The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 164 The Contaminated Druid

Surrounding the long table, the witches of the witch gathering were holding a tactical meeting.

"Lulin people? I haven't heard of them." Habinis held her chin with her hand, "Using such a perverted method to sacrifice, which evil god do they worship?"

"That's not an evil god, it's the king of the wilderness who fell five hundred years ago, the divine wolf that contains the power of life. The last tribe of Lulin people also disappeared at that time." Abigail answered her question.

"Are you kidding? Shouldn't those who worshipped the King of the Wilderness in ancient times be the druids who like to promote the so-called harmony of life?" Habinis frowned. "I remember that these people were quite tolerant of paganism. Would they do such a disgusting barbecue of living things?"

"The ancestors of the Lulin people were indeed druids, and they were the most pious ones. They actively explored the traces of the King of the Wilderness and wanted to serve their master in person. It is said that they did see him in the end and received the "blessing" of God. Then these druids who got what they wanted frantically tampered with the druidic doctrines they believed in and established a new cult tribe in the valley of the Lulin Mountains." Abigail said calmly.

"Huh, are you crazy?" Lamia laughed.

Ordinary people who directly listen to the words of God taught by the rulers, or look directly at the true appearance of some rulers after they have accepted the authority, will be spiritually polluted to varying degrees.

"But the druids' transfiguration can be used to speak the words of God if used properly, and their meditation can resist mental pollution." Qiqimora thought for a while, "How can they collectively lose their minds to this extent?"

"At that time, it was not them who were actually polluted, but the King of the Wilderness himself. After seeing the god they believed in, this pollution also spread to the believers. Although the Lulin people are a group of absolute lunatics, their technology is indeed very useful anyway." Abigail replied lightly, and then looked at Vera, "How is the construction progress?"

"The workshop now produces five wicker men a day, and the efficiency cannot be increased. There is also a limit to the number of puppets I can manipulate at the same time." After a moment of silence, Vera replied in a low voice.

After the failed assassination of Aiden and the loss of the amalgam golem given to her by Abigail, she lost her position to continue to be stubborn.

Now she was summoned by Abigail to one of the venues in the Demonic Banquet Forest for witch gatherings. She built a workshop here and made golems like the Wicker Man to defend the Demonic Banquet Forest. Together with the magic beasts tamed by Abigail, they hunted the Black Goat Sisters and bounty hunters hired by the cult to explore the way.

The Wicker Man is a very useful guard. Its manufacturing cost is much lower than those solid brick or steel golems. Although its initial combat power is inferior, its combat power will rise sharply after it devours the prey as a sacrifice and burns it. The runes engraved on the willow branches can firmly control the flames inside the cage made of willow branches, so as not to ignite the grass and trees in the forest.

With Vera constantly making golems in the Demonic Banquet Forest, the Mother Goddess of Plenty will not be able to easily continue to go deep into the Demonic Banquet Forest for the time being.

"That's enough. The speed of 'reproduction' on the Black Goat side is also limited." Abigail nodded, turned to look at Qiqimora and Habinis, "How is your investigation progress?"

Among the several great witches, Habinis is best at flying magic that can quickly move around, and Qiqimora can sneak into various places with the help of divine words, so Abigail gave them the task of spying on the movements of the Mother Goddess of Plenty.

"I found a missionary base of the group in the empire. I wanted to catch the nun there for trial, but the guy actually committed suicide." Habinis shrugged, "But the useless male believers revealed that a considerable number of nuns disappeared a few days ago, and I don't know where they went. Because I really couldn't get anything useful, I just killed them all."

"Those nuns are split bodies that are 'reproduced'. They will only completely obey the will of the mother body. It's better not to think about getting information from them." After Abigail finished speaking, she turned her eyes to Qiqimora.

"I found their base of operations in the suburbs of Silver City in the Autonomous Prefecture, and Father Valles was preaching there." Chichimora replied while smoking a cigarette, "Just like when he was in Gistas and the Empire, he was still selling his daughter to make money and build a network of relationships. I was lucky enough to see it with my own eyes this time. The scene was, tut tut tut..."

"Disgusting." Vera frowned and commented.

"Have you found the mother of the nuns?" Abigail asked.

"Next to the priest, there is a nun in a black robe. The aura of that girl is completely different from that of ordinary nuns, and she seems to have a much higher status. She has a considerable degree of decision-making power in the church. I think that maybe that guy is the first generation of the priest's 'daughter'." Chichimora replied.

"Ah, I seem to have heard from male believers that there is a nun in a black robe next to the priest." Habinis also added as if she suddenly remembered.

"Apart from the name, is there any other information?" Abigail asked Habinis again.

"That's all." Habinis spread her hands.

"You are so impatient that you are not suitable for intelligence gathering." Lamia scolded in a hoarse voice, "You killed people before you even asked them carefully."

"If you can do it, go ahead!" Habinis retorted without showing any weakness.

Lamia did not continue to argue with her, but turned to Abigail for advice: "What should we do? Try to become that nun first?"

Others also focused their attention on Abigail.

Lamia's proposal was a very pragmatic approach. From the intelligence they had been collecting, Father Valles, as the leader of the cult, was very likely a saint close to the power of "reproduction". Rather than confronting such an opponent head-on, it would be better to clip his wings first.

Most of the nuns of the Plenty Goddess Cult originated from the same mother body. The abilities of the offspring reproduced by the Word of God were partially inherited from the mother body, and the "reproduction" level would become worse as they went down. The combat skills and necromancy mastered by the combat nuns who went deep into the Demon Feast Forest were all inherited from the mother body.

If the first generation mother body could be killed from the source, the combat power level of the Plenty Goddess Cult would directly drop by a level.

"Don't rush to act. The situation in the Demon Feast Forest has stabilized. We have enough time." After a brief consideration, Abigail made a decision. "To be honest, I am a little concerned about their purpose of going to the autonomous state. Qiqimora, what's the reply from Aiden Garrod?"

"Not yet. He is such a indecisive man." Qiqimora sighed.

"Then reveal the information of the cult's base to him and use the Inquisition there to contain the cult." Abigail said slowly.

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