The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 20 Now it’s a personal vendetta

Sitting in the rickety public carriage, Aiden once again sorted out the information he had obtained.

Judging from what is known so far, after the Veronica case, Bruce Kane suddenly began to engage in consumption behavior that was completely disproportionate to his income level, and it seemed that he made a fortune.

From this point, we can boldly speculate that Jaron Roden asked him to give perjury, and his method was probably mainly inducement.

Moreover, combined with the clues provided by the bartender of "Midnight Rose", Jia Long may have given him more than just money.

"...He carries a gold pocket watch with his family's coat of arms on it, which he often shows off."

Aiden didn't forget this detail that Veronica told him, and he just listened to it at the time.

But when the barmaids told him that Jia Long had changed his pocket watch, he immediately thought of a possibility.

It took the investigation team less than a day from the beginning of the investigation to the arrest of Veronica. Assuming that it was Jaron who killed him, he bribed Bruce to destroy the evidence for him and frame Veronica. He wanted to complete it all. The entire process should be urgent.

It was still midnight when the crime occurred, and there were no banks open at all. When he hurried to the safe to find Bruce, it was unlikely that he had enough funds to bribe him.

According to common sense, for such a big thing as perjury in a murder case, just a verbal promise is not enough for someone to do it on the spot.

So, the only thing he could hand over at that time was the gold pocket watch he carried with him.

In this case, the gold pocket watch is either still in Bruce's hands, or it was sold by him - anyway, it has not returned to Jia Long.

This clue may be a breakthrough to get Bruce Kane.

Thinking of this, the public carriage took him to the vicinity of the police station where the Mounted Police team belongs.

Aiden walked into the police station with a cane, identified himself to the receiving police officer, asked to see Bruce Kane, and was taken to the reception room just like last time.

Aiden decided to try to intimidate Bruce, telling the boy that Veronica had actually requested a retrial long ago, and the investigation team established had made progress and found him. Then they unexpectedly revealed that they had learned that Jalon was the real culprit, and that he had accepted Jalon Rodon's gold pocket watch, and then told him that his only way out was to surrender in time for a plea deal.

Judging from the experience of the contact, although the young man was a mounted policeman, he was still just a newcomer and did not have a strong anti-investigation mentality. He had always been deeply uneasy and afraid of perjury.

As long as Bruce Kane's psychological defense is broken, he may reveal the truth.

As long as there is his testimony, it is logical to propose a retrial and establish an investigation team. Aiden's threats can turn into reality - interrogation skills are indispensable from occasionally bluffing prisoners and suspects, and as a prison guard, he is also very good at this.

This is also the most direct way to break through at the moment. They don't have much time. Veronica is only about a month away from execution. They must file a retrial application as soon as possible within the deadline, and a retrial application requires a reason.

After waiting in the reception room for several minutes, someone finally opened the door.

Aiden looked at the visitor and was slightly surprised.

The person who came in was not Bruce Kane, but Jaron Rodon.

Aiden vaguely sensed that something was wrong. Just when he was thinking about what opening words to test, Jia Long spoke first: "You annoying fly, you have to come here a few times before you give up. Do you want to reverse the case for that woman?"

The blunt and rude words were like a stabbing sword, and the hostility of the other party was obvious.

When Aiden saw this, he simply opened the skylight and spoke frankly. He looked directly into Jia Long's eyes and said, "Seeing how nervous you are, it seems that you really killed the person."

"You checked very carefully, but I advise you not to waste your efforts. The trial is over." Jia Long sat down opposite Aiden, raising the corners of his mustache with undisguised sarcasm, " I've already told that guy, as long as he shuts up and doesn't say anything, no one can do anything to us! He won't see you again. Use your brain to think about what reason he has to help you retract your confession, and your conscience will tell you. ? Just kidding, that thing will only send him to jail!"

Aiden stared at Jia Long without saying anything. He knew very well that there was a reason why the other party was so arrogant.

If he was a detective who grasped the truth and tracked down the murderer, then he had already lost to the murderer when Veronica was unjustly sentenced to death and the entire case was finalized. What's more, he was just a prison guard with little investigative power. None.

What Jia Long said is true. If Bruce does not retract his confession, it will be extremely difficult to reverse Veronica's case.

But Bruce Kane cannot easily retract his confession. After all, perjury and bribery are not trivial matters. On the night when the crime occurred, Jia Long and him only had a transactional relationship of buying and being bribed, but now, they have become an unbreakable relationship of accomplices who both lose and lose.

Aiden's threats may really have a chance to scare Bruce, but it will be difficult if Jalon is always by Bruce's side to influence him.

"You, don't do this for a thankless job. That wolf girl is a hidden danger if she stays in the world. I did a good thing by sending her to prison." Jia Long spread his hands and continued to mock, "Can you figure out your own status? You are just a prison guard. It is your job to execute the sentence according to the judgment of the court. The court asked you to execute the death penalty for that woman, so you just do it obediently! Is it fun to do these unnecessary little tricks? Huh?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Aiden reacted when he heard this and narrowed his eyes at Jia Long.

Jia Long was stunned for a moment, then he glared at Aiden and said sarcastically, "What can you do to me?"

"Officer Roton, I have been a prison guard for a long time, punishing prisoners every day, and I have developed two occupational diseases. One is that I don't like outsiders to teach me how to do things in my professional field, and the other is that I easily bear grudges. If a prisoner jumps in front of me and attacks, I will remember it and then find a way to kill him - only in this way can I establish prestige among the prisoners, and you have both." Aiden looked into his eyes and said calmly, "Although I am in charge of the women's prison now, you probably won't have a chance to fall into my hands, but I know the wardens of other prisons in Silver City. In the future, whether you are sentenced to death or life imprisonment, I promise that I will do everything I can to make you live a life worse than death in prison."

I have been a prison guard for so many years, and a murderer who is at large dares to teach me how to do things?

If he had helped Veronica investigate the case out of a sense of responsibility, now that he was angry and wanted to kill her, it was his own personal wish.

Jialong's cheeks twitched a few times after hearing this, and just as he was about to retort, Aiden suddenly stood up, picked up his cane and walked towards the door.

When he passed by Jialong, he glanced at Jialong and said, "Now it's a personal grudge, fat guy."

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