That day, in the Rose Iron Prison, the warden's office.

"Wait, wait a minute, this is my first time, let me think about it." Precia looked nervous.

"It's okay, it only hurts a little at the beginning." Daly gently persuaded from behind, holding Precia's shoulder with her hand, "I'm with you."

"Don't waste time, come quickly. You've already nodded and agreed, why are you afraid now?" Aiden was a little impatient and urged.

"I'm not afraid..." Precia shrank her hands and was still hesitating.

Aiden couldn't help rolling his eyes: "It's just an oath and a contract. Are you an expert in studying black magic?"

"This is handing your life over to others. Would you be so happy if it were you?" Precia replied unhappily.

"If you don't want to participate, you can refuse. I'll feel more at ease if you continue to serve your sentence in prison." Aiden looked indifferent.

When Prescia thought that she was the only one excluded from all the witches, she made up her mind, walked to the table, and slowly stretched out her hand.

"That's right." Aiden also smiled and stretched out his hand, and began to chant the spell, "[The bound person, swear allegiance to this thorn shackle, and break the oath and die.]"

As soon as the voice fell, a circle of black thorn patterns appeared on his index finger, like a ring on it. Black mist emerged from this circle of "rings" and lingered in his palm. The black mist gradually gathered and formed, and finally turned into a black scorpion on his palm. The tail of the scorpion was not connected to barbs, but a black cobra, spitting its tongue at Prescia.

"Ah! Ah ah ah ah!!" Prescia screamed and retracted her hand.

Aiden sighed. In order to use Precia as a pawn under control, he had to make Precia sign a demon contract to give her life to him, which was simply a contract to sell her body.

However, the biggest obstacle to the signing of this contract was not that Precia was unwilling, but... this witch was actually afraid of insects - she was afraid of almost all poisonous insects, including spiders, centipedes and scorpions. However, during the execution of this demon contract, the contracted demon appeared in the form of a scorpion.

In the impression of most people, witches are the kind of ruthless people who can catch mice, poisonous insects, bats, snakes... and even more exotic biological materials with bare hands without scruples and throw them into the pot to make potions. However, Aiden, who has more contact with such prisoners, knows very well that not all witches are good at this. Some witches are even less immune to mice and spiders than ordinary village women. In the Rose Iron Prison, witches are often frightened by the sudden appearance of mice and spiders in the prison and knock on the prison door to ask the prison guards for help.

"You, you, you give me the power to cast spells first, so that I can hypnotize myself first." Precia discussed with Aiden.

"No, I can only give you the power to cast spells after we sign a devil contract." Aiden did not give in.

"You are still afraid of insects as before." Daly smiled as she stood behind Precia.

"Don't just watch the fun, cover her eyes." Aiden instructed.

"Yes, sir." Daly stretched out her hand and covered Precia's eyes.

Precia then trembled and stretched out her hand again. Aiden held the scorpion in his hand, moved it to Precia's hand, and asked, "What's the answer?"

"I... I do." Precia's voice was a little trembling.

As soon as the voice fell, the cobra attached to the scorpion's tail bit her hand.

Precia felt a piercing pain running from her palm along her arm. When she thought of the scorpion that had just appeared on Aiden's hand, she shuddered and got goose bumps all over her body.

Seeing that the contract was completed, Aiden retracted the spell and nodded with satisfaction: "It's done."

Daley then moved his hand away from Precia's eyes.

"Too crude!" Precia immediately slapped the desk and shouted excitedly, "Your technology in the Inquisition is too crude!!"

"Move your hand off my desk, I'll spare you this time, but if you show the intention to attack the prison guard, you will be beaten with a baton." Aiden replied calmly.

"Using pain and heart damage to restrict the contractor, what era of contract magic is this?" Precia was still complaining indignantly, "If it were Abigail's spell..."

"I also know that the black magic of the Inquisition is backward, so let's make do with what we have." Aiden waved his hand to interrupt her.

The Inquisition of various countries actually has the right to study black magic, but because it is a violent agency that strictly controls black magic, it fights with black magicians all day long. The atmosphere brought about by this responsibility suppresses the overall intention of developing black magic within the organization, and black magic research will also be subject to many restrictions.

Therefore, many times, official black magic technology is not as good as the "wild way" developed by black magicians who are unscrupulous and touch taboos.

This kind of backward demon contract can actually be cancelled by witches who are proficient in this. Miru Jinu can do it, and her teacher Lamia can definitely do it. This time, we must be careful not to let them come into direct contact with other members of the Witch Assembly.

"This kind of demon contract has an upper limit." Daly interrupted, "Warden, have you cancelled the contracts of others?"

"I have temporarily terminated Aifansha's contract." Aiden said slowly. "Her current treatment progress is very good. Next year, she may have the opportunity to apply for a clear sentence. For her now, determining the time of release from prison is better than raising the time limit." Treatment in prison is much more important.”

Meiliukinu's treatment plan has reduced Afansha's blood toxicity a lot. With a period of corrective education for social return, Afansha has a chance to be released from prison within ten years.

And now that Camila is helping Aiden to control the discipline within the prison from within the prisoners, Ivansha no longer needs to be Aiden's gold medal thug.

"Then here in the prison, is it just the two of us, plus you, the warden, to form a team?" Dai Li asked.

"And Veronica," Aiden answered.

"I think so." Dai Li smiled.

"Then when will we take action?" Precia asked, "Where is the 'Black Goat' now?"

"Still checking, we can only wait now." Aiden replied calmly.

"Wait?" Precia was stunned for a moment.

"It is not our duty to collect intelligence. The Inquisition will provide us with intelligence support. Abigail said that they are preparing to use the Animal Search Order's backup stronghold. If nothing else, the intelligence will be shared with us." Aiden He said slowly, "We just need to wait patiently before the opportunity arises."

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