The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 217 Your pornographic pictures have been received

In the afternoon, after finishing his paperwork for the day, Aiden leaned back in his chair, reached out to take the letter from the warden's mailbox in the corner of his desk, and began to read through it one by one.

As usual, basically all the letters came from the prisoners' families, pleading for the prisoners, saying good things, making requests... Aiden read through them one by one, and then a letter caught his attention.

The unusually thick envelope was just like a stack of money stuffed in it.

No, it was probably just a stack of money stuffed in it.

Aiden sighed. The autonomous state prison has a lot of autonomy in management, and the warden has considerable authority in his own prison. It would be strange if no one bribed him in such a position.

Occasionally, valuable items such as money, checks, gold foil, and gems would appear in the letters in the warden's mailbox, hoping to bribe him to provide special treatment for a prisoner or even get him a commutation of sentence.

In fact, Aiden was really annoyed when he saw these. It's not that he was not interested in money, but he also knew how to weigh the risks. There was no shortage of prisoners in his prison who were sent in for bribery or bribery. All of them were lessons from the past.

Moreover, there was a rich succubus in his prison who made a fortune by pimping and was always thinking of using money and her body to corrupt him and drag him into the water. He was too lazy to touch the honey trap, so how could he risk ruining his reputation for such a small profit?

When he got such a letter, he usually had to spend time reporting it and cooperating with evidence collection to prevent the sender from pestering him endlessly.

But before that, he still had to confirm the contents of the letter.

Thinking of this, he tore open the envelope, and the contents suddenly slipped out.

Aiden was suddenly stunned. The contents inside turned out to be... photos.

It was a portrait of a girl with revealing clothes and curvy figure posing in the photo. Although she was not completely naked, her specific clothes and provocative posture still gave people a sexy feeling... The sensory stimulation was definitely no less than the "Bibi Girl" magazine published by the autonomous prefecture, which was sold throughout the prefecture and even in the surrounding areas.

It was not money, but someone actually... sent him a pornographic picture!

Aiden was stunned for a while, then took out the remaining photos and a letter in the envelope. He looked through the photos from beginning to end, and then picked up the letter again and read:

"This is a small collection that I have collected over the years. I hope the warden will accept it.

I am the brother of Ophelia Kaoduo, a prisoner detained by your unit.

My sister and I have not seen each other for more than 20 years, and I miss her very much.

Recently, I heard that she was detained in the autonomous state, so I immediately set out to rush here. I never thought that she would commit a crime in prison and it would be difficult to see her.

I will have important things to do in the near future, and it may be difficult to meet her again in a few years. I beg the warden to be flexible.

P.S.: I am a legal citizen and hold the "Alien Personnel Management Certificate".

P.S.: If necessary, I can provide more collections, and the excitement level is no less than this one.

That's all.

Yours sincerely,

Kyle Kaoduo."

"..." Aiden looked at the letter and was a little stunned for a while.

He felt that if he were a character in a comic, his head would be full of black lines at this time.

Using pornographic pictures to "bribe"... Is this guy serious!?

But Aiden quickly searched the relevant laws and regulations of the autonomous prefecture in his mind, and suddenly realized that this guy's behavior was not completely unreasonable.

The crime of bribery in the autonomous prefecture has relatively strict regulations on the items used for bribery. It must be money, valuables and exchangeables, and the value must reach a certain level.

And this stack of pornographic pictures is not a valuable item, nor is it an exchangeable item. The value obviously does not meet this standard. It is only in the eyes of some people who are willing to collect it that it is still useful.

Even if Aiden reports it, he cannot file a case. Instead, the people in the procuratorate may suspect that he has water in his brain.

But on the other hand... Aiden swallowed all these photos, and there would be no problem.

Thinking of this, Aiden took the photos and threw them into the drawer.

As long as he took them but did not do anything, it would not constitute a transaction. Anyway, the letter said that these photos were gifts.

Then, Aiden picked up the letter.

In fact, the photo is secondary, and the signature of this letter is what he should pay attention to.

This Kyle Kaoduo claims to be the elder brother of the blood prince Ophelia.

Blood race, as an undead race, actually does not have the fertility of ordinary creatures. In this world, basically all blood races are transformed from humans.

The "reproduction" of blood races is actually through a vampire using the first embrace ritual on a mortal to transform him into his own dependents. Vampires are used to using noble titles to mark the distance between themselves and the ancestors in this "blood relationship". The closer the vampire is to the ancestor, the stronger the natural power of the blood race.

The mortal who is directly transformed from the ancestor is the so-called blood prince, and then under the prince is the duke, marquis... and so on. This title is not immutable. If a vampire kills a vampire with a higher title than him and completely absorbs the other's blood, he can get promoted.

Of course, there are some vampires who were nobles in their previous lives who will ignore this rule and forcibly continue to use their noble titles in their previous lives, but the vast majority of blood clans are still accustomed to defining their identities by bloodline.

There are two situations in which blood clans are related.

One is the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Occasionally, a vampire will establish a parent-child relationship with all the vampires he has transformed. For example, most prince-level vampires will respectfully call their ancestors "father".

The other is the relationship between two vampires in their lifetime.

If we talk about the relationship between siblings, it can only be the latter. The relatives transformed by the same superior vampire rarely call each other brothers and sisters.

As siblings in their lifetime, they actually became vampires together, and they were prince-level... This pair of siblings seemed to have rich experiences in their lifetime.


"It seems that they are not very smart." Aiden shook his head at the letter.

Because he was a little concerned, Aiden put the letter away for the time being and prepared to study it later.

He took out the next letter. There was no stamp or postmark on it. It seemed that the sender threw it into the mailbox personally.

He took out the letter and glanced at it. There was only one sentence on it:

"Tonight at 7 o'clock, invite you to gather at the long table in the mist."

There was no signature, but Aiden could guess who sent it.

Abigail could send invitations to witches all over the continent, so sending a crow, owl or bat to slip a letter here would probably be a piece of cake.

It had not been a few days since Abigail's visit, and Aiden suddenly felt like he had become a member of the witch gathering.

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