The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 162 Men’s pleasure is so simple

In this world where religions are numerous, each country and region has completely different regulations on religion.

A cult may be included in the purging list of a country because its activities seriously violate the laws of that country, but this does not mean that it will receive the same treatment in other countries. Sometimes, some countries will even favor cults that are regarded as cults by countries with poor relations for political reasons, and support them to become pawns that annoy their opponents.

The Mother Goddess of Plenty is the successor of the Earth Mother Church, which intends to revive the old Reise Kingdom. It will definitely be regarded as a cult that needs to be purged by the Dragon Spine Empire and the Kingdom of Gistas. However, this does not mean that it is also a rat that everyone shouts and beats in the autonomous state. After all, due to some political reasons and historical origins, the Cadria Autonomous State is now a fairly stable neutral zone in the southern continent.

"This cult is not on the purging list, but it is in the list of strict security control." Rebecca replied.

"Just prohibit them from carrying out religious activities in the autonomous state?"


"What kind of religious activities are they doing?" Aiden asked casually.

In terms of the banning and management of religious groups, "strict public security control" is much more relaxed than "cult eradication".

"Cult eradication" is generally aimed at religious groups that have serious criminal behavior, are extremely dangerous, and must be completely eradicated. The action is generally carried out by the Inquisition or even the army. For example, the Blood Moon Cult was directly destroyed by the Inquisition of Silver City because of the serious violation of the laws of the Cadrial Autonomous Prefecture by the act of human sacrifice. All the people who resisted during the arrest were shot on the spot.

"Strict public security control" is aimed at those groups that use religion as a name to do ordinary illegal activities, such as the "Fast Hair Growth Cult" mentioned by Rebecca before, which used fake drugs to cheat money. The handling of these cults is generally carried out by the Inquisition and other police agencies, and they are almost just treated as ordinary criminals.

The Mother Goddess of Plenty has the ability to challenge the Witch Gathering, and the manager is very likely to be a "saint". In terms of danger, it is probably not less dangerous than the Blood Moon Cult. However, the autonomous state only imposes strict security control on it. I am afraid that this cult has also done a considerable degree of cover-up, but some of its crimes are still known to the public.

"This..." Rebecca stuttered again when faced with this question, "You can find out by looking at the files yourself later?"

Aiden thought that this was the reaction again. The last time he asked about the reason for the rapid development of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, Rebecca also looked embarrassed.

"I heard from the prisoners that the Blood Moon Cult that the Inquisition dealt with five years ago also fought against the Witch Gathering, but they stopped soon. The Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult dared to provoke a dispute with the Witch Gathering. I'm afraid it's not an ordinary cult, and it may be as dangerous as the Blood Moon Cult. Qiqimora said that the administrator of the cult seems to be Father Valles, who has some special power. I think you need to pay attention to it." Aiden reminded, "You should also tell the old man."

Five years ago, the Blood Moon Cult was destroyed and Melifilia was taken in, Rebecca was only a mid-level inquisitor, and she did not have the authority to know about Melifilia's existence.

So Aiden was not convenient to tell her the information related to the divine words, but by relaying it in this way, Harold should understand that it is still necessary to inform the Inquisition of the information obtained here.

"I see..." Rebecca agreed, "Then you have to be careful too. Even if the Witch Gathering talks about reconciliation, you can't take it lightly."

"Of course." Aiden nodded.

The information provided by Qiqimora is incomplete, but it is still very credible, but this does not mean that the Witch Gathering is trustworthy.

At this time, the door of the office was knocked.

"Sir, the morning training is completed, I brought the ball back." Veronica's voice came from outside the door.

"Okay, bring it in." Aiden replied.

Rebecca, who was about to get up and leave, looked at Aiden in surprise: "'Ball' is it? Have you started raising a police dog here?"

"Yes, I have a new pet." Aiden smiled.

The door opened, and Rebecca curiously moved her eyes over... and then froze in place.

She saw a silver oval mercury ball crawling on the ground and slowly crawling into the office.

"Then I'll go back to my post." Veronica saluted Aiden at the door, then glanced at Rebecca, who was completely stunned, with some concern, and closed the door and left.

"Your mouth can almost fit an apple now." Aiden reminded Rebecca.

Rebecca came back to her senses and asked in surprise, "What is this?"

"This is the ball, the new pet of this prison." Aiden introduced with a smile.

The mercury ball moved to Aiden's feet, making a meaningless whisper with a metallic texture. Aiden took out a copper coin and fed it.

In the past two days, Aiden did some preliminary training on it. Because Veronica had some experience in horse training in the Mounted Police, he also tried to give it to Veronica, who was on night shift, for training.

Now there is some success. This mercury ball can recognize its owner and respond to his name and some simple commands. Of course, this is just a pet or a toy at best. To train it to be useful, it must have a certain degree of loyalty.

"Where did this thing come from?" Rebecca asked.

"It's a mercury golem created by Vera. It sneaked into the prison from the sewer to kill me. I found a way to take it away. After the Witch Assembly reached a settlement with me, it gave it to me." Aiden responded casually.

"How dare you keep such a dangerous thing?" Rebecca gasped.

"I am now a pragmatic person." Aiden replied indifferently, "Things that are useful should be used as much as possible."

The mercury ball trembled at his feet, making a pleasant bell sound.

To be honest, Aiden really hoped that this mercury alloy golem could transform into a human form with a strong sense of technology like when Vera controlled it, but that seemed to be the effect of Vera's technique, and he couldn't study it himself.

Mercury ball is mercury ball, it feels quite interesting - men's fun is sometimes so simple.

"This kind of thing... Is it really okay not to hand it over to the bureau?" Rebecca said worriedly.

"According to the management regulations, the things confiscated by the prison belong to the prison, no problem." Aiden shrugged his shoulders, "Don't worry, I have learned the weakness of this thing from the Witch Assembly, it is generally safe."

He was unwilling to give up this hard-earned toy easily.

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