The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 229: The Instant Effective Persuasion Technique

As soon as Aiden had this thought, he realized that this judgment was too arbitrary.

The Blood Moon Cult would follow the activities of the Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult, so they should have some knowledge of the movements of the Mother Goddess of Plenty Cult, not that they knew nothing.

North's behavior pattern is also a bit contradictory. If he is here to investigate clues, he should hide his whereabouts as much as possible.

Such behavior of drinking human blood will basically be noticed by the Inquisition after a long time. It is very unusual to do such a thing in an autonomous state where the Inquisition is extremely active, and it is in the city...

If you just want to collect blood to satisfy your own desires, no matter how confident you are, you should at least go to the suburbs to do it.

"I say, is it the instruction of the cult that you catch people here to suck blood? Or is it your own behavior?" Aiden asked.

"Eh?" North's face showed a bit of surprise, "This... is indeed the case. The cult instructed me to do this..."

"Wow, you want to blame the cult for this?" Kyle's face was full of disbelief, "It seems that you are the one who wants to have sex?"

"It's true!" North argued loudly, "He insisted that we stay here... suck human blood as regularly as possible, and regularly check if we have the smell of sucking human blood."

"Oh? 'He'? 'We'?" Kyle narrowed his eyes, "You mean you are not the only one who does this kind of activity?"

"Besides me, I know there are three other people... all of them are vampires." North replied.

"Who is this 'he' referring to?"

"It's the superior in the cult who is responsible for supervising me, a vampire of a higher level than me. I estimate that he is at least a duke. I was forced to do hard labor by him!" North replied.

Hearing this, Aiden suddenly had an idea: This guy might just be a bait.

"How much do you know about the supervisor? His name? What does he look like?" Aiden asked.

"No, I don't know." North said cautiously.

"Want to try the heart skewers?" Kyle suddenly grinned at North's head.

North was immediately shocked: "I really don't know!! He kept his face covered and didn't tell us his name! He just visited our hiding place regularly to confirm whether we were doing our job well!"

The more Aiden listened, the more he felt that his guess was confirmed.

The B-level wanted criminal in front of him was simply carrying out a mission in a confused manner. The Blood Moon Cult did not seem to expect him to find out anything, but instead hoped that he could do something conspicuous to attract the attention of the Inquisition.

And he himself had just joined the cult, accepted bribes to join the cult, and was forced to do this kind of thing by a vampire stronger than himself...

It feels a bit like a smokescreen for some other big action to be done underneath... Aiden thought.

Kyle tried to ask North a few more questions, but he still didn't know anything.

Whenever Kyle expressed disbelief and threatened him verbally, North seemed panicked, but still could not tell any useful information.

Finally, Aiden finally lost his patience: "Okay, I feel that this guy can't get anything useful out of him, let's hand him over to the Inquisition."

It's meaningless to just ask like this. With the interrogation methods of the Inquisition, maybe they can pry out something new.

"Uh..." Kyle hesitated for a moment, and found that he couldn't think of a way to pry out more information, so he had to agree with Aiden's statement, "Okay, then..."

He turned his eyes to North's head on the floor, stretched out his hand, controlled the blood on his hand to turn into silk thread, and then wrapped around North's head and pulled it into his own hand, and then buckled North's head on the broken neck with his backhand.

"Okay!" Kyle looked like he had accomplished a great job, but then frowned, "It feels a little wrong..."

"It's the wrong way up." Aiden reminded.

"Oh sorry sorry." Kyle smiled at North and turned his head back to the front.

North's cheeks twitched twice, as if he was about to explode at any time, but in the end he did not dare to raise any opinions.

"Then let's wait a little while." Aiden glanced at the woman lying on the bed, "When the victim recovers, I will ask the store to call a carriage, take the witness, and take the wanted criminal to the Inquisition."

"Then I'll ask you to send the person over, Warden, and please tell me about the Blood Moon Cult. I won't go there tonight." Kyle said with a smile.

He had captured North and interrogated him, and made Aiden believe the facts of the Blood Moon Cult's activities. His goal had been achieved.

"Aren't you going to cooperate and make a confession?" Aiden looked at him in surprise, "You don't want the reward?"

"I'm really not used to going to this kind of place. It's enough for you to explain the situation to the warden. If the Inquisition needs to confirm something, it will send someone to find the temporary residence where I registered to question me. I will definitely cooperate at that time. As for the reward... Just take it, just consider it as a favor." Kyle waved his hands and refused.

"You caught the person, I will feel guilty if I take this money, it's better for you to go in and collect it yourself." Aiden persuaded.

"No, no, it's okay! I don't mind at all!" Kyle still waved his hands.

"No, no, I mind." Aiden insisted on persuading.

"Oh, you really don't have to be so polite!"

"You should be the one who shouldn't be so polite. After all, you caught the wanted criminal. This is a heroic act and should be commended."

"Oh, really don't have to."

"You want what you want."

The two declined each other in polite tones for several rounds, while North, as the prisoner, watched silently.

In the end, Kyle was defeated and smiled as if he couldn't bear it: "Oh, I really can't defeat you... In the end, it turned out to be like this. I really can't help it, then I will... go in and cooperate with the investigation."

"As long as you are willing to understand." Aiden nodded, "With all due respect, refusing to enter the bureau to cooperate with the questioning will make you look suspicious."

"That's right, I've been taught a lesson. Then..." With an awkward but polite smile, Kyle's eyes moved downward, "Can you move the muzzle of the gun away from me?"

Aiden was finally able to convince Kyle, thanks to him moving his gun towards Kyle mid-sentence, and the effect was immediate.

Although he didn't see any obvious problems, he still didn't fully believe Kyle's story, and... he wasn't sure whether the "Original Sect" Kyle mentioned was also involved in any illegal activities.

The easiest way is to bring Kyle into the Heretic Tribunal and capture him for questioning.

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