The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 169: Guanyin, the Goddess of Childbirth

"How do you know this?" Aiden asked Melissa with some doubt.

"I divined it. Believe it or not, it's your business." Melissa drank tea with a nonchalant look.

Aiden fell into deep thought. If it was the missing unknown witch who assassinated the queen of the Old Reiser Kingdom two hundred years ago...

Although the Old Reiser Kingdom had already reached the point of being hated by the gods and people at that time, it was the sudden death of the queen at a critical moment that directly led to the Old Reiser Kingdom being completely divided up by the neighboring countries that were eyeing it covetously at a critical moment, which also led to the destruction of the Church of the Mother Earth.

So, the one who laughed last in that uprising was still the unknown witch?

So the Mother Goddess of Feng Rang had a strong hatred for the Flying Noodles Cult and therefore killed them all...

No, it would be the same even if there was no hatred. From the perspective of the Plenty Goddess Cult, after two hundred years, the Flying Noodles Cult, which should have been destroyed long ago, has reappeared in the world. Whether the nameless witch is still alive or the witch has a successor, they can't help but be wary of this.

Aiden suddenly felt a headache.

So, he was accidentally targeted just because he reformed the canteen in the prison?

Just using chopsticks and being chased with a knife, the world in this world is too difficult?

No, it's not quite right to say that...

It's not quite accurate to say that he really has nothing to do with the Flying Noodles Cult.

Because the witch is very likely to be a summoned time traveler like him.

In other words, the old Reise Kingdom and the Earth Mother Church were destroyed by time travelers, so the Plenty Goddess Cult should also be wary of time travelers... or in other words, the existence that can summon time travelers to this world.

Who summoned the witch two hundred years ago? Was the destruction of the Old Reiser Kingdom purely the witch's own behavior, or was it the will of a certain existence that summoned it to this world?

"I have a question. Did the 'reproduction' divine words mastered by the Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult obtain them after the destruction of the Old Reiser Kingdom, or did they exist during the period of the Mother Goddess of the Earth Church?" Aiden asked the fortune teller in front of him directly.

"It existed before the destruction of the country. The royal family of the Old Reiser Kingdom possessed the 'reproduction' miracle. In the Reiser Kingdom, the queen is the supreme bishop of the church. It is said that infertile couples can quickly have children as long as they meet the queen and receive blessings." Melissa replied, "Of course, this is actually the effect of the 'reproduction' authority."

This is completely the Guanyin who sends children...

If the kingdom had mastered the divine words at that time, it is possible that it would be targeted by people who want to become gods or even rulers. The nameless witch and the Old Reiser Kingdom are tit-for-tat, and perhaps it is the ruler who summoned her to this world who is behind the scenes.

That ruler... will it be Melifilia?

"Where did the witch who founded the Flying Spaghetti Cult come from? Who summoned her?" Aiden continued to ask Melissa.

But this time, Melissa showed him a puzzled look: "Summoned? What does that mean? I don't know where that unknown witch came from. My divination is very useful, but it's not omnipotent."

Aiden stared at Melissa and looked at her carefully.

She can divine so much information, but she doesn't know about the time traveler? It's very likely... but not necessarily.

Melissa is a believer of Melifelia and acts according to Melifelia's will. Aiden asked who summoned the predecessor to this world two hundred years ago, but Melifelia did not admit it, and Aiden had some doubts about it.

If the fortune teller acted completely under the instruction of Melifelia, then even if he knew something, he would not reveal it to him.

His mentality towards Melissa and Melifelia is actually the same, that is, he can use their power to a certain extent, but he must not believe it completely.

Melissa gave him the general direction of forming an alliance with the Witch Assembly to deal with the Mother Goddess of Plenty and seize their divinity, which is still a reference.

"Is the leader of the Mother Goddess of Plenty a saint with the power of 'reproduction'?" Aiden asked.

If he wants to treat the Mother Goddess of Plenty as an enemy in advance, it is necessary to collect enemy intelligence in advance.

"Yes, the 'only authority' will call for the master who suits it, so the saint can sense the location of the only authority that corresponds to it, which is why the cult will find Abigail." Melissa answered.

"Then, what power does the 'reproduction' power have?" Aiden asked.

Melissa thought for a moment and said, "Well, the three powers of the power of reproduction are: one is to control reproduction, which allows oneself or other life to multiply offspring in various ways. Offspring produced by asexual reproduction will have physical defects and will be controlled by the mother. If the individual is born through normal means, the body will be no different from that of an ordinary person, and the will will also be affected by the mother, but it still has independent consciousness. Then the second power is to control evolution..."

"Evolution?" Aiden was stunned.

"Yes, the evolution of life is based on reproduction. In the process of reproduction, life will show diversity and even gradually evolve into new species, and the power of 'reproduction' can accelerate this process."

"What can it do specifically?" Aiden still had no idea.

"To put it simply, the power of 'evolution' can transform the offspring produced by 'breeding' omnipotence, and change the appearance, physical condition, talent, etc. of the offspring within the scope allowed by genetics. But this power is the most exaggerated. In fact, it is possible for creatures of different species to produce offspring and create new species that inherit the characteristics of two creatures. "For example, this is how the earliest dragonborn was born."

Aiden immediately thought of a certain gang cadre imprisoned in his prison: "Don't I remember that the legend said that the ancient dragons could transform into human forms, and then the dragonborn were hybrids of them and humans?"

"That kind of fairy tale is not believable. There is no difference between dragons in ancient times and modern dragons. They are just more powerful monsters. If they were intelligent and could take human form in the past, they should have established a country to dominate the world. How could this happen? How could it be hunted to almost extinction if it degraded to this level?" Melissa smiled.

"Yes." Aiden nodded in agreement, "Then what is the third power?"

"It's the power of inheritance." Melissa answered. "The owner of this power can let his 'reproduce' offspring inherit everything after his death."

"What does everything mean?"

"Knowledge, skills and even memory."

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