The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 155 Taming Mercury

The liquid metal gathered into a flat sphere again, and at the same time, it emitted a meaningless whisper with a metallic texture.

It would be fine if the demon-devouring bullet didn't work, but even the divine words couldn't do anything to it... For a moment, Aiden felt that he was going to die here.

However, the next ball of mercury did not attack Aiden, who had been forced into a dead end, but surged violently for a few times, and then spit out something the size of a cherry. The thing bounced out and hit the railing of the cell, bounced on the ground a few times, and finally rolled to Aiden's feet.

Then, the mercury ball ignored Aiden and slowly crawled to the cell next to it.

Aiden noticed that this thing seemed to have no intention of attacking him anymore - it didn't even mean to pay attention to him.

He hesitated for a moment, leaned over and picked up the thing that the mercury ball spit out.

It was a glass ball... Of course, it could also be made of crystal, with a hair sealed inside. On the surface of the ball, there were some extremely small and difficult to identify runes engraved, and the craftsmanship was quite delicate.

Could this be... the core of the golem?

Aiden still remembered that Rebecca had told him that the golem made by Vera relied on hair and curse spells to sense and identify its target. And this glass ball should be the core of the spell that drives the golem, because runes cannot be engraved on liquid metal, so this tiny core is used instead.

But the golem took the initiative to spit out the core, which was probably the effect of the divine words that Aiden had just said.

The divine words were effective, at least they made the core that controlled the golem's action mode ineffective, so the golem no longer regarded Aiden as a target, but instead spit out the core as a foreign object.

The problem is that the golem without a core can still move.

When he was puzzled by this question, Aiden saw the mercury ball in front of him slowly attached to the fence of the cell, and then there was a crunching sound similar to chewing.

Aiden was stunned-this thing was chewing the railing.

It's eating!

Arsenal just said that there are two ways to drive mercury in this way. One is to use extremely sophisticated alchemy to make it into a golem. If this is the case, Aiden's divine words should be able to directly turn it back to its original form.

The runes on the glass ball are probably just to control its action logic, just like loaded software.

The other method, using means beyond black magic to give life to metal, is probably the fundamental reason for the mercury itself as hardware to move.

Thinking of this, Aiden had some clues and wanted to do an experiment.

He took out his pistol, took out a magic-eating bullet from it, and threw it at the ball of mercury.

The moment it touched the mercury ball, the magic-eating bullet was immediately swallowed up, and a crisp chewing sound was heard.

Then, the mercury ball spit out something, and Aiden took a closer look - it was the bullet of the magic-forbidden stone, and some gunpowder.

It only ate the metal part of the bullet, and the magic-forbidden stone did not work after entering its body.

At this moment, Aiden was sure.

This mercury golem is a creation of the Word of God. Therefore, neither the Devouring Bullet nor the Word of God of "Return" can turn it back to its pure material form.

According to Daly, Vera should not be able to use the Word of God. I'm afraid that the one who really created the golem and gave life to this pile of mercury was one of the three witches who mastered the Word of God, and Vera made the core that can manipulate it.

Could it be... Abigail? If this is the effect of a saint-level opponent using the Word of God, he should not be able to dispel it with the Word of God with his status.

Is this effect the Word of God of the authority of "matter"? No, it feels more likely to be the authority of "life". At least one of the three great witches has mastered two or three sentences of the Word of "life".

Just as Aiden was thinking quickly, the ball of mercury suddenly peeled off from the railing it was attached to and slowly moved towards Aiden.

Aiden realized its movement and was a little alert.

But the mercury ball just squirmed around Aiden's feet, making some meaningless sounds, and did not make any obvious attacking movements.

After a few seconds, a part of the mercury ball extended and moved towards the gun in Aiden's hand.

Aiden finally understood the purpose of this thing. This guy seemed to be begging for food.

He glanced at the railing that was gnawed by the mercury ball. There was a little gap on the railing, but it was not too obvious. Compared with the large steel that was firmly fixed, the mercury ball seemed to prefer small metal things. It was probably the bullet that Aiden had just fed it that whetted its appetite.

This thing, could it be that it specializes in eating metal...

Aiden thought about it, took two steps back and put the gun away.

The surface of the mercury ball fluctuated rapidly, and it roared at the same time, as if it was dissatisfied with Aiden's actions.

Aiden took out a few coins from his pocket calmly and pinched them with his fingers to show them.

The mercury ball stopped roaring, suddenly jumped twice, and made a sound similar to the hitting of a triangle, showing that it was quite active.

It seemed to like these coins more.

Aiden threw a few copper coins to it, and the mercury swallowed them in an instant, and the sound of chewing suddenly rang out.

While it was eating, Aiden tried to bypass it and came to the other side, and took a few steps towards the gate.

As a result, the mercury ball noticed his movements and followed him with a wriggling sound.

It seems that this thing thinks of itself as a breeder, and its action mode is indeed very similar to that of an animal - it does not directly prey on wild animals, but it feels like a stray dog ​​or cat that has been domesticated.

Is it because it was raised by a witch...

A thought suddenly emerged in Aiden's mind - this thing may be domesticated!

At this time, noisy footsteps came from behind Aiden, and Veronica rushed over with the riot police in the core area.

"Captain, are you okay!?" Veronica shouted with concern.

When they saw the mercury ball appearing in front of Aiden, all the riot police were stunned.

"Be alert!" Veronica shouted.

Then all the riot police took out their guns and opened a horizontal shooting line.

The mercury ball sensed their movements, and instantly let out a low roar, and at the same time turned into a sea urchin shape, like a cat with its fur standing on end.

"Don't move, put your guns away! Back off, back off!" Aiden stopped them in time.

Veronica was stunned at first, but obeyed the order without asking any more questions, immediately put away her gun, and gestured to other team members to do the same.

The riot squad retreated, but the mercury ball was still in a tense state.

Aiden thought about it and showed the silver coin he had been holding in his hand.

The mercury ball paused for a moment, then suddenly put away the spikes, made a pleasant bell sound, and came to Aiden's feet.

Seeing this scene, Aiden laughed dumbly - this guy actually likes to eat expensive food! ?

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