The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 219 I knew you would give me something to do

The next day, Rose Iron Prison, Workshop No. 1 of the Textile Factory in the Ordinary District.

"...One of the more common disposable sanitary products on the market now is this sanitary tampon, which is made of this kind of linen or cotton cloth with good water absorption, wrapped on the polished wooden core. The better ones are made of horn or ivory cores, and they are stuffed in when used. The wrapping layer can be replaced, and the core can be used many times." A prisoner in the ordinary district took the real object to explain to Aiden. She had just been in prison and had opened a workshop to produce women's products. "It's just that many people are not used to stuffing things there, so they still use cotton pads. It is a multi-layer structure with a layer of cotton fabric on the outside and a coarse fabric with good water absorption underneath. The middle is filled with cotton and dry moss. The diapers for babies on the market are also this kind, but the inside is filled with peat."

"It looks very thick." Aiden commented.

"Yes, the adsorption capacity of cotton fabric is relatively limited, and it is easy to penetrate, so it needs a certain thickness." The prisoner said while holding the cotton pad, "It will be a bit bloated when worn, so it can only be used with a skirt. It is also troublesome when the weather is hot. This kind of cotton pad is actually very stuffy, and sometimes it will cause eczema."

Aiden is doing market research for a new business project. Although he can feel that the materials provided by the Witch Assembly have great application prospects, it is another matter to put them on the market and make money. If the products produced by the prison workshop are changed without authorization and serious losses occur accidentally, he, the warden, will naturally be blamed.

He asked about the market cost and price of existing female products, and then estimated the cost on his side in his mind.

From the current investigation, the product he envisioned is still very competitive. This sanitary napkin is naturally not comparable to modern products in the previous world, but it can be regarded as a cross-era invention in this world.

Compared with ordinary factories, the labor cost of prisons is extremely low, and even if they fight a price war with similar products, they still have advantages.

If this is taken out to recruit sellers, the merchants will probably fight at the bidding site.

"So, with our equipment, is it feasible to make a pad of this shape?" Aiden took out a diagram of the shape of a sanitary napkin and showed it to the prisoner.

"It's possible... but this size can't be filled with too much stuff." The prisoner asked.

"That's no problem, I have better filling materials." Aiden waved his hand.

In this case, it only takes a few days to slightly reset the facilities on the textile factory side, and then train the prisoners, and then we can start working after getting the raw materials provided by the witch gathering.

There will be some risks in entering a new market, but the benefits are also considerable. If this product can sell well, the Rose Iron Prison can completely get rid of the problem of capital shortage.

At this time, a noisy shouting mixed with smashing sounds came, which made Aiden frown immediately-the direction of the sound seemed to be the textile workshop in charge of the core area.

He immediately got up and left the workshop here, and strode in the direction of the sound.

The amalgam golem standing at the door of the first workshop took a step automatically, and followed Aiden closely at the same pace, like his shadow.

When Aiden broke into the workshop where the noise came from, the alarm had already sounded.

Four prisoners wrestled together and knocked over several sewing machines. The other prisoners in the workshop stood by and watched, and some even cheered for the excitement. The prisoners who usually helped Aiden maintain prison order were not in this workshop.

The prison guards on duty blew the whistle and waved the baton to warn but it was useless. Except for Veronica, who was particularly good at fighting, the prison guards on duty rarely got involved in the fight between multiple prisoners. They usually called a more professional mobile riot squad to deal with it.

However, this time, Aiden, who happened to be nearby, arrived at the scene first.

"Target four people, shackle mode." He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The amalgam golem standing behind him received the order and immediately rushed to the center of the conflict, pounced on the four people who were wrestling, and then instantly transformed into several iron rings connected by chains. The iron rings automatically opened and closed on the prisoners' necks and wrists, and then the iron chains immediately tightened, pulling all their hands to the front of their necks, making them unable to move.

In just a blink of an eye, the amalgam golem tied up the four prisoners, and the chains connected the iron rings around the four people's necks together. Another part turned into a solid ball connected by chains and hit the ground to prevent the excessive weight from breaking the prisoners' necks.

With the core given by Vera, the amalgam golem has become more intelligent and controllable, and no longer needs to be fed with precious metals to ensure its loyalty. It has become a very convenient management tool.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"What is this!?"

The fighting prisoners fell into chaos for a while. Some of the fighting prisoners turned their heads and noticed the warden, and were immediately scared pale.

Only one prisoner, with his hands tied, tried to rush at another prisoner: "Go to hell!"

"Ophelia." Aiden recognized the prisoner and spoke coldly behind her.

Ophelia's whole body shuddered and she froze on the spot.

She recognized whose voice it was.

After a while, she turned around stiffly as if her neck was rusty: "You, you..."

"Want to bask in the sun again, right?" Aiden gave her a "kind" smile.

Ophelia was afraid to speak immediately.

Apparently, the punishment imposed by Aiden on her when she failed to escape from prison last time left her with a big psychological shadow.

"What's going on?" Aiden turned to the prison guard on duty and asked about the situation.

The prison guard on duty quickly saluted and reported the cause of the conflict.

The three prisoners who fought with Ophelia were in the same room. One of them had a friction with Ophelia over a trivial matter in the morning. When they were working today, they mocked Ophelia, who was in the same workshop, as "the king of groundhogs" and "a wild dog licking pig blood in the slaughterhouse" - of course, this degree of foul mouth is not uncommon among the prisoners in the core area.

But they lit a powder keg today. Ophelia was originally arrogant, and because of the punishment, she had been in a state of forbearance and accumulated pressure for a long time. This kind of mockery that poked her sore feet directly made her furious. She grabbed the tools at hand and smashed one of them.

After the two started fighting, the other two prisoners immediately joined the fight, and the situation became what Aiden saw when he came in.

Just as Aiden expected, Ophelia, who had been forbearing for a long time, really exploded because of a trivial matter.

"Okay, sure! I guessed that you would do something for me." Aiden nodded to Ophelia, "You really didn't disappoint me."

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