The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 214 Do you want to die?

"Money!?" Aiden was surprised.

"Yes, they gave a sum of cash circulating in the empire and some gold." Abigail said in retrospect, "Because we had no losses here, we agreed."

"The Witches' Coven...are they short of money?" Aiden was a little surprised.

It was hard for him to imagine that the Witches' Assembly would be short of money. The seven great witches who were the core of the Witches' Assembly all possessed rare technologies in the world. The potions made by Lamia alone could fetch sky-high prices on the black market.

Even if things related to black magic cannot be mass-produced, the derivative technologies they produce in the process of studying black magic are very promising. For example, the smelting technology mastered by Vera can produce high-end materials that could not be made in the previous world. …

"It's not that we're short of money, but money is very necessary for us. The cost of personal study of black magic is very high. Now the "Convention" has basically spread throughout the entire southern continent. With our status, at best, we can only You can make money by making things in the workshop, and you can only operate and trade underground." Abigail replied, holding a tea cup, "It is sometimes difficult to spend the funds obtained through black market channels."

Aiden understood that witches had the ability to make money, but they also spent money quickly to invest in dark magic research.

Due to their status as illegals, they are unable to carry out large-scale production like entrepreneurs or farmers, and there is little cooperation between witches. Therefore, they can only use small workshop-style production methods to produce technical output, and the finished products are basically only It flows into black market transactions, and the money obtained from the black market sometimes has to be laundered...

All in all, even if there is technology that can be monetized, the monetization efficiency is very low.

"I see..." After hearing this, Aiden suddenly had an idea, "Well, if you have any technology that can be mass-produced to make money, maybe you can give it to us. The prison will produce it for you. , and then we split the money together.”

The autonomy of prison management in the autonomous prefecture is quite large. The prison has complete facilities and production conditions. It is like a medium-sized factory. If there are any products that meet market demand and are easy to produce, profits can be generated immediately.

Abigail stared at Aiden for a while, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Collaborating with witches? Like Kikimora said, you are really a very open-minded person. Okay, I will discuss this matter with them "

"Then what do you think about the request I just mentioned?" Aiden asked.

"Since you asked me so much, of course we will try our best to help, but...after all, we don't have much information here, so we can't guarantee that we will be able to help." Abigail responded steadily.

"That's enough." Aiden nodded.

He didn't have high hopes for them anyway.

"Then it's almost time. It's time for me to take my leave." Abigail said and stood up.

"How many steps should I take you with?" Aiden also stood up.

"Don't bother me, you're still working." Abigail walked towards the door, then suddenly seemed to remember something and turned around, "By the way, sir, although it's just a trivial matter, I think I'd better tell you. It’s better to know that the ‘Mr. Bloody Clothes’ is not actually the founder of ‘Blood Red Full Moon’.”

Aiden was startled.

"The Blood Moon Order is actually a secret organization that has existed for hundreds of years. It was established by vampires and cultists who pursue immortality. It worships the God of Death. It suddenly declined two hundred years ago and disappeared." Abigail said lightly, "I I think that person either just forged the banner or usurped the power of that sect."

Meanwhile, outside the prison.

The vampire prince Kyle Kaodo was squatting on the roadside, thinking about how to see his sister.

If you think about it carefully, even if you find the prison leader, you may not be able to open the door, and he has no connection...

While he was distressed, someone walked past him and went straight to the side door of the prison.

Kyle turned around and took a look. She was a tall and beautiful woman. She entered the prison through this door. She should be a prison guard on duty here.

At this time, Kyle saw the female prison guard he had seen at the reception desk change her clothes and come out of the side door, and happened to meet this person face to face.

"Veronica, you are on night shift again today." Isabella greeted her colleagues at work.

"Yeah, why don't you have dinner in the cafeteria today?" Veronica echoed.

"I have an appointment tonight... Oh, by the way!" A meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Isabella's face, "The warden has a guest this afternoon. She is a beauty I have never seen before. It's rare for you to come. Things are going well this week, so be careful!”

"Police, what are you being wary of?" A trace of panic flashed across Veronica's face.

"Hey, everyone understands. I'm leaving first." Isabella waved and walked in the other direction.

Kyle, who had listened to the entire conversation, stood up and narrowed his eyes.

The prison guard named Veronica seems to have a close relationship with the warden. Maybe we can get some information about the prison leadership from her.

With this in mind, Kyle strode over and stopped Veronica before she entered the side door: "Miss, please stay."

Veronica turned her head subconsciously, and when she saw the strange man in front of her with a smile on his face, she immediately frowned warily: "What's the matter?"

"That's right, I'm here to visit my family who is serving a sentence here..." Kyle explained.

"Ah, if you want to visit the prison, please go to the reception desk to submit the application form, go over there, and enter from the main gate over there... But you can't visit at this time, you should come tomorrow." Veronica thought the other party was here for consultation, her expression relaxed a little, and she explained it to him carefully.

"Ah, no, actually my family seems to have committed a little crime in prison recently, and I can't visit her for the time being. But I really want to see her, you... You should know the leaders here, I wonder if you can..." Kyle smiled meaningfully.

"You want me to plead for you? It's useless. If it's a situation where you can't visit according to the regulations, it's useless for you to find the warden himself." Veronica waved her hand directly.

"Please don't say that, a beautiful lady like you will definitely not sit idly by and watch people in trouble, right?" Kyle smiled and raised his hand to Veronica's face.

At the same time, he began to exude the inherent charm of the high-level vampires, and a faint red light emanated from the depths of his dark red eyes.

It's done - Kyle just thought so, Veronica suddenly raised her hand, grabbed his wrist and twisted it over.

Kyle shuddered with pain.

"What are you doing? Are you looking for death?" Veronica said word by word with her eyes wide open.

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