"…So, you mean Anna and Catherine from Room 6 stopped you in the locker room and extorted control money from you, is that what you mean?" Aiden folded his hands and began to ask questions.

Fei'er nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, they said that if I didn't give them money, they would break all my fingers. I said that Lord Aiden would not sit idly by, and they said that the warden was a piece of shit-"

"I warn you not to add fuel to the fire. If I find out that you are smuggling private goods and scolding me, you can wait to be put in solitary confinement." Aiden interrupted her with his eyes wide open.

"In short, they are extorting money from me there, and they are very fierce." Fei'er shrank her neck.

Aiden nodded, and this statement was consistent with the truth told by Veronica.

"What about Veronica?"

"She..." Fei'er thought for a while, "She was taking a shower alone in there, and I don't know how she heard it. She suddenly ran out to warn the two people not to go too far. The two people fought with her, and then the death row prisoner fought with them."

"Would they be stupid enough to provoke the death row prisoner?" Aiden stared at Fei'er's eyes, "You'd better not talk nonsense, otherwise..."

"Yes, I remembered it wrong!" Fei'er waved her hands quickly, "The two bitches were scared after she warned them, but as soon as she left, they immediately became ferocious and started to beat me, and then the death row prisoner came back to save me, and then they fought with them."

"Since the two of them are so afraid of the death row prisoner, how could they have the courage to beat you before she left?" Aiden narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Who, who knows? They are bad people, what can't bad people do?" Fei'er subconsciously looked away.

"It's really not you who took the initiative to provoke them, so that they couldn't help but beat you?" Aiden asked with a sneer.

"How, how could that be?" Fei'er smiled guiltily.

"..." Aiden looked at her and said nothing.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you the truth!" Fei'er felt uncomfortable being stared at, and raised her hands in surrender, "I saw that they were so afraid of the death row prisoners, so I provoked them a little..."

"So, you saw that Veronica would help you, so you used her to deal with the two people in Room 6." Aiden nodded and smiled teasingly, "Okay, you're smart, you drive the tiger to swallow the wolf, and save a bodyguard fee."

"What bodyguard fee? What are you talking about?" Fei'er's eyes wandered.

"Don't pretend, even if Veronica didn't help you, you would have spent money to hire other prisoners to deal with those two idiots. You have been relying on this method to get by here all the time, right?" Aiden pointed out bluntly.

Veronica didn't know that she was being used by Fei'er. Although Fei'er had no fighting power, she was actually very cunning.

As the richest woman in the core area, when she encounters trouble, she will choose to bribe other big men in the prison to help her settle it. And because she has been here many times, she has accumulated a lot of connections here. Prisoners who know her will never choose to make trouble for her. Only young people like Anna and Catherine who have just been transferred from other prisons will be stupid enough to blackmail her.

"How could it be, I am such a simple-minded person..." Fei'er still wanted to get away.

"A pimp saying that he is simple-minded is like a lion saying that he is a vegetarian." Aiden snorted disdainfully, "The last question, how did you faint?"

Fei'er tapped her chin with her hand and pretended to recall: "I don't know, when they were fighting, I was about to run, and then I don't know who hit me on the back of the head..."

"Really didn't you step on the soap and then hit the cabinet and fainted?" Aiden tried.

"You know everything and still ask me?" Fei'er puffed up her face.

"The soap was dropped by Veronica. Are you trying to hide it for her?"

"She helped me once, after all. I am a man of integrity." Fei'er folded her hands, her face full of integrity.

"You are still being righteous even after you are in prison..." Aiden felt angry and amused. "Okay, I have learned the general course of events. Since you are okay, go back to your room with the prison guard later."

Fei'er's final confession was consistent with Veronica's description. From this point of view, Veronica was probably telling the truth.

Just when Aiden was about to get up, Fei'er suddenly called him: "Wait a minute, Master Aiden."

"What? Don't say you are not feeling well and want me to stay here with you. I am very busy now. Don't mess with me!" Aiden stared at Fei'er with a vigilant look. This girl always seizes any opportunity to make trouble.

"No!" Fei'er pouted in dissatisfaction, "I just want to tell you that guy...may not be a murderer."

"How can you be so sure? Just because she helped you once?"

"I stayed in the same room with her yesterday and was too scared to sleep. It was the first time I got along with such a scary person. I was really unsure, so I tried to explore her dreams while she was asleep..."

"Aren't all your powers sealed?" Aiden frowned.

"There's still a little left. Although I can't charm and absorb essence, I can still peek into other people's dreams." Fei'er explained to him, "Dreams can sometimes show a person's subconscious. I originally wanted to find out if she has any psychological weaknesses."

"Are you a psychological master?" Aiden laughed.

"I'm serious!" Fei'er said angrily, "We often sneak into other people's dreams to study the target's desires and preferences. Succubi with a little experience will have a certain understanding of human psychology."

"So what did you see in her dream?"

"Then Lord Aiden, please give me a little magic power, and I will show you with illusion." Fei'er requested.

Aiden immediately became suspicious.

"I won't do anything tricky, I don't want to die!" Fei'er slapped the bed and shouted.

"Okay." Aiden glanced at the prison doctor next to him, "You help me keep an eye on it. If there is anything abnormal, call the riot police in immediately."

"Don't trust me at all." Fei'er complained dissatisfiedly.

"Whoever believes you is the biggest fool in the world." Aiden rolled his eyes at her, "Okay, hurry up. Prisoner 3307, unlock the temporary magic power."

As soon as the voice fell, Fei'er immediately felt that part of her magic power suppressed by the barrier was restored.

"Okay!" She sat up on the bed with full energy, stretched out her hand to Aiden's temple, and began to perform magic.

Aiden felt a white flash in front of his eyes, and then the scene around him changed. He found himself sitting in the audience of the court, and the sound of the verdict like the sound of a bell came from high above:

"... As a law enforcement officer, the defendant used his power to kill civilians with a gun. His behavior constituted dereliction of duty and murder. In the process of being arrested, he maliciously attacked law enforcement officers. His behavior seriously affected the reputation of the law enforcement agency. The jury unanimously ruled that the defendant was guilty of dereliction of duty, murder, and obstruction of public service, and decided to sentence him to death."

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