The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 215 What's Wrong with This Prison?

Kyle Caodo was surprised, not only because his charm ability failed for the second time, but also because...the girl's hand strength was a bit exaggerated.

Kyle subconsciously used blood magic to strengthen his arms, trying to arm-wrestle with the opponent and turn his hands back. With the blessing of blood magic, he could increase his strength to a level that would dwarf any strong man.

But then he was surprised to find that even with the blessing of blood magic, his strength... still seemed to be no match for this seemingly slender girl.

At this time, Veronica also noticed that the opponent's strength did not seem to be what ordinary people should have. She immediately became alert, folded the opponent's arm harder, and tried to use police grappling techniques to cut the opponent's wrist.

She used to deal with vicious gangsters and horse thieves all year round. These opponents often concealed dangerous weapons on their bodies, and they could not keep their hands free when subduing them. If necessary, she would not mind dislocating the opponent's shoulder first.

Kyle suddenly felt that his wrist was about to break. In desperation, he could only let his right hand atomize and break free from Veronica's strong grip.

Veronica only felt that her hands were empty, and then the man in front of her escaped her grasp and distanced herself. She saw that the man's hands and forearms turned into gray mist, and then flowed back to the man's empty sleeves. , repolymerized into an arm.

Veronica was shocked. A wizard with the special ability to atomize the body and the ability to use black magic? still……

She looked at the young man again. His skin was unnaturally pale, and his eyes, which were obscured by the shadow of the hat brim, seemed to be a little red...

It's a high-level vampire! She finally realized the other party's true identity.

When she was a mounted police officer, she had almost no contact with cases related to black magic and alien species. However, after entering the Rose Iron Prison, she carefully studied the characteristics of the prisoners in the core area. It happened that this prison held a blood prince. .

Did this person just... want to kidnap her into prison?

It seemed that the vampire just wanted to use charm to make her relax her vigilance, but unfortunately he met a pure-blood werewolf.

The mental structure of werewolves who are susceptible to the influence of wildness is different from ordinary people. If you exert mental control on werewolves, they will only arouse the werewolves' aggression.

At this time, Kyle was checking his right hand with lingering fear, but when he turned his eyes back, he saw Veronica opening her mouth to call someone, and he was immediately frightened.

"Stop! Don't shout! Don't shout! I surrender!" Kyle waved and raised his hands again, with a smile on his face, "Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

If the attack on the prison guards becomes a big deal, he will be surrounded by the local Inquisition Bureau later.

High-level vampires are very powerful, but they also have many weaknesses. Today's heresy trials have very systematic methods of dealing with vampires. Once you become a wanted criminal, it is only a matter of time before you go to jail.

Unlike the sister who has no brains and only talks about the illusory dignity of nobility all day long, Kyle understands how to survive in this world as a vampire.

"What misunderstanding? You just wanted to control me, right?" Veronica asked sharply.

"No, no! I just want to get something out of your leader so that I can go back to him to do something. You see, even the magic power can be sealed in your prison. Even if I did something, wouldn't you be able to remove it as soon as I get in?" Kyle quickly explained and took out his ID at the same time, "Although I am a vampire, I am a law-abiding citizen. Look, this is my ID!"

Veronica frowned and took the certificate and browsed it. As a pure-blood werewolf, she was very familiar with this certificate. This vampire didn't seem to be the type who would do anything out of the ordinary.

She looked at Kyle again, and Kyle quickly gave her a silly smile.

"Kaoduo... is the family member you mentioned that you want to visit called Ophelia?" Veronica thought of the prisoner through the other person's last name.

"Yes, yes." Kyle nodded hastily.

"It's illegal to use your abilities on people casually!" Veronica pressed the ID back to the other person's face and educated her angrily, "If you want to visit the prison, just follow the rules! Let me see you plan to use it next time Weird means, I will report it to the Inquisition Bureau!"

After saying that, she walked into the prison without looking back, leaving Kyle standing there alone in a daze.

We hit a wall again. This girl is obviously not an ordinary person...

Kyle scratched his head and squatted down again.

Sure enough, we can only wait a month before coming back? Or... try to put a group of leaders in prison here?

Just as he was hesitating, another person came out of the side door of the prison.

Kyle turned his head subconsciously and saw the blond girl walking slowly.

Um? Isn't this person...the "Alice Liddell" who just met directly with the prison leaders?

Kyle suddenly perked up.

I remember that the prison guard who received her said that she was also the warden's "important guest". Could this girl be an acquaintance who has a close relationship with the prison leaders?

If she can be dealt with, she will be much more reliable than the ordinary prison guard just now!

Thinking of this, Kyle immediately cheered up, stood up, put on a full smile, and walked towards the girl: "Hello, beautiful lady..."

At the same time, he used his charm ability again without hesitation.

As a result, the girl opposite just glanced at him and replied coldly in a mature tone: "Are you tired of using this kind of clumsy charm on me, vampire?"

Kyle, who was instantly exposed, was petrified on the spot.

"Weak people must have the self-consciousness of a weak person and get out of the way." Abigail raised her hand and gestured for Kyle to step aside.

"Weak? This..." Kyle calmed down and put an awkward but polite smile on his face, "I am also a prince-level vampire after all."

"Sorry, I'm not targeting you, I'm talking about all vampires..." Abigail responded without changing her expression, "In the final analysis, your ancestors were just poor people who pursued the power of 'death' but couldn't. As for you dependents...who take the initiative to accept this curse in order to pursue eternal life, is there anyone more miserable than you?"

This man actually knows the secrets of the Vampire Clan!

Kyle couldn't help but widen his eyes: "What on earth are you——"

"I said get out of the way." Abigail raised her hand and pointed at Kyle expressionlessly.

Instantly casting life spells, she was so proficient that she could even omit spells. She injected life force into Kyle's body - for living people, this power has a certain healing effect, but for undead, this thing has no effect at all. It's a damaging magic.

Kyle suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest and almost fell down.

He leaned against the streetlight to steady himself, and finally recovered. Then he looked up and found that the other party was gone.

At this moment, he completely gave up the thought of being a prison leader who had come up in front of him.

Both subordinates and visitors are not ordinary people. What kind of monster must the leader of this prison be?

Recalling the experience of three consecutive setbacks today, Kyle was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

What's wrong with this prison?

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