The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 2 You are always there

Turntable combination lock, automatic magic runes, hexagram alchemical seal array, monitoring spirit... After the female jailer unlocked the complicated mechanisms one by one, the heavy iron door blocking Aiden finally opened, and what appeared in front of him was a long corridor with iron cages neatly arranged on both sides.

The Rose Iron Prison in Silver City, recognized as the most strict and solid women's prison in the entire continent, gathered the most dangerous and vicious female criminals on the continent, and Aiden was the warden in charge of managing this prison.

This is the core area deep in the Rose Iron Prison, where a group of the most dangerous witches in the world are imprisoned. As the warden, Aiden would take some time out every few days to come here for a personal inspection.

The warden Flanda, who followed Aiden, walked into the gate, knocked on the railing next to him with an iron rod, and shouted with full energy: "Everyone line up in front of the door! Be well behaved, the warden is here to inspect in person!"

As soon as these words came out, dozens of cages immediately became agitated.

"Is Aiden here?" The female prisoners gathered in front of the cell door and looked at the end of the corridor through the iron bars.

"How are you doing recently, ladies?" Aiden smiled and waved to everyone, as if a star actor in the opera house was greeting his fans.

This sentence immediately made the whole prison boil. In an instant, the screams of ghosts and wolves shook the earth. The female prisoners rushed to express their "missing feelings" for the warden with the most full enthusiasm:

"Fuck you! Come on, feed the warden!"

"Aiden, fuck your uncle, come in and fight me if you dare!"

"Ha! Why is our big warden visiting again? Are you unsatisfied? Come and lick my feet!"

"Aiden, you stupid bastard! Come and take my punch!"

The vicious abuse filled with murderous intent came overwhelmingly, but Aiden and Flanda who followed him had long been accustomed to it. They walked slowly along the corridor and counted the prisoners in the cell one by one.

The deepest core area basically only holds one type of criminals, that is, those who have outstanding strength and are difficult to be detained in other prisons. Most of them are alien species with strength far above that of humans, blood races, demons, liches, evil dragons, and even some indescribable things... There are so many types that they can almost form a biological museum.

Most of these witches are ruthless characters who trample on the rules unscrupulously with their powerful strength. They are the most dangerous elements that this prison needs to pay attention to.

From the different reactions of the female prisoners, it is possible to roughly judge how long they have been in this prison.

Those who jump up and down and shout the most are actually the newcomers who have just been imprisoned in this prison. They have not been worn out yet. Their first reaction when they see the big prisoner is still to want to peel off their skin, eat their flesh and gnaw their bones.

Secondly, there are people who have been imprisoned for a while and have restrained themselves a little after suffering a few times. Although they still have their edge, they no longer have the impulse to vent this kind of impotent rage.

For example, Ophelia, who was caught escaping from prison not long ago.

"Hey, Prince Groundhog." Aiden stopped in front of a cell and looked at Ophelia, who was lying on the railing and staring at him unwillingly, with a joking face.

Ophelia turned away with an angry face.

"Because of escaping prison, your sentence will be increased again." Aiden teased.

"Anyway, my sentence is one hundred years, one more year is not much!" Ophelia answered very firmly.

"You will be in solitary confinement for another month starting tomorrow..."

"No big deal, I used to sleep in a coffin!" Ophelia looked down on him.

"I will make the photos of your escape into publicity materials and circulate them to everyone here." Aiden threw another blow.

This time Ophelia was shaken - Aiden took a picture of her body covered in mud and turned around in surprise. If this undignified look was seen by other prisoners, it would be tantamount to public execution. It is estimated that she will become the laughing stock of other prisoners for a long time in the future.

Aiden waited until Ophelia crawled out of the prison before closing the net. The main purpose was to step on her face and let other prisoners see the funny appearance of the escapee dancing in the palm of his hand as the warden, so as to truly achieve the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkey.

Sometimes face is a more useful means of restraint than interests. Many prisoners don't care about being punished, but care about being embarrassed.

"Whatever you want!" Ophelia gritted her teeth and squeezed out this hard-mouthed word from between her teeth.

"In addition, your treatment level will be reduced by one level. From tomorrow on, your daily food standard will only be half a cup of blood."

Ophelia couldn't hold it anymore: "Hey, wait a minute, it's already too much to give this prince pig blood. Do you still want to starve me to death now?"

"What prince, you are already a prisoner, please be a little self-conscious, okay? If you want to restore your treatment, you should reform honestly. If you violate the discipline again, it will not be as simple as reducing your treatment." Aiden pulled the corner of his mouth.

Ignoring Ophelia's curses, the two continued to move forward. The deepest corridor seemed much quieter than the front. Most of the prisoners gathered in front of the railings in a cooperative manner. Some even took the initiative to greet Aiden:

"The warden is here today."

"Did the warden change his hairstyle? So handsome!"

"Warden, when will you take me out for some fresh air?"


Aiden waved at them with a smile, but Flanda, who followed behind, did not relax for a moment, because she knew very well that most of these prisoners who seemed to be extremely cooperative were heavy criminals with extremely long sentences. These people have spent a long time in this Rose Iron Prison, and after Aiden's personal training, they have completely integrated into the prison life.

Compared with the seemingly violent newcomers in the front, these old-timers are actually more cunning and dangerous. The most powerful witches in this prison are among them.

Of course, there are occasional exceptions.

"Ah, Lord Aiden! Finally see you again, I miss you so much!" The charming succubus waved to Aiden enthusiastically across the iron bars and threw him a kiss.

"Oh, it's Fei'er." Aiden nodded habitually and continued to move forward.

After taking two steps, he suddenly realized something was wrong. He frowned and stepped back, staring at the succubus in the cell: "Why are you still here? I remember you were released last month!"

"Ahaha, this..." Fei'er scratched her face and looked away awkwardly.

Aiden realized something and turned to Flanda beside him and asked: "When did she come in again?"

"Today. The reason is still the same, illegal business and production safety accidents, privately organizing other succubus to do their old business, but without restraint, resulting in a large number of men being sent to the hospital due to sudden weakness." Flanda answered expressionlessly.

"Why are you always included in the anti-prostitution campaign?" Aiden rubbed his eyebrows solemnly after hearing this.

Counting it up, Fei'er has been here for the fifth time since he took office as the warden.

Is this woman here to mess with him?

As succubi, Fei'er and her companions have the ability to make people have erotic dreams and then take the opportunity to absorb their essence, so they opened a shop and provided dream services to customers for money. As the leader of this group of succubi, Fei'er became the proprietress of this shop.

This kind of livelihood itself is not explicitly prohibited, but because Fei'er and her companions lack restraint, they often excessively absorb the essence of customers, causing customers to be sent to the hospital due to life failure in their sleep. Soon, this group of succubi were all thrown into prison due to business accidents, and the shop was also revoked.

But Fei'er showed an extremely tenacious spirit in this regard. Even though her qualification to open a shop was revoked, she still gathered her companions to resume her old business in private after being released.

It's just that this group of succubi with an extraordinary appetite had no ability to learn lessons at all, and they were soon arrested for the same reason.

In this way, with repeated re-doing of old business and repeating the same mistakes, Fei'er became a frequent visitor to the Rose Iron Prison.

Under normal circumstances, her strength and crimes are not qualified to be compared with other prisoners in this area. But as a high-level succubus, Fei'er can not only use magic to pass through walls, but also seduce ordinary people just by looking at each other. Ordinary prisons cannot accept her at all, and she can only be thrown into the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison.

"I just made a small mistake, but they said I was a repeat offender and sentenced me to a whole year, which is too much! Lord Aiden, can you find a way to reduce my sentence? I'm willing to do anything..." Fei'er fawned on Aiden.

"Oh?" Aiden suddenly seemed to be interested. He looked around, then approached Fei'er and asked her mysteriously, "Really... willing to do anything?"

"Of course it's true, really anything is possible." Fei'er saw that the other party was hooked, and her eyes were shining with excitement.

"Then you..." Aiden licked his lips, paused, and then smiled warmly, "Can you reform yourself? Promise me that you won't be a pimp anymore, okay?"

"Eh?" Fei'er was stunned for a moment, then smiled apologetically, "Okay, next time, definitely next time! This time, try to reduce my sentence first! I can serve you well at night..."

"You still have the nerve to ask me for a sentence reduction? I've been enduring you for a long time!" Aiden suddenly changed his face and kicked the iron railing, "You always increase my workload for that little thing, do you think this is a hotel!?"

The most important thing about being a jailer is that you can never trust the prisoners here. The most dangerous thing about a succubus is that it can seduce the target when he is off guard, and then control his mind.

Moreover, Fei'er has a long criminal record. Even guests who are just dreaming of casting spells can be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment by her. It is not impossible to accept her temptation directly... and die on the spot.

Fei'er was frightened by Aiden's ferocious appearance and shrank her neck: "I just... just..."

"Shut up, next time you come in, I will lock you up with the female corpse demon." Aiden threatened with cold eyes.

"No, those undeads stink!" Fei'er was scared to death.

Aiden ignored this strange succubus and checked the number of people with his subordinates again.

Finally, Aiden stood at the entrance of the corridor again, took off his hat and addressed the prisoners: "I am very pleased to see that you are still cooperating with our work. See you next time, ladies. I hope you will strive to reform yourself and become a new person in this Rose Iron Prison."

Amid the curses of a group of female prisoners, Aiden closed the door again.

Today's Rose Iron Prison is still a peaceful day.

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