The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 227 Bloodline Crushing

Vampires have excellent night vision. Although the lights in the room are extremely dim, the guests can still see each other clearly.

Pale, bloodless skin, dark red eyes...

"Same kind?" The guest frowned, "Does this gentleman want to share a table with me for a meal?"

"Two of us together? Your Excellency, you are quite open-minded." Kyle smiled and waved his hand, "But let's forget it. If two people can eat enough, this woman will die."

They are here to grab food - the guest thought for a moment, and finally chose to give in: "If you are hungry, please give this prey to you, sir, as a favor from me."

He didn't know when the other party appeared on the window sill. He suspected that the other party's title was not low and he might not be an easy opponent. It would not be wise to start a conflict rashly.

"Ah, there's no need for that. I've quit using human blood." Kyle raised his hand.

"Quit?" The guest was stunned.

"This, this." Kyle pulled down his collar slightly and showed the other party a circle of runes around his neck. "The heresy trial organization is very strict now. Every registered vampire has You need to use this thing. With this thing around, the pain of sucking human blood can make people faint. "

The guest immediately recognized that it was a special spell used by the Heretic Tribunal to restrict vampires from sucking blood. Within the vampires, this thing has been jokingly called a "dog collar".

It turned out to be just a third-rate thing with a "collar" on it - the guest was relieved in his heart, and at the same time he felt a little contempt for the other party.

Any Vampire who has some ability will not choose to accept the control of the Heretic Tribunal. Within the Vampire Clan, any Vampire who takes the initiative to put on a "dog collar" will basically be at the bottom of the contempt chain.

"Since you can't eat human blood, why do you come to disturb my meal?" The guest's tone became cold.

"I said, if you eat in a place like this, you will cause trouble to others." Kyle's smile remained on his face, as if he didn't take the other person's change of attitude to heart.

"To whom? Her?" The guest glanced at the dazed woman in his arms, "When does a predator need to consider the feelings of its prey?"

"I mean you will cause trouble for me. I left a registration with the Inquisition, and you are in this city for food. When the Inquisition receives the case, they will definitely arrest me for questioning." Kyle said. He spread his hands and said, "So I can't do anything about this."

"This is not something you can control." The guest completely lost his patience, "If you don't want to die, just disappear as soon as possible, you are a loser!"

"Your Excellency, your tone is very high. What is your title? Let me pay your respects to it?" Kyle smiled and spread his hands.

"...Earl." The guest was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice and replied.

"Trash." Kyle still smiled.

The guest suddenly felt unsure. The other party's attitude... was he of higher blood than the earl, or was he just bluffing?

Just as he was hesitating, the other party suddenly came down from the window sill and walked towards him slowly.

"I'll catch you without mercy..." Kyle spread his hands, "Or should I beat you until you can surrender without mercy?"

Faced with such provocation, the guest could no longer bear it. He pushed the woman in front of him towards her and at the same time opened his wrist with his fingertips.

Blood spurted out, and then turned into a red dagger in his hand.

Kyle took the woman and pushed her towards the bed. At this time, the other party had thrown the dagger at him, pointing directly at his heart. At this time, he had no way to dodge - the dagger was accelerated by blood magic. The bow and arrow that can surpass the power attack can't even catch the afterimage!

The blood-condensed dagger pierced his clothes and penetrated his chest without any resistance. A sneer appeared on the face of the vampire earl opposite him. Being pierced through the heart was a very serious injury to the vampires. If it were replaced with a special one specially made for vampires, The weapon is fatal this time.

Kyle's eyes widened, and then he reached for the wound on his chest, as if he didn't believe the result.

The earl was about to say something, but his expression froze in the next second.

Because then Kyle actually put his whole hand in, as if there was nothing there.

"I can't find it...the heart." Kyle stared in surprise, then stretched out his hand from the hole again. A cloud of gray mist circled around his back, condensed on his hand, and turned into a A...heart.

He immediately put on a surprised look again: "Ah, it turns out it's here!"

"You, you are -" The blood Earl's eyes widened.

"Are you surprised?" Kyle grinned, "This is an atomization ability that only Dukes and above can have. It should be rare for you to see it, right?"

Before the count could react, Kyle suddenly squeezed his heart hard, and bright red blood spurted out from the blood vessels above, forming a whip.

Kyle swung the "blood whip" fiercely and hit the vampire earl on the neck.

The whip penetrated the earl's neck as easily as cutting through butter with a heated knife. This bloody whip was actually sharper than a steel knife.

The count's head just fell to the floor. At this moment, he finally realized that the opponent in front of him had a blood status that he could never defeat.

The natural strength of the vampires is completely determined by their bloodline status. This is a bloodline crushing!

Fortunately, the head was not a critical factor for the higher vampires. He realized that he had to disintegrate his body into a bat and escape through the window. This is the deformation ability that only vampires above the earl have!

"Don't try to transform. You can't transform as fast as I can. Don't force me to pierce your heart." The other party's voice fell coldly, cutting off his last thought of escape.

The earl tried to turn his head rolling on the ground to look at his body, and found that the other party had transformed the sharp whip into a military bayonet condensed with blood, and pressed it against the chest of the body, ready to pierce the heart at any time.

"Don't! I surrender!" The earl shouted loudly.

"I like people who know the times." Kyle smiled, "Of course, if you can know the times from the beginning, I will like you more."

"Who are you..." The earl asked in awe.

"It's the prince." Kyle made a scissors hand gesture at the corner of his eye on the side with the monocle.

"Why do people like you... bow to the rules of mortals?" The earl couldn't understand it at all.

"This is none of your business. You just need to understand the real reason why I'm looking for you." Kyle said with a smile.

"The real reason?" The earl was stunned.

"I know you are a Class B wanted criminal, Nosferatu, and I also know you are a member of the Blood Moon Cult." Kyle said slowly, "For the sake of your life, I hope you can answer me honestly... What exactly do the Death Cult members plan to do in this city?"

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