The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 224 Internal Conflicts of the Blood Clan

As soon as Aiden had this thought, he soon realized that this was unlikely.

The Blood Moon Cult, which was led by "Mr. Bloody" five years ago, had long been completely destroyed by the Inquisition of Silver City. All members of the cult except the ruler behind the scenes were shot dead. Even if there were other remaining members, they should have been scattered long ago after being investigated in depth by the Inquisition and five years had passed.

In other words, for Mr. Bloody, the banner of "Blood Red Full Moon" has no value. Raising the banner of "Blood Red Full Moon" again will alert the Inquisition, which will only harm him.

Most importantly, Melifilia once mentioned that Mr. Bloody's goal should be to eliminate the existence of "Aidan Jarod" so as to complete the last promotion ceremony of the authority of "Hate". If that person finally found a way to complete it, he should come to him directly instead of wasting time to form a cult.

In other words, the activities of the Blood Moon Cult mentioned by Kyle have nothing to do with that person?

At this time, what came to Aiden's mind was what Abigail told him during her previous visit.

Abigail told him at the time that the Blood Moon Cult was actually a cult that had existed for quite a long time, composed of vampires and humans who pursued immortality, worshiping the God of Death. Two hundred years ago, the God of Death who attempted to seize the power of reproduction was severely damaged and quickly declined.

Related to the vampires... Kyle is also a prince of the vampires. Could it be that the guy in front of him was actually referring to this "authentic" Blood Moon Cult?

"The Blood Moon Cult started operating again half a year ago, and I have been paying attention to them since then. At that time, they were active in Gistas, and this month, they suddenly moved to the Autonomous Prefecture collectively." Kyle continued to explain, "I followed them to the Autonomous Prefecture and happened to find out the news that Ophelia had been arrested here before."

Active in Gistas, moved to the Autonomous Prefecture this month?

Aiden suddenly realized something.

This trajectory of action is very similar to that of the Mother Goddess of Fertility, and even the time can roughly match.

After the incident of the Mother Goddess of Plenty came to an end, the Inquisition reported a somewhat strange incident.

The original corpse of Sister Nevi left at the scene had traces of blood being drawn by vampires.

If this was not done by a low-level vampire who happened to pass by and was so hungry that he did not even let go of the corpse, it was very likely to confirm the divinity left in the corpse.

Sister Nevi was the real leader of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, and this was not known to the public.

But if someone witnessed the battle between Sister Nevi and the three great witches in the abandoned mine at that time, as long as they had a certain understanding of the power of the "reproduction" authority, they should be able to guess this.

In other words, perhaps someone has been secretly paying attention to the activities of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, and... it is very likely this original Blood Moon Cult.

Of course, this is all just speculation, and everything is based on the premise that "everything Kyle Kaodo said is credible."

Aiden realized that the words of the blood prince in front of him could not be fully trusted. At present, he could not deny the possibility that he had come here for some purpose.

What if it was actually him who secretly observed the Mother Goddess of Plenty and took blood from the corpse of Nyxie Wei...

But no matter what, Aiden could not ignore the four words "blood red full moon" from the other party.

"What do you mean by saying that you acted to stop them?" Aiden tried to ask Kyle, "What conflict do you have with them?"

"Let's just say we belong to different factions." Kyle shrugged, "There are actually two factions within the blood clan. One is the 'Death God Faction' who believes in the God of Death - they formed the Blood Moon Cult. The other is the 'Ancestor Faction' who follows the ancestor of the blood clan like me. The two factions are a bit contradictory and have been tit-for-tat."

Hearing this, Aiden was finally sure that the "Blood Moon Cult" Kyle was referring to should be the original product mentioned by Abigail.

After all, five years ago, the Blood Moon Cult destroyed by the Inquisition did not find many vampires in it.

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that even if it had nothing to do with the "Mr. Blood Clothes", he could not just ignore the existence of such a dangerous group in Silver City.

Moreover, the Blood Moon Cult that believed in the God of Death seemed to be heading for the Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult, and the Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult was actually destroyed by him.

"It is understandable that the vampires follow the ancestor, but why do they believe in the God of Death?" Aiden asked.

"It is said that the curse our ancestor suffered came from the god of death." Kyle answered, "So many vampires hope to be forgiven by the god of death, to eliminate their dependence on blood and fear of sunlight. But if you ask me, this is just a waste of effort. After all, I have never heard of any vampire who has successfully escaped the curse."

"So you choose to follow your ancestor?"

"Well..." Kyle scratched his head, "I follow the ancestor because I made a contract with him before. After all, it is thanks to him that my silly sister and I can "live" like this until now."

Aiden got two messages from this sentence. One is that the ancestor of the blood clan is still alive and seems to be involved in the activities against the current Blood Moon Cult behind the scenes. The other is that the brothers and sisters of Kaoduo should be the followers transformed by the ancestor himself.

"What happened before?" Aiden asked smoothly.

"This is personal privacy." Kyle spread his hands and smiled, bringing up the topic, "So, can you tell me? The Blood Moon Order that once operated in the Autonomous Prefecture five years ago was solved by the Inquisition Bureau. ”

"That's right." Aiden nodded, "But the Blood Moon Order is probably different from what you said. There is no vampire found in it at all. It should be just a fake cult under the guise of a name."

"So that's it." Kyle touched his chin, seeming to understand something.

"So, what is the purpose of this Blood Moon Order? Why do you think they came to the autonomous prefecture?" Aiden asked Kyle.

"I'm not sure. The order I received is that no matter what they do, just stop them." Kyle smiled, "I guess these people can't do anything good. So, since Warden, you Someone who was once a member of the Inquisition is not as good as..."

Aiden realized that Kyle had told him so much about the Blood Moon Order after learning that he had served as an inquisitor in the Inquisition.

This guy intentionally wanted to reveal the news of the Blood Moon Order's operations in Silver City to the Heretic Bureau, so that the Heretic Bureau could take some action against the Order - just like how the Witches' Assembly dealt with the Fengyang Mother Goddess Order before. routine.

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