The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 158 Friendly Bilateral Relations

"You are really polite." Aiden looked at Kikimora and said.

"Face an opponent like you, Vera will not get any results if she continues to be stubborn, and may even lose herself. We don't want to watch this side continue to lose people." Kikimora answered calmly.

Aiden heard some information from Kikimora's words.

For the amalgam golem that Abigail gave life to, they said it was a "precious gift" to Vera, and they could even use it as a reason to stop her from attacking this side.

But for the matter of leaving the amalgam golem directly to Aiden, they just said it was a "small gift".

This was certainly for polite reasons, but Aiden could vaguely feel that the other party seemed to have overestimated him because they didn't know the details of this side, and thus regarded him as an existence with an equal background with them.

This is probably the main reason why the Witch Assembly took the initiative to make peace with him-at least for now, they don't want to be his enemy.

This is a good thing for him.

"This is the sincerity we can show. Can you forgive Vera's previous offense?" Kikimora asked.

Although she seemed calm in front of Aiden, she was actually a little nervous.

The amalgam golem was taken away, which was within her expectations, and it did confirm the fact that Aiden Garrod mastered the Word of God.

Then when Aiden saw her, he saw at a glance who the "authority" of the Word of God she mastered belonged to, and confirmed Daly and Precia's evaluation of him.

Because she was also the master of the Word of God, Kikimora knew very well how difficult it was to obtain information about the Word of God and divinity. The Witch Assembly only obtained a small part of the information with the contact network shared by several great witches.

But the amount of information the man in front of him seemed to have was not less than theirs.

Either he is actually a hidden "saint", or there is a "saint" or even a higher-level existence behind him...

And this man is also inextricably linked to the heresy trial of the autonomous state. It is too dangerous for the current witch gathering to be enemies with this man.

As for Aiden, after hearing what Qiqimora said, he actually wanted to nod his head and say "Okay, of course I support it". It would be his dream to be sure that Abigail and the entire witch gathering would not attack him.

But that reaction was too petty and too tacky. In the end, he pretended to think for a few seconds, and finally nodded slightly, and replied in a calm tone: "Okay, you are willing to take the initiative to reveal this matter. It would be too petty for me to be so petty."

"It's great that you agree." Qiqimora, who got a satisfactory answer, saluted again gracefully.

"But, to be honest, I'm really worried about you coming into my prison so casually." Aiden said, pointing his finger at Precia, "I guess you have secretly met them before, right?"

It's easy to imagine that since Qiqimora has the ability to easily sneak into this prison, he will probably find Daly and Precia to talk and collect some information first.

"Don't worry, I just strolled around here and visited the prison by the way." Qiqimora smiled, "You should also know that mortals can only use the power of the ruler to a limited extent. It is difficult for me to complete the prison break by using the power of "nothingness" alone."

To be honest, Aiden didn't know the limit of Qiqimora's use of the Word of God. He didn't even fully understand the full picture of the power that Qiqimora possessed. But it seemed that Qiqimora seemed to think he knew, so he could only pretend to know.

"Just strolling around is a big problem. If you want to visit the prison, just go to the reception desk. You are not on the wanted list of the Inquisition." Aiden said "calmly".

"Well, I'll try my best." Kikimora replied in a vague tone.

Aiden knew that the other party would probably not comply. After all, he had no way to deal with Kikimora's infiltration into the prison at the moment. The initiative was in the hands of the other party. This was not something he could solve with just his mouth.

Fortunately, he now at least knew that "someone in the witch gathering had the means to infiltrate the prison." This matter itself was also a very important piece of information. It was better to know than not to know.

The most critical question was whether she had discovered the underground cell of Melifilia.

Aiden guessed that the possibility of Kikimora knowing was not high. The cell was hidden very deep underground, and only his office could go down. Normally, if he didn't know that such a cell existed in advance, he shouldn't suddenly and inexplicably think of exploring underground from his office. Unless the other party keeps monitoring him, and then happens to see him open the secret passage and go underground.

Judging from Aiden's previous practice of the Word of God, the duration of the Word of God is also limited after it is released. The effect of Kikimora's Word of God is likely to be similarly limited, so she is unlikely to stay in this prison for a long time and spend her time on personal surveillance.

If the existence of the underground prison where Melifilia is imprisoned is leaked, it will undoubtedly be a big deal for Aiden. The forces eyeing the authority of "wisdom" may flock to it.

"Daly briefly mentioned to me that you seem to take good care of them. When I was wandering around the prison, I saw them doing research in the library with other witches." Kikimora suddenly started a new topic, "You are very different from the inquisitors I have seen before. Why did you choose to trade with us witches?"

"It's nothing. I just fulfilled my responsibility and gave the prisoner a chance." Aiden answered frankly, "I personally think that the Convention is a bit too much for you and all black magicians. In my opinion, your research is not only dangerous and taboo, but also has a considerable value beyond the times."

"What an open-minded idea." Qiqimora nodded with a smile, and then said meaningfully, "In this way, I think we may have a chance to... create a more friendly bilateral relationship."

"What do you mean?" Aiden noticed that the other party seemed to have a purpose in bringing up this topic.

"Let me be frank. Actually... the Witch Assembly is about to go to war with the Mother Goddess of Plenty. I want to ask, are you interested in joining forces with us?" Qiqimora suddenly stared at Aiden's eyes seriously.

"The Mother Goddess of Plenty!?" Aiden was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, you must be very interested, right? After all, it is our common enemy." Qiqimora raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

"Common enemy?" Aiden was suddenly confused - when did he become an enemy of the Mother Goddess of Plenty again?

"No need to hide it, we already know." Chichimora smiled and raised his finger to Aiden, "Sir... are you from the Flying Noodle God Cult?"

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