. At this moment, her power took the upper hand.

Aiden's eyes were empty, and at this moment he had only one thought-to give everything to the goddess of conspiracy.

"Give me back my other half and give her freedom." Melissa called directly to Aiden's spirit.

Aiden nodded gently and opened the door of "imprisonment" beside Melissa, and then, Melifilia appeared beside Melissa, and even the holy nails on her body were stripped off by Aiden with the power of "return".

Melifilia slowly opened her sleepy eyes, and the holy nails with the power of "fixation" scattered all over the ground.

"Boy!" The goddess of vengeance cast "betrayal" on Aiden again.

Aiden suddenly came to his senses, but this time it was too late.

Melissa did not give him any chance to react, and called on Melifilia's consciousness, asking her to merge with her and share this body.

Melifilia opened her eyes completely, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The next moment, her spirit was stripped out of her body and entered Melissa's body.

The combination of the authority of "wisdom" and the authority of "desire", the authority of both will be enhanced at the same time.

"You are more stupid than the goddess of vengeance. After all, she seized the authority and became independent, but you are addicted to playing a mortal." Melissa smiled slightly, "You lost to this limitation of your own... huh?"

She suddenly frowned slightly.

She found that although Melifilia's spirit immediately accepted the call and entered this body, it did not immediately share memories with her. She and Melifilia originally had the same mindset. As long as their memories were synchronized, their spirits would be completely assimilated, and the fusion would be natural.

This shouldn't be the case. She and Melifilia had the same mindset. She was expecting this now, and Melifilia should have the same goal.

But now "Merifilia's" consciousness always refused to communicate with her, and Melissa even felt that the other party had strong hostility after entering this body.

At this time, Aiden spoke: "The limitations of mortals are also advantages, such as letting a high god like you relax your vigilance."

"Oh, it can't be..." Melissa turned to Melifilia.

Melifilia, who was stripped of her spirit, should have become an empty shell and fell down, but at this moment "Merifilia" was not only still standing well, but even began to giggle.

"Even though you have recovered Mr. Bloody's memory, you still fell for the same trick. You really don't deserve the title of the goddess of conspiracy." Aiden stared at Melissa and said, "It's all thanks to you for not taking a 'mortal' like me seriously."

"I see, it's another 'stand-in'." Melissa laughed.

"Melifilia"'s appearance twisted, and then turned into... Prisoner No. 3020 in Cell No. 3, "Mad Man" Hero.

Before Melissa came, Aiden also made some preparations.

"I understand. You used the 'law' to make an unbreakable contract for yourself in advance, right?" Melissa looked into Aiden's eyes and asked.

Aiden didn't reply, which was considered as tacit agreement.

Before Melissa came, he used a "stand-in" to disguise Hero as Melifilia, locked him in the imprisonment space of the "punishment" power, and used the power of the "law" to set an absolute rule for himself that only he would abide by: the next time he wanted to release the prisoners in the imprisonment space, no matter who he wanted to release, Hero must be released first.

When Aiden was bewitched by Melissa to release the prisoners, the prior rules took effect, forcing Aiden to execute the precondition of releasing Hero first.

This bought time for the goddess of vengeance to react. When Aiden was about to release Melifilia, the goddess of vengeance used "betrayal" in time to wake him up.

With Melissa's power and brain, in fact, as long as she observed for a few more seconds, she would definitely be able to detect the disguise. However, she didn't have that time. The goddess of vengeance made Aiden wake up quickly, and she could only complete the fusion with Melifilia before Aiden used his power again.

As a result, she mistakenly summoned another spirit that could come and go freely in Hero's body into her own body.

"Now, we can settle the past grudges." She heard the voice of the goddess of vengeance ringing in her spiritual world.

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