The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 210 I really have to come over via the network cable

Aiden's goal is actually very clear.

The "reproduction" word of God is useless to him, and the remains of Nevus can actually be handed over to the Witch Assembly.

As for divinity, he doesn't mind giving it away. Although it is good to raise his divinity to the level of a saint in one step, divinity is meaningless without the power of the word of God.

There is no need to make enemies with the Witch Assembly for this useless divinity, but it is absolutely impossible to ask him to hand over divinity for free.

Lamia suddenly made a joke after hearing this: "Why, do you still want to sleep with Abigail? Why don't you let me accompany you properly?"

"Thank you." Aiden refused instantly.

With Lamia's head and alien body, and her habit of cannibalism, she might eat him literally in the future.

Abigail remained silent, as if she was considering.

After a long while, she said, "Well, if you are willing to make a reasonable distribution, our Witch Assembly can promise to agree to one of your requests - as long as we can do it..."

"This kind of promise is already everywhere. Do you still think you have such credit now?" Aiden interrupted her.

Regardless of whether there was the previous trickery of Qiqimora and others, there was not much trust between Aiden and the Witch Assembly. The value of verbal promises in such transactions was almost zero.

Even if the devil's contract was used to constrain him, the other party's professionalism in this regard was far superior to his, and it would be difficult for him not to be exploited.

"This is of course just a side note. In addition to this, I can also give you a "blessing." Abigail raised a finger.


"One... chance to be resurrected." Abigail said slowly, "I can use my power to give you the ultimate healing method, which can quickly repair your body when you are dying. Of course, it is only once."

"Oh?" Aiden couldn't help but feel a little excited, "Can you be resurrected after death?"

"Yes, as long as there are enough active tissues in the body, it can be repaired. Once the signs of life stop, it will start." Abigail answered firmly, "This opportunity can only be used by myself. I can only grant it to one more person."

The opportunity to be resurrected with full blood on the spot at the moment of death is indeed a valuable bargaining chip.

"That sounds very tempting." Aiden folded his hands and suddenly changed the subject, "But if you die and resurrect, won't your spirit be affected?"

He asked this mainly because he thought of the mechanism set by Melifilia in his body. After being killed, the body will be restored, but the soul will be replaced by a new traverser.

"Of course not. If the body is reshaped for too long, the spirit will indeed be necrotic, but the power of the near-god level can ensure rapid rebirth in a state of intact spirit." Abigail answered.

It seems that although both are resurrections, the power of Abigail and the method set by Melifilia are different.

Abigail's power is only for the reshaping of the body, while Melifilia adds the effect of soul replacement.

The same power? No, most likely not. Abigail said before that the premise of this resurrection is that there are active tissues in the body, and it can only be used once for outsiders.

With such a prerequisite, the founder of the Blood Moon Cult who wanted to kill him only needed to kill him and burn his body to completely kill him, and there was no need to wait for so many years before coming back.

He guessed that Melifilia used another power that could restore the body after death but not the spirit. This kind of "resurrection" has no meaning for him now. In comparison, Abigail's "blessing" is a more reliable thing.

"Then is it a deal?" Abigail asked.

Aiden thought for a while: "It can be, but I would like to make a small request..."

"Boy, don't go too far!" Habinis was indignant.

"Don't worry, it's not a particularly excessive request. I just want to ask you about the Word of God... Do you understand what I mean?" Aiden asked.

Abigail exchanged glances with the two people beside her and replied: "If you intend to obtain the Word of God from us, then we only accept equal exchange."

Aiden heard what they meant. It seems that only if he teaches the Witch Assembly the Word of God that they have not recorded, the Witch Assembly will exchange with him in return.

Only the Word of God that you have mastered can be taught to others. To some extent, teaching the Word of God is also exposing the cards in your hand. That's why Abigail taught him the Word of "Order" instead of "Life", which she is best at. The Witch Assembly doesn't seem to be easy to give up in this regard.

"... But in terms of black magic, we can provide you with some consulting services as much as possible. This is the biggest concession we can make." Abigail suddenly added.

It seems good to get technical support from the Witch Coven in black magic, but at the same time Aiden also realized that it is better to make this request immediately, otherwise it will become a blank check after he hands over his divinity.

Now he can think of two things.

"In that case..." Aiden thought for a while, and first looked at Vera, "I want to get a core that can operate the amalgam golem, is that okay?"

The amalgam golem core made by Vera before lost its effectiveness due to Aiden's divine words. It would be a good thing for Aiden if he could operate the amalgam golem more finely.

And he also hoped to have the opportunity to see the mercury ball turn into a human form.

Vera hesitated for a moment, and finally replied coldly: "Only if you can hand over your divinity well..."

"Then, I want to ask Ms. Lamia..." Aiden then turned his eyes to Lamia, "Using the devil's contract, the body transformation ability obtained at the cost of pain, is there a way to restore the pain in this case?"

The price of the body transformation technology that Aiden now masters is paid by Avansha. It seems easy to have no pain, but there are actually many inconveniences. Lamia is Miru Jinu's teacher, and her skills in this area are more advanced.

Aiden thinks that if there is a chance, it is better to help Avansha restore the pain.

"So that's how it is. You got my old technique from Mirujinu. The price of not feeling pain is a matching one. Otherwise, it will be very painful when you transform." Lamia seemed a little confused.

"I just asked you if it's possible." Aiden repeated.

"Yes, but it can only recover a little. I can make you a pain potion. There are no obvious side effects. It's just that ordinary people will have their pain magnified a lot." Lamia laughed, "You can also use it to torture prisoners."

"That's fine." Aiden said and looked at Abigail, "Then, how do you exchange the things you want to trade?"

At this point, the exchange chips given by the other party are enough. The question is how to complete the transaction.

"Of course it's a face-to-face transaction." Abigail said without hesitation.

"How do you mean face-to-face? You don't want me to visit you in the Demon Feast Forest?" Aiden frowned.

"Don't worry, of course there is no need to trouble you." Abigail replied calmly, "I will visit you in person on a certain day."

Aiden was stunned when he heard this.

Is Abigail...really going to come over here via the Internet cable?

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