The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 15 It can’t be that there is none

The wandering eyes, the stiff facial expression, the somewhat stumbling conversation, and the small movements of scratching his face to wipe sweat from time to time... Based on Aiden's own subjective judgment, he could firmly conclude that the young man in front of him was lying.

Being a prison guard is not a job that has nothing to do with investigation. Most of the cases where criminals commit crimes in prison are handed over to the prison for investigation. After coming into contact with all kinds of criminals, Aiden himself has somewhat honed his professional sense.

In addition, he left behind the knowledge and experience of his predecessor Aiden as a senior investigator. Although he is not yet proficient enough to be able to use it at his fingertips, he believes that he has at least inherited six or seven successes.

Therefore, he is relatively confident in his eyesight.

What's more, the rookie in the police force in front of him didn't have the counter-investigation qualities to deceive him.

The feeling Bruce gave him was very similar to that of the first-time offenders in prison.

Of course, he himself knew very well that his own subjective judgment had no meaning.

If Veronica is to be overturned, the evidence that convicts Veronica must be overturned - Bruce's testimony and the gun with missing bullets. Both of these pieces of evidence can be produced by Bruce alone.

But on the other hand, as long as Bruce retracts his confession, the chain of evidence that convicts Veronica will be incomplete.

In other words, the young man in front of her is the key to whether Veronica can overturn the verdict.

This time he came specifically to visit Bruce, mainly to confirm what kind of person he was.

The first impression Bruce left on Aiden was that of a relatively simple small character. He was obviously very uneasy about perjury and falsely accusing Veronica of going to jail. In addition to feeling guilty about Veronica, he was also afraid that his perjury would ruin his reputation and even lead to jail.

There should be a chance to find flaws in this kind of perjury committed by a small character.

At this time, the door of the reception room was suddenly pushed open, and a pot-bellied man burst in, breathing heavily and staring directly at the two of them.

Aiden glanced at the visitor in surprise. He knew that due to the nature of the work, the Mounted Police had certain requirements for appearance when selecting members. The man in front of him looked like he was in his prime, but he had already developed an obvious beer belly. If he hadn't been wearing a mounted police uniform, Aiden would never have known that he was a mounted policeman.

"Mr. Jia, Jia Long!" Bruce looked startled.

"What are you doing here?" Jalon looked at Bruce and looked at Aiden warily, "Which department are you in?"

"Hello, I am Aiden, the warden of Rose Iron Prison. Due to some work matters today, I have a few questions to ask Officer Bruce for advice." Aiden briefly exchanged greetings with the other party.

"What's the work problem? How can the prison guards interact with us?" Jia Long stared at him aggressively, "Don't casually chat with our people and affect our work!"

"Don't worry, I've asked all the questions you need to ask, and it's almost time to say goodbye."

Aiden noticed that the other party's attitude was not good, and judged that it would be better not to entangle with the other party, so he stood up on his own initiative.

"Officer Bruce, thank you very much for your cooperation. I will definitely treat you to dinner when I have the opportunity." Aiden took the initiative to shake hands with Bruce and strode out of the reception room. The police officer named Jia Long followed him out without saying a word. .

From the reception room to the police station door, Aiden could feel the other person's eyes on his back every time he looked back.

As soon as he left the police station, Aiden turned into an alley.

After confirming that no one was around, he touched an opal ring on his hand. A black cat appeared from the depths of the alley, approached Aiden and rubbed his leg.

"Have you seen the target clearly? Dai Li." He stared down at the black cat, his lips moving slightly.

"That's the kid talking to the warden, I see." Dai Li's voice rang in his ears, as if the enchanting witch was standing next to him, exhaling like orchid.

The witch Daly knows many secrets. In addition to summoning demons, she can also control black cats and crows as her familiars, allowing them to share their senses with her. In addition, she can also use opals and crystal balls as media to peek into the world. Distant scene.

Even in prison, she can still complete the tracking and surveillance tasks for Aiden.

"Very good. Keep an eye on him when he leaves the police station after get off work, and report his schedule to me in the evening." Aiden knelt down and touched the black cat's head.

"It's my honor to serve you. Of course, if I have the opportunity to eat the freshly baked butter berry pie on No. 7 Street in the Lower City today, I should be even more motivated." The witch coquettishly coquettished him, "There are clear rewards and punishments for helping. The warden must be rewarded for doing such a thing, right? Anyway, thank the warden first. Although the warden hasn’t said it yet, it won’t be without it, right?”

Aiden stared at the black cat with raised eyebrows for a long time, and finally laughed: "You have grown up. Do you dare to negotiate terms with me? That's okay."

Aiden returned to the prison in the afternoon and visited the core area first.

"Room 12, Daly, interview." Aiden came to the door of Room 12 and motioned to Flanda beside him to take her to the interview room.

"Hey, I love you so much, Warden!" Dai Li lay in front of the door and happily winked at Aiden.

"Okay, okay, remember to do your job well." Aiden waved his hand, turned and walked towards Room 13 opposite.

Through the railing, he saw a scene that he could not have imagined until yesterday.

Veronica was sitting on the bed, absentmindedly flipping through a novel - this was one of the few entertainment activities allowed in the prison to kill time, and Fei'er was kneeling behind her, rubbing her shoulders diligently.

Looking at this scene, it was hard to imagine that Fei'er was crying and shouting to change rooms to be separated from the death row prisoner the day before yesterday.

"Hey, when did you become so close?" Aiden jokingly talked to them.

"Lord Aiden, you are here!" Fei'er greeted Aiden diligently as usual.

"Warden..." Veronica also raised her face and nodded to Aiden a little stiffly.

After yesterday's heart-to-heart talk, her attitude towards Aiden had obviously softened.

"Have you recruited a new follower? You have integrated into this place very quickly!" Aiden smiled and pointed at Fei'er behind her.

"She insisted on coming here." Veronica looked quite helpless, "I told her to do her own thing and not to bother me."

"Well, since we are destined to be roommates, we should improve our relationship. As soon as I saw you, I felt that we were particularly compatible!" Fei'er hugged Veronica's neck with a flattering look.

"Let go!" Veronica pushed her arm away without hesitation.

"You are getting better and better at lying." Aiden looked at Fei'er and shook his head. He knew that Fei'er would take the initiative to stick to Veronica after she was sure that Veronica was not the real murderer. In fact, she wanted the other party to protect her and use Veronica as a free bodyguard.

"Okay, room 13, Veronica, the warden will meet." He turned to Veronica and brought up the business.

"Meeting with the warden?" Veronica didn't react.

"Just meet me. I have something to ask you." Aiden said, motioning to Flanda to open the cell door, "Come out."

"What about me?" Fei'er looked like she wanted to climb up the ladder.

"Stay still!" Aiden glared at her.

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