The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 172 Our Own People

Aiden sat in the office, scanning the files sorted out by Veronica on the table.

There are not a few prisoners in the past two weeks. There are about 50 to 60 prisoners in all the prison areas. It is not realistic to review them all carefully.

The Cadria Autonomous Prefecture has become a long-term neutral autonomous region in the center of the southern continent due to some historical origins and political reasons. This makes the autonomous prefecture a political buffer zone for neighboring countries. The "Dark Magic Management Convention" participated by many countries on the continent was signed in Silver City, and the headquarters of the International Heresy Trial Cooperation Organization related to the "Convention" was also established in the autonomous prefecture. In the affairs of the "Convention", the autonomous prefecture has a special status different from other countries and regions.

Then, the autonomous prefecture signed a clear extradition treaty with almost all the countries of the "Convention". When some prisoners are extradited between countries, they will also be sent to the prisons of the autonomous prefecture for "transit". Some countries will even hand over their own prisoners to the autonomous prefecture for some special reasons.

The Rose Iron Prison is a large prison that can accommodate 4,000 people. Like other prisons in the autonomous prefecture, the turnover rate of prisoners here is ridiculously high.

Aiden and Veronica first picked out the prisoners whose registered hometowns were outside the autonomous prefecture, whose contact addresses were questionable, and whose identities were unclear from the files, and arranged them according to the time of imprisonment.

"One person last week, five this week?" Aiden looked at the files in front of him with a gloomy face.

The increase was unnatural, and the files of these five people this week did not seem to have any connection. It was definitely not a group crime that led to their imprisonment.

Because of the geographical location and special political status of the autonomous prefecture, there are a lot of people transiting from neighboring countries. In fact, about 20% to 30% of the criminals accommodated in the Rose Iron Prison are from outside the autonomous prefecture.

But even so, the frequency of those prisoners with unclear identity information in the Rose Iron Prison is only about one or two per week.

The more I checked, the more I felt that this prison was being infiltrated and spied on.

The witch gathering has Qiqimora who masters the word of "nothingness", so naturally there is no need to use such low-end methods.

The only suspect is the Mother Goddess of Abundance.

Just two quarters of an hour ago, the prison guard who was monitoring the corpse came over to report that the corpse really decomposed on its own as Mirujinu said, turning into a pile of sticky blood and loose bones. A quarter of an hour later, the prison guard came over again to report that even the remains had become loose like weathered limestone and could not be preserved at all.

It really looked like the androids that Aiden knew, but there was a big difference between alchemical androids and ordinary humans, and the clues could be found out just by blood sample examination. The prisoner's prison physical examination report was basically normal. She was slightly more complete than the alchemical androids, closer to normal people...

This was no wonder, after all, alchemy and black magic were, after all, just incomplete divine power.

There was no doubt that the Mother Goddess of Plenty had really started to attack this prison, just as the fortune teller Melissa said.

And in addition to the prisoner who died suddenly today, the Mother Goddess of Plenty must have thrown in other nuns...

After all, for this cult, the least valuable thing was "manpower".

What should we do? Should we strictly guard the new prisoners? Should we find a way to transfer the suspects?

After a brief thought, Aiden realized that the measures that crossed his mind were meaningless.

The information leaked in the prison was not due to the infiltration of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, but because of the deliberate disclosure of the Witch Assembly. According to Melissa, the Mother Goddess of Plenty had already regarded him as a potential enemy.

It was impossible to stop the Mother Goddess of Plenty from targeting him from the beginning.

Secondly, after the prisoners came in, they could pass on the information through a meeting or letter delivery. Even if they couldn't do it themselves, they could bribe other prisoners with benefits to help. It was unrealistic to want to prevent the entire prison from exchanging information with the outside world.

But as a prisoner, the intelligence that could be spied on was also very limited, almost all of which were the "known" parts of this prison. It seemed that the Mother Goddess of Plenty was just throwing people with little cost into the prison to collect as much information as possible.

After all, their goal is not to destroy the entire Rose Iron Prison, but only Aiden.

But even if it is just this, it is really a big trouble for Aiden. If someone dies in the prison, even if it is a prisoner who died of illness and has no family, the report and other follow-up work will take a lot of time for him as the warden.

The Mother Goddess of Plenty has thrown in more people, which means that there may be more deaths in the near future...

At this moment, Aiden suddenly felt that it was actually very easy for the Mother Goddess of Plenty to kill him. As long as he filled his prison with those short-lived nuns, he would be exhausted to death...

Of course, this is just a joke. If the Mother Goddess of Plenty wants to kill him, the most direct way is to send these nuns to hunt him down - this situation is much more serious than when Vera targeted him, and the opponent is not at the same level at all.

It seems that we really have to join forces with the Witch Assembly. Before Chichimora visits again, we have to seriously consider how to negotiate with the Witch Assembly...

"...Officer! That, sir?"

Veronica's voice suddenly called him back from his thoughts. He focused his eyes in front of him and met Veronica's face with a bit of worry.

Only then did Aiden realize that he must have missed Veronica's call when he was just worried, and smiled a little apologetically: "Ah, sorry, I was a little distracted."

"Is it a very difficult situation?" Veronica hesitated for a moment, and finally seemed to make up her mind, looking directly into Aiden's eyes and asking, "Sir, please allow me to boldly ask, what you are involved in now is me. Is it absolutely inconvenient to get involved in... confidential matters that cannot even be known?”

"This..." Aiden was stunned for a moment by her direct gaze.

It is true that a large part of the fields he is involved in are secrets that cannot be known to others, both public and private, but he can see that Veronica wants to take the initiative to help him share the burden, and he should respect this intention.

Veronica... is one of the few "ones" he can trust more without having to consider complex interests. There is no reason for him to choose to fight alone in this regard.

After thinking for a moment, Aiden gave an answer: "It is true that some of it involves confidentiality, but it is not that everything cannot be said. Some things may be beyond the responsibilities of the prison and are only related to me personally. Even so, you can Would you like to hear it?"

"Please be sure!" Veronica's eyes lit up.

"Then you sit over there and I'll make a cup of tea first." Aiden said and stood up.

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