The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 201 The Power of Chaos

Lamia swung her long tail and knocked away the two nuns who were rushing towards them. The nuns couldn't even scream, only the sound of broken bones was heard.

There was a sudden explosion, and the body of one of the nuns suddenly exploded - she actually took a tube of explosives and put it on her body, blowing herself to pieces in an instant.

The Flower of Blood Mist bloomed, and although Lamia tried hard to dodge, a little blood was still stuck to her body.

"Damn it!" She cursed and immediately wanted to dig out the entire layer of blood-covered skin.

But it was already too late. Sister Naiwei opposite her recited the words of God, and the blood stuck to her body immediately penetrated into her skin like maggots on a corpse.

A feeling of swelling invaded Lamia's whole body, and she knew that the blood that had just touched her body had "impregnated" herself.

Lamia immediately performed physical transformation, rapidly hardening the muscles and organs throughout her body, and raising her self-healing ability to the highest level. She could not prevent the birth of her children, but she could prevent them from causing fatal injuries to her when they broke out of her body. .

The muscles on her back squirmed, and finally a bulge formed. Then she quickly transformed into the shape of a woman, splitting back to back with Lamia. She had a half-human, half-snake monster body similar to Lamia, but Her face and hair color are the same as those of Sister Nai.

This is the child that Sister Naiyu forcibly gave birth to to Lamia using the blood of her split body.

When this heir came, she immediately turned around and pounced on Lamia. Inspired by the bloodline of the power of "reproduction", she obeyed Sister Neve.

Lamia was entangled with the other person and was forced to hold hands and wrestle with each other.

"Tsk, I really gave birth to a disobedient daughter."

Lamia found it a bit difficult to break free. Although her power was stronger than the spawn that split from her body, the gap was not overwhelming. The split body with her bloodline obviously "inherited" her part. ability.

More nuns rushed up, trying to kill Lamia while she was fighting with the split body.

At this time, Kikimora eliminated several nuns who rushed towards her and cast the smoke spell again.

The fog quickly spread, wrapping everyone standing nearby, and the nuns lost their sense of direction in the fog.

Lamia took the opportunity to bite off the throat of the split body, then grabbed the heavy body and threw it at the nun who was on guard.

Habiness rode a broom and hovered in the air, but she never found a chance to fly down and attack Sister Nevius - the daughters who split from Sister Nevius surrounded her tightly, like layers of flesh. Protect it in the middle like a shield.

Moreover, she was also very afraid that if she rashly approached Sister Nevius, she would be "hit" like Lamia. She wanted her to be different from Lamia, who had a strong body, and she would be broken out by the heir like Lamia just now. Dead.

The reproduction of nuns continues, and the nuns standing around her are constantly splitting into new individuals, like a military camp that is constantly producing soldiers.

Although the weapons are long gone, there are as many soldiers as there are.

At this moment, all the great witches present realized the reality, that is, the Sisters in front of them were the saints close to the power of "reproduction". They accidentally kicked the iron plate.

The thick fog blocked the nuns' progress. At this moment, Sister Naiwi suddenly recited the incantation of necromancy: "[May you continue to walk in this world, just like before you were alive.]"

The necromantic technique that manipulated the corpse took effect immediately, and the battle nuns who had just been killed by the great witches and even the synthetic beasts that had been killed earlier stood up from the ground unsteadily.

Seeing the large numbers of corpses being pulled up in the mist, Kikimora exclaimed that something was wrong.

These bodies resurrected through necromancy have no vision or hearing, but they can sense the breath of life in living creatures. As long as the caster orders it, they can automatically track nearby living creatures and attack them, and the fog is ineffective against them.

Not only can Sister Nevius use the power of "reproduction", she also has considerable combat experience.

After a moment of hesitation, Chichimora chose to dispel the fog herself. The fog could not affect the movement of the corpse, but would hinder their own vision.

"You are also witches from the Witches' Coven." Sister Nevius stared at Kikimora and Lamia who were surrounded by corpses and spoke, "Do you know where Abigail's residence is? If I catch you, I should Will you be willing to show me the way?"

With three great witches as opponents, she still stood upright, not even moving her steps.

Kikimora and Lamia exchanged glances.

Nanny is the saint with the power of "reproduction", and they have no idea where the heir to Navi is. Their plan has been completely disrupted, and they may not be able to kill Nanny completely.

Using Kikimora's power, they can evacuate the scene now, but before that, they may be able to test the strength of Sister Nevi and force her to use her inherited power at least once.

The Fengran Mother Goddess Order will not stop its attack on the Sabbat Forest, and the conflict between them and the order is irreconcilable.

To deal with Sister Naiwi, they must use the "power" they have.

"Habinis, I'll leave these fish carcasses to you!" Lamia shouted.

Habiness understood and flew down to sweep away the corpses that were attacking her companions. On this battlefield where the word of God was used, she could only do what she could.

Lamia opened her mouth and began to recite the divine words.

Sister Naiwei heard that the other party was using the Word of God, and immediately ordered her offspring to gather together and form a circle of meat shields.

But the next moment, she found that her offspring had lost control.

The eyes of these split nuns suddenly became extremely dull, and their behavior became disordered. Some of them stood still, and some walked in different directions. Some cried and some laughed, they pushed each other or made a big fuss, and talked nonsense.

This is not just mental pollution. The power of the "chaos" authority used by Lamia can "disrupt" many things, including people's thoughts and consciousness.

At this moment, they were affected by the "chaos" Word of God and temporarily lost the ability to think normally, and became a group of stupid lunatics.

Even Sister Naiwei was hit, her eyes were empty, and she stood there motionless.

With her status, Lamia's Word of God can only affect her for a few seconds, but these few seconds are enough for Lamia to take action.

Lamia rushed out, advancing like a train at full speed, and with her brute force, she pushed aside all the crazy nuns who were blocking her way.

Sister Naiwei suddenly regained consciousness, but it was too late. Lamia rushed in front of her and stretched out her claws, quickly piercing her vital parts.

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