The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 12 The day of the incident

A month ago, at 12:10 on the day of the incident, Xiacheng District.

The door of the Oak Tavern, which was supposed to be open during business hours, was closed, with two crossed seals sealing the door.

"...No, it's not like our shop is the only one selling alcohol mixed with other liquors. Why are you just staring at us, ah?" The proprietress of the tavern stood in front of the bar and slapped the table angrily, "You're closing the shop at night and arresting people. How can we keep our store open in the future?”

"Yes, yes, that woman is also very lonely in the police force and doesn't understand the rules at all." The fat man sitting in front of the bar burped and smelled of alcohol.

He had drunk a lot, and when he picked up the glass, his hand shook unconsciously, and the liquor flowed along the wall of the glass and onto his hand.

He noticed the wet back of his hand and subconsciously wiped it with the sleeve of his uniform.

Mounted police uniform.

"That woman just wants to force us to death! I heard before that when those werewolves killed people, they would cut off people's flesh piece by piece and torture others for fun. Such inhuman monsters should be locked up as soon as they are born. !” The landlady was still gnashing her teeth, “Why do you still let werewolves become policemen? This world is really crazy, right?”

"Ah, if the director hadn't always protected her, how could she have stayed in the police force?" The man responded, shaking his wine glass.

"Could you be sleeping with someone else?" the landlady sneered.

The man didn't respond. The boss's wife's words brought back bad memories for him.

"...It's not easy for a woman like you to stay in the police force, but it will be different if someone helps you." At that time, he approached the expressionless Veronica and whispered, "You should have Have you heard of it? My father is Congressman Anthony Rowton. I am really not bragging. Take a good look at this pocket watch..."

He took out an exquisitely crafted rose gold pocket watch, held it up to Veronica's eyes, and said eloquently: "Look at the harpy coat of arms on it. This is the emblem of our Roton family. My father is Roton." The head of the Dun family, I am his only son... You know what I mean, I am also a well-known figure in Silver City. At the Crown Hotel in the center of the city, I always take credit on credit when I go to eat and rest. You haven’t been there yet? Why not tonight…”

Taking advantage of the alcohol, he stretched his hand towards Veronica's shoulder.

But at this moment, Veronica raised her hand like lightning and grabbed his wrist. The force was so strong that he subconsciously took a breath.

He wanted to take his hand back, but found that his hand seemed to be clamped by a blacksmith's iron pliers and could not move.

"So, you want me to be your mistress?" Veronica squinted at him coldly and asked bluntly.

"No, this..." He felt obvious murderous intent, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I believe you are the son of a congressman, otherwise it would be hard for me to imagine that you would have the guts to drink alcohol while on duty." Veronica, who smelled the smell of alcohol on the other party, said in a cold voice, "But there are two things I want you to do. Remember, firstly, I hate drunkards. Secondly, I hate physical contact with others. If you touch me casually again... I might overreact and destroy your hand!"

At this moment, he suddenly felt that Veronica began to exert force, and a sharp pain passed through his wrist, making him cry out uncontrollably.

...It's really vivid in my mind, and my wrist hurts when I think about it.

Damn, what a shameless bitch. If she didn’t have a decent face, who would give her such a chance?

Thinking of this, he depressedly took another swig of wine.

Speaking of which, I haven’t touched a woman for several days. Why not go for a walk in Fireworks Alley tonight? Anyway, you don’t have to spend money to use the title of Mounted Police...

The alcohol surged up in waves, making him feel more and more intoxicated. His head felt as if it had been dipped in warm water, making him dizzy.

The proprietress watched from the side as the most expensive wine in the store quickly disappeared into his mouth, as if flowing into a bottomless cave, and she couldn't help but feel a little painful.

"I said, can you really help me settle things?" the landlady asked with a look of doubt on her face.

This man vowed to her that he could remove the case from their tavern and get her husband out. So she took the money out as the other party said, and left the other party to drink freely in the store.

To be honest, it's not a big deal for the damn guy at home to be locked up for a few days, but if we don't find a way to reverse the case of selling fake wine in the store, the tavern won't be able to stay open.

"It's okay as I said. Why are you asking? Don't you believe me?" The man paused his wine glass displeasedly, causing the remaining wine in the glass to splash. The strength of the wine made him extremely agitated.

"Who knows? You lied to me and I can't explain you." The proprietress showed no sign of weakness. She had a fierce temperament that dared to go to the police station to cause trouble, and she had to deal with drunkards in the pub all the time. The man treated her like this. No deterrent at all.

This stupid woman is really troublesome...

The man fumbled impatiently for a while, and being so drunk that he couldn't remember where he had stuffed his pocket watch.

After a while, he finally took out the gold pocket watch and showed it to the landlady: "Open your eyes and see clearly, this is the emblem of the Rowton family! Congressman Anthony Rowton, you know, that's my dad..." …I have so many options, so what’s the point of helping you sort out such a small thing?”

The landlady looked at the pocket watch, still a little doubtful. She didn't know much about congressmen or the like, but this gold watch did seem to be quite valuable... maybe the police officer in front of her really had some connections.

"Okay." The proprietress let out a long sigh and pushed an envelope over the bar. "I'll put the money here. You have to help me do it."

The man took the envelope with a dark face and stuffed it into his pocket several times before he succeeded.

It's so unlucky to run into a woman who doesn't know how to be polite when asking someone to do something for him. When he took things from other stores and collected money, which of those low-class people didn't nod and bow?

He didn't lack money at all, he just enjoyed the feeling of being high and mighty. This boring public office only has this little fun worth praising.

Speaking of those women in the red-light district, they should be grateful for their favor, but they are in a hurry to finish the business just because they didn't pay. It's meaningless...

Now that I'm full of wine, let's go there for a walk... Wait, it seems that it's almost time to return the gun. That damn place seems to be in the opposite direction... Damn it, can't it be opened next to the police station...

The man thought vaguely, and his drifting eyes just fixed on the plump chest of the proprietress.

"What are you looking at?" The lady boss immediately noticed his gaze and glared at him warily.

"Well..." The man suddenly had an idea and grinned, "I received the money, let's talk about the rest of the reward."

Driven by the alcohol, he reached out and grabbed the lady boss's hand.

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