The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 183 Parenting Diary

The nameless witch holds the power of "life"...

Aiden suddenly remembered that the archives of the Inquisition recorded that the nameless witch did have the miracle of making crops grow quickly, and also helped the hungry people in the village survive the famine.

This skill can actually be achieved with black magic and potions, but first of all, the scale of black magic performed by individuals is very small, and the cost of potions is much higher than the output of crops, so it is impossible to apply it to agriculture on a large scale.

In this way, the nameless witch not only used some modern knowledge to increase the yield of crops in the village, but also probably used the power of God's words.

The power of the authority of "life" can prevent people from getting sick, which is probably also a positive characteristic after adapting to the power.

A little envious - this is Aiden's first thought, after all, he died young due to illness in his previous life.

Aiden roughly relayed this matter to Abigail and asked her to continue turning the page.

The following diary entries were still written every ten days or half a month, mostly about the findings and progress of research. The owner of the diary seemed to be used to writing down something she wanted to record. She also used animals to study the effects of the hatching eggs.

Then one day, the witch recorded a major event.

"I plan to raise a daughter.

Living alone in this forest is too boring. I feel like I can't even speak.

From previous experiments, the hatching eggs can quickly clone organisms. Although only one individual can be hatched at a time, the cloned organisms grow five to ten times faster than ordinary organisms, and their life span after adulthood is similar to that of ordinary organisms.

I took some blood and put it in a cup, and soaked the hatching eggs in it.

I saw an embryo appear in it at night. I hope everything goes well."

Seeing this, what Abigail said was confirmed. The nameless witch cloned herself with the hatching eggs and left offspring. Then the following diaries were basically the diary owner's parenting diaries.

The diary owner named the "daughter" born from the hatching eggs Alice - it really sounds like a name that a time traveler would give.

The clones born from the hatching eggs seem to be more fully developed than ordinary people. Alice had already grown milk teeth when she was born, could eat normal food, and grew at a much faster rate than ordinary people. She could start walking after only one month and learned to speak after half a year, which saved the owner of the diary who raised her a lot of trouble in raising children.

The parenting diary is full of daily life such as "Alice can smile", "Alice can call mom", "She looks exactly like me, but after all, this body is just someone else's body that I reincarnate into", and some places even have a few simple strokes like a drawing diary.

The nameless witch who has been studying black magic and divine words gradually turned her mind and body to raising children, and even taught her a little magic, which seemed to be quite enjoyable. But she didn't seem to teach Alice anything about her original world, nor did she teach her divine words, probably because she was afraid that one day her seclusion in the misty forest would be leaked and found by the god of death.

This kind of life lasted for about two years. Alice had grown up to be about ten years old. Most of the things recorded were trivial, and the quality of the diary handwriting was slightly stable for a while.

However, quite a few diaries showed the owner's daily forgetfulness, and it seemed that the frequency was increasing.

But one day two years later, the quality of the diary suddenly declined sharply.

This diary began to alter the date from the beginning. First, it wrote "May 19" and then crossed out "19" and re-wrote "21".

The contents of the diary were also full of traces of crossed out and corrections, like a torn piece of clothing covered with patches, and it was quite difficult to read:

"I was in a bad state when I woke up this morning, and my mind was as messy as a ball of paste.

I kept forgetting things, and I even burned the gan pot yesterday.

When Alice asked me about it at noon, I realized that I hadn't prepared the meal yet.

I wanted to write something down on paper, but I forgot what I wanted to write as soon as I picked up the pen.

It's the same now.

I can't even remember how to write a word, it's killing me.

I don't seem to have a fever...

I'll take a day off first."

Aiden continued to read and found that the owner of the diary had recorded the following days, but the number of typos and corrections increased.

"May 22.

I felt like I had a nightmare. I felt like someone was talking to me in the dream. When I woke up, I seemed to hear that person's voice.

But I just couldn't remember it for some reason.

I felt a little uncomfortable. I always felt like I had forgotten something very important."

"May 23.

I had a headache. I always felt like I could hear someone whispering.

I was in a daze for half an hour in the morning. It was as if a piece of my memory had been dug out.

Three whole days have passed, and my condition has not improved at all.

Alice has started to worry about me and is a little scared."

"May 24.

I had a nightmare again. I felt like my head seemed to be clearer. The sound that had been ringing in my head became clearer. It was the voice of Melindahl.

She kept laughing, mocking me, and calling my name.

This is not an illusion, it's real!

I am sure I am still awake. She must have done something to me!

The witch I corresponded with has no one to talk to...

What should I do?"

The diary on May 24th seems to end here, but below it, there is an inexplicable extra line, written in large characters in the universal language of this world:

"I'm coming back soon. Do you miss me? My dear."

This line of writing appeared unusually abrupt, the font was large, and the writing was slanted and smooth like an artistic style. It was very different from the writing written by the owner of the diary.

Aiden immediately realized that this line must have been written by someone other than the owner of the diary.

He relayed the above content to Abigail. After hearing this, Abigail only paused briefly and immediately turned the page for him. Obviously she was very impressed by this page, so she was curious and took note of it later. something.

There is no date written on the next page, and the written content is more scrawled than on any previous page. It looks like a pile of sun-dead earthworms, but every stroke is written with unusual force, and ink spilled in several places. Soaked.

"I asked Alice if she had touched anything of mine.

She said no.

In fact, I know that there is no way she can get my diary.

The diary has been locked in the box by me!

And I recognize that handwriting!

Those are Melindall's words! !

I was actually the one who wrote that sentence!

I now finally know what is wrong with me, Melindall she has been on me all this time!

She's all over me the whole time! !

The fragments of her will are eroding my consciousness, she wants to turn me into her! ! "

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