The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 163 The Wicker Man

In the Demonic Forest, three grey-robed nuns walked in the mist, holding short-handled sickles and flintlock rifles.

They had already approached the middle ring of the forest. Through the exploration of the previous teams, the cult had gradually mastered the tricks of finding their way in the mist of the Demonic Forest and the route through the outer edge of the forest.

At this rate of progress, it would only be a matter of time before they could seize Abigail's base and the venue of the witch gathering. For Abigail, the natural barrier advantage of the Demonic Forest would also disappear.

Suddenly, the nuns' steps stopped.

There was a rustling sound coming from the tops of the towering trees, and the nuns immediately raised their guns in the direction of the sound.

The next moment, a figure like a giant bird suddenly appeared from the mist, rushing towards the three people without hesitation.

Three firearms spewed flames at the same time, and the monsters that were shot roared in pain, but their momentum of biting did not decrease at all. It pounced on a battle nun who was unable to dodge, and pinned her down under its claws. At the same time, it suddenly spread its wings and knocked the other person away.

This is a monster that is larger than an adult, with a body like a falcon and a head like a stag. The corners of its mouth are raised, and its mouth is full of sharp fangs.

A deer-eagle beast, a strange monster with a monster body but a human shadow, will hunt humans and eat their hearts.

In the Demon Feast Forest, there are densely populated monsters that are rarely seen in the outside world. There are even rumors that the mist entrenched in the Demon Feast Forest can gradually transform humans and animals into monsters.

But the nuns are very clear that most of these monsters living in the Demon Feast Forest are cultivated and bred by Abigail.

The Demon Feast Forest is Abigail's monster ranch. A large group of monsters tamed by Abigail roamed in the forest all day long. They were Abigail's watchdogs and would eat all the guests who trespassed without invitation.

The nun who was knocked down by the ferocious momentum of the deer-eagle beast had several ribs broken on the spot. The deer-eagle beast opened its mouth at lightning speed and bit through her throat.

"She gave me flesh and blood, and also gave me shackles." Another nun chanted a spell when she saw this.

In an instant, the nun who was fatally injured twitched, and the blood flowing from her neck suddenly turned into a bright red rope, which tied the neck and mouth of the deer-eagle beast tightly.

The bound deer-eagle beast immediately flapped its wings to break free, but the blood shackles tied it and the half-dead nun tightly together. The nun was like an iron ball tied to the other end of the shackles, making it unable to move freely.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the other two nuns aimed at the forehead of the deer-eagle beast and fired. This time, the bullet finally penetrated the vital part of the monster. The deer-eagle beast fell down with a muffled sound, and the blood shackles that bound it turned into blood again.

The two nuns put away their guns, moved the body of the deer-eagle beast without saying a word, and checked the condition of their companions underneath.

The injured nun could no longer make a sound because her throat was bitten off, and could only look back and forth at the two people with her empty eyes.

A nun raised her sickle without hesitation and pierced the other's heart deeply, ending her life.

But when she pulled out the sickle, a faint blue light flashed in the eyes of the dead nun, and then the fallen nun slowly climbed up from the ground, dragging her steps and stumbling forward.

A simple necromancy, just to make the corpse move again. They are all worker bees who devote everything to the mother nest, even if they die, they must make the best use of everything.

Abandoning the killed monster, the "three-man" team continued to explore the depths of the forest.

But they hadn't taken a few steps when loud footsteps came from the front - this time the enemy who came to intercept them didn't seem to plan to sneak attack like the monster just now, but to kill from the front.

The nun who controlled the corpse controlled the corpse of her companion to push forward. In the fog, a giant figure over four meters tall appeared between the trees of the sky, slowly approaching the corpse.

Under the control of necromancy, the corpse raised a gun and fired. The corpse's movements were extremely slow and there was no accuracy to speak of, but the bullet still hit the figure clearly - because the target was too big and there was no intention to dodge.

However, the bullet did not have any effect after it sank into the black figure. The giant still walked slowly through the fog and finally showed his true form in front of the nuns.

A huge dummy made of willow branches and thorns, with straw stuffed inside the hollow. The wicker and thorns were woven into a grid, making the wicker man look like a human cage.

The wicker man reached out and grabbed the nun's body. At the same time, its body opened like a door, opening a hole, and then closed again after the wicker man stuffed the body in.

Then, the body sealed in the wicker man burned with the straw.

As the flames emerged, the wicker giant seemed to wake up completely, making a strong and strange roar, and at the same time charged at the remaining nuns with a speed far less agile than before.

The nuns launched a counterattack, but it was meaningless. The equipment they carried was specially used to deal with monsters, and they had no means to deal with the attacks of this lifeless giant golem.

Soon another nun was caught in the wicker man, and the raging fire wrapped her whole body.

With each burning prey in the wicker man's body, its movements become more violent.

Amid the nun's painful wailing, the wicker man began to chase the last prey. The third nun desperately fled deep into the jungle, but with her own strength, even if she escaped the pursuit of the wicker man, she would sooner or later be buried in the claws of the monster. It was only a matter of time before the trio was wiped out.

At the same time, in Abigail's summoning space, five great witches gathered together at the table to appreciate this scene through the crystal ball.

"Hahahaha, burned alive... What a great sight, just like the witch hunt in the old days." Lamia stared at the crystal ball and laughed.

"What are you laughing at... You are also a witch." Vera, who was sitting next to her, glanced at her and could not understand this guy's cruel taste at all.

"How did you come up with such an interesting invention?" Lamia asked Vera with interest.

"This was originally a technique used by the ancient Lulin people to offer sacrifices to the gods. They used willow branches to weave animal-shaped cages and burned livestock inside. Later, they used it to punish pagans. During this process, the Lulin priests developed a method to make the wicker men move and actively hunt pagans. I just restored this technique."

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