The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 18 Talents Emerge

The next morning, the gate of the core area opened, and the warden Franda led several prison guards and a whole team of riot police into the corridor of the prison area, shouting: "Core area, work!"

As soon as the voice fell, the doors of the cells in the core area opened one by one, and the prisoners came out of the cells one after another, lining up in two lines on both sides of the corridor.

As long as the prisoners in the Rose Iron Prison are able to work, they basically have to participate in labor reform on weekdays, even the most difficult witches in the core area are no exception.

This kind of labor is compulsory, and the prisoners can only get a little meager pocket money from it. The extra income will be collected by the prison as funds to maintain the operation of the prison.

However, even so, the big guys in the core area are generally quite cooperative. On the one hand, long-term cooperation with labor reform, or even outstanding performance, will help reduce sentences and improve the level of treatment in prison. On the other hand, they are not willing to offend a warden who has frequent means for such a small matter.

Franda walked through the corridor and counted the number of people one by one. As she walked, she suddenly frowned.

There were fewer people, and no one came out of Room 13.

As a death row inmate who would be executed soon, Veronica naturally did not have to participate in labor reform, but Fei'er, who shared the same room with her, was different.

Flanda came to the door of Room 13 and shouted with a dark face: "Prisoner 3307, what are you doing lying on the bed? Hurry up and go to work!"

Fei'er was still lying on the iron bed fixed to the wall, wrapped herself up like a caterpillar with a quilt, and waved to Flanda sleepily: "No, warden, I still feel a little dizzy after being hit that day, please allow me to take a sick leave."

"Are you kidding me? You were hit the day before yesterday, and you were fine yesterday, but you are not feeling well today?" Flanda was so angry at this unreasonable guy that she laughed, "No one can take a sick leave without the consent of the prison doctor! If you make trouble again, I will have to ask the riot police to come and drag you to work! Hurry up!"

Veronica, who had just come out of the cubicle after washing up, glanced at Fei'er who was lying on the bed, shook her head, and sat back on her bed to read a book as if it had nothing to do with her.

At this time, Aiden's voice came from the other end of the corridor: "Just let her stay."

"Warden? Why..." Frenda turned her head in surprise and saw Aiden striding along the corridor from the direction of the gate. The prison guards guarding the gate saluted him together.

Unlike the usual miserable scene of ghosts and wolves howling everywhere when Aiden came to inspect, this time Aiden walked along the corridor, and the prisoners standing outside the door seemed very well behaved. No matter how outrageous they were, they just glared at him angrily or cursed him in a low voice.

Those prisoners who usually cursed Aiden the most were not stupid. They knew very well that no matter how much they jumped up and down when they were in the cell, it could only be regarded as a violation of discipline at most. But in this situation where they could have direct physical contact with the prison guards, as long as they made even the slightest outrageous move, they would be immediately judged as attacking the prison guards and be beaten with the iron bars of the riot police.

Aiden didn't look at the prisoners in the line, and walked to the front of Room 13: "Let prisoner 3307 stay in the room first. I just need to ask her something. Flanda, take the other prisoners to work first."

"Got it!"

Flanda obeyed the order without saying a word, and directed other prison guards to line up the prisoners who had left the line, and then took them to different work areas.

"Hehe, it turns out that Lord Aiden cares about me and knows to let me sleep a little longer!" Fei'er, who was lying on the bed, also greeted Aiden with a grin.

"I care about you!" Aiden retorted unceremoniously, "I'm just asking you a question. After you answer my question, get out of here and go to work!"

"Hey - don't!" Fei'er protested with a long tone.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll arrange extra overtime for you." Aiden added without hesitation, making Fei'er quiet down immediately.

"Warden." Veronica put down the book in her hand as soon as she saw Aiden appear at the door, "Um... is there any news?"

She tried very hard to make her expression and voice look calm, but her eager eyes still betrayed her mood.

Aiden couldn't help sighing when he saw her like this: "Although I understand your feelings, I have to give you a shot of prevention first, don't have too much hope. After all, from the process point of view, your case was already a coffin when you were sentenced to death, and it is not so easy to overturn the case."

"This... I know it myself." Veronica lowered her eyes.

"Let's collect as many clues as possible first, and I just happen to have something to confirm with you." Aiden got to the point, "Let me ask you, does the boy named Bruce have any lovers or girls he is pursuing?"

"He doesn't have a lover, but he did try to pursue a girl, a sign girl in a bar in the downtown area, but it didn't go well." Veronica thought about it.

"Oh? Why is it not going well?" Aiden was a little interested.

"That girl is a materialistic person. I saw her dating rich-looking men several times when I was on patrol. She changed her partners at least three times. Every time Bruce tried to date her, she refused. I advised him to give up, but I'm not sure he listened."

"So that's it. It seems that the guy did make a fortune..." Aiden touched his chin and whispered, "But he's still a dog."

"Excuse me, is this related to the case?" Veronica asked cautiously.

"Yes, you provided valuable clues." Aiden nodded with a smile, then turned to Fei'er, "Fei'er, I have something to ask you, I remember you used to run a store in Fireworks Lane, right?"


"Are you popular there?"

"You must be kidding, I was the queen of the night who could call the wind and rain in Fireworks Lane. If my store dares to say that its performance is only second, no one dares to say it is first!" Fei'er suddenly became energetic, sat up and slapped her thigh to brag.

"You're a brothel owner and you feel superior, right?" Aiden was both angry and amused by this girl, "Okay, okay, then do you know a store called 'Midnight Rose'?"

"Wait a minute! Would you rather go to that expensive and rubbish store than to me?" Fei'er jumped up from the bed angrily, "When I was doing business opposite that crappy store, they couldn't get any business all night. If my store hadn't been closed later, they would have gone bankrupt long ago!"

"Stop it, stop it, Veronica's eyes have turned cold when she looks at me!" Aiden hurriedly He quickly justified himself, "I went there to investigate!"

This time, not only Veronica, but even Fei'er showed a bit of disillusionment to him: "Lord Aiden, your excuse... is really a bit embarrassing."

"I'm serious!" Aiden emphasized word by word, knocking on the iron railing, "The two people I want to investigate went into this nightclub for a secret talk yesterday, so I want to go over and ask!"

"It's difficult, that kind of store won't disclose the privacy of customers casually, and Lord Aiden, you don't have the right to investigate." Fei'er blinked twice.

"That's why I asked you if you have any connections!"

"Oh, that's very simple." Fei'er suddenly raised her hand with extraordinary generosity, "Give me paper and pen! I'll write a letter of introduction for you, and then sign it, and I guarantee that the people over there will listen to you after reading it."

"You have such a big face?" Aiden was a little surprised.

"I will threaten them that if they don't listen to you, I will take people to stare at their stores and squeeze them out after I get out of prison, snatching away their customers and leaving them to beg outside the red-light district!" Fei'er bared her teeth and showed a sinister smile.

"Sure, I didn't expect you to be useful one day." Aiden nodded with appreciation.

"Then... can the people who are useful get a little reward?" Fei'er blinked at Aiden.

"I can let you off the hook today." Aiden thought for a while, "If this letter of introduction is really useful, I can raise your salary level by one level later."

"Great, just give it to me!" Fei'er suddenly clenched his fist with full energy.

Veronica looked back and forth at the two of them in surprise, not knowing what to say.

This prison is really full of talents.

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