The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 160 Black Goat Priest

At night, outside a bungalow on the outskirts of Silver City in Kadria Autonomous Prefecture.

"Hurry up, hurry up! We're already late!" The man lowered his voice and urged his companions behind him to follow.

"Oh, what does it matter? Anyway, we only have to catch up on the last step. Are you not really interested in listening to the priest's long sermon?" The companion was still unhurried.

"Idiot, if you go late, others will have to pick the rest!"

"Oh, what's there to choose from? Those nuns all look the same..."

The two walked to the door of the bungalow and looked around furtively. The man in front raised his hand and knocked on the door with a specific frequency.

The door opened, and a young woman wearing monastic clothes appeared behind the door.

The nun looked back and forth between the two of them with blank eyes, and finally stepped aside.

The two entered the house and were greeted by a dim corridor lit by candles. The nun who opened the door for them locked the door directly, then silently raised her hand and pointed to the donation box placed beside the door.

Both of them took out a few silver coins that had been prepared from their pockets and threw them in. The nun nodded and turned around to lead them.

She took the two believers into a warehouse and opened the entrance to the basement.

There was an iron ladder fixed on the wall of the passage that extended straight underground. The nun raised a lantern to illuminate the entrance for the two of them, and they entered the basement in order.

As soon as they climbed to the bottom, they heard a deep voice echoing in the underground space:

"...She seeds the world, gives the miracle of life and reproduction, and allows thousands of species to survive in the world beyond the limit of life and death. Praise her, the great mother goddess! She is the starting point of all things, the land that accepts cultivation, and the mother that gives birth to thousands of things. The descendant of the black goat!"

The basement was simply decorated as a chapel, and countless candles illuminated the space.

On the podium, a priest wearing a black goat mask was preaching, and the mask on his head made his voice growl.

A nun in black robes played the organ nearby, while male believers sat in the seats below and waited impatiently.

The two people who entered the chapel were very happy. It seemed that they came at the right time. The priest's sermon had come to an end and the main show was about to begin.

As soon as they found a seat and sat down, the priest on the podium suddenly raised his arms and shouted: "Pay respect to the great mother goddess, sow seeds, multiply, and may her will flow through the land!"

"May her will flow through the land!!" the believers in the audience repeated excitedly.

At the same time, behind the podium, the curtain painted with an inverted pentagram was lifted. Several nuns entered the chapel and began to take off their clothes. The believers burst into cheers and whistles.

"Then, offer everything to the Mother Goddess." The priest said calmly, then turned and entered behind the scenes.

The nun in black who played the organ finished the music and stood up to follow.

Behind the curtain is a long passage, leading to the underground of another house, which is also an escape passage.

The priest took off the black goat mask on his head, revealing his gray hair and face that was beginning to look old.

He completely ignored the commotion behind him and left the scene.

"The team that went to the Sabbat Forest for the third time was also wiped out." The nun in black spoke to the priest in a calm voice.

"As expected, it's not easy to find the way there." The priest replied calmly, "Go on, there are as many abandoned children as there are. As long as you find the way there, you can spread the news. If you want to reach the top, The witch’s head has many powers.”

"I'm afraid the efficiency of 'reproduction' will not be able to keep up." The nun in black said, "We don't have much time."

"If it's too late, just hire some desperate mercenaries and bounty hunters. It won't cost much."

While they were discussing this, a gray-robed nun holding a lantern came towards them.

"Father." The nun bowed her head respectfully to the priest.

"Ah, my daughter." The priest spread his hands and smiled, "What's the matter? Your face doesn't look good."

"There is new... news." The nun came closer and whispered something in the priest's ear.

"Oh?" The priest's expression changed slightly, "Where did this news come from?"

"It's a believer who sells medicine living in Silver City. He said he heard about it from a witch who had served in the Rose Iron Prison." The gray-robed nun replied respectfully.

"Why is it a women's prison..." the priest pondered, "has there been any investigation?"

"not yet."

"Then arrange for a few people to 'go in' to check the details. We can't stay here for too long, and we must find the 'divineer' as soon as possible." The priest gave instructions.

"Understood." The gray-robed nun nodded, turned and left.

But as soon as she took two steps, her movements suddenly stopped. The lantern slipped from her hand and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?" the priest asked, but his expression did not show any panic.

The gray-robed nun suddenly twitched all over, then fell to the ground and curled up on the ground.

"Father... I... feel so uncomfortable, help me..." She called to the priest angrily for help.

"The lifespan has come to an end." The priest frowned slightly and sighed, "The split body of this generation can only live for less than half a month. If it continues further..."

"Before she dies, make the best use of everything." The nun in black standing behind him said in an indifferent voice, "We still need even abandoned children, and we are in short supply now."

"Father..." The gray-robed nun stretched out her hand to the priest's feet with difficulty.

"Don't worry, you will be reborn soon." The priest looked at her and comforted her in a soft voice.

Then, a language that ordinary people could not understand came out of his mouth, and the deep voice echoed in the tunnel like a bell.

As soon as the voice fell, the body of the gray-robed nun suddenly began to swell, and the originally weak nun suddenly screamed in pain like childbirth.

The nunnery was soon torn, and then the swollen flesh became as sticky and slippery as mud, as if it was pulled apart by an external force, and finally the two halves of the flesh were deformed and complemented, and two complete bodies were forcibly formed.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough!" The two new nuns were hanging with tattered clothes on their bodies and coughed on the ground.

They had faces similar to the gray-robed nuns before the split, but they looked much younger and their bodies were smaller.

"Praise your new life, my daughter." The priest spread his hands and smiled lovingly to the two.

The two raised their heads at the same time, and the priest's figure was reflected in their empty eyes, which were no different from those of the nun in the gray robe.

"Father..." The exact same voices overlapped.

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