The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 231 Serial Murder Case

"Could it be a serial murder case? It's also related to the vampires. Doesn't this mean..." Aiden realized something.

"Yes, the two people who were arrested before have been listed as suspects. Although one disappearance case occurred after the two were arrested, because they belong to the same group, maybe the groups committed the crimes separately." Rebecca Explained, "One of the two arrested Viscounts had also been active in Fireworks Alley, and the other was hunting in several blocks of the uptown area. In the previous murder dumping case, the body appeared on the outskirts of the city, but after the police investigation, they found that it was not At the first scene, the deceased was still working in Fireworks Alley the night before. Then two missing persons were reported. One of the missing persons was also a fireworks woman, and the other was a resident of Shangcheng District. The last time he was seen happened to be at the same place. The neighborhood where the viscount was active."

"Everyone's activity area can deal with a case..." Aiden pondered.

Three vampires from the Blood Moon Order, two were hunting in Fireworks Alley and one was hunting in Uptown. Then, two of the victims were Firework Girls, and the remaining one was missing in Uptown...

Is this Blood Moon Cult killing people everywhere in Silver City?

"The two people arrested strongly denied it, but neither could provide an alibi. And it is true that they attacked a living person, so we can only temporarily detain them in the bureau until further evidence is found." Lei Becca explains.

"Even if they killed the person, of course they have to deny it. He is a wanted criminal, and he is a vampire. Considering the vicious murder, the death penalty is completely certain." Aiden shook his head, and then thought of Kyle who had just been taken there. , "Well, have you ever asked Kyle Caodo before?"

Normally speaking, when it comes to cases related to vampires, the Inquisition Bureau will definitely ask vampires who live locally or have registered from other places to question them.

"We have sent someone to interview him. He has an alibi for the presumed murder time. He was taking a long-distance train to Silver City at that time. He also showed us his ticket, and we found the job on that train. The staff asked, and they all remembered this person.”

Aiden nodded. The staff may not be able to remember every passenger, but if a vampire shows a "Alien Personnel Management Certificate" to board the bus, it is basically impossible to remember them.

"However, just because he is not here is not enough to mean that he has absolutely nothing to do with the incident." Rebecca added, "The two viscounts we captured mentioned that there was a vampire with a higher blood status than them who continued to monitor their actions."

"You suspect that person is Kyle?" Aiden asked.

"I'm just considering the possibility. After all, high-level vampires are not that common." Rebecca replied, "And they happened to come to Silver City recently."

Aiden thought for a while, and Kyle mentioned that he belonged to the Founding Faction, which was opposed to the Blood Moon Order of the Death Faction, and came with an order to hinder the Death Faction's activities, and visited his sister by the way - all of this was just him One-sided words.

Kyle holds a certificate issued by the Netherlands and has been reviewed by the Inquisition. There should be no problems with his identity. When he mentioned it to Ophelia, there was no contradiction in Ophelia's reaction.

Judging from the fact that Kyle went to great lengths to meet Ophelia, it is probably true that he visited his sister, but the previous part can only be doubted.

If he is actually a member of the Blood Moon Cult, using his hidden identity to control other prisoners to commit crimes, and then using his public identity to catch the prisoners to clear himself of suspicion... it is not impossible.

"Speaking of this, I'm actually planning to go to your work tomorrow." Rebecca suddenly remembered something.


"We had someone monitor the whereabouts of Kyle Caodo a little bit the day before yesterday and yesterday. He was seen shopping in Fireworks Alley and an antique street in the lower city, and he also went to the slaughterhouse on the outskirts of the city twice. , In addition, the surveillance person also said that he went to the Lower Rose Iron Prison and dropped a letter into the mailbox at the door - just yesterday. "

Aiden thought for a while and realized that he should go to the slaughterhouse to receive blood for consumption - most of the registered vampires usually eat processed blood products, but there are also some who are more interested in taste and will go to the slaughterhouse to buy fresh blood in person.

Then he went to Fireworks Alley to investigate the whereabouts of Nosferatu, which is consistent with his own account.

As for the street where antiques are sold, it may be his personal interest. Many vampires, because they have lived for a long time or are affected by the internal atmosphere of the vampire clan, have a lagging behind in aesthetics than ordinary people. They prefer antiques and second-hand goods in terms of decoration and daily necessities.

Then, the reason for going to Rose Iron Prison to submit a letter was...

Aiden's expression suddenly froze.

He remembered - yesterday, the guy sent a pornographic picture to bribe him.

The key is that Rebecca suddenly mentioned this now...

"Can you tell us what exactly he sent you?" Rebecca asked the question that Aiden was aware of.

"Uh..." Aiden was a little stuck, "He wrote a letter to me, asking me to give him a chance to meet Ophelia, but I refused."

"But, the surveillance person said..." Rebecca hesitated, "The other party stuffed a thick stack of envelopes in."

Aiden wondered why the surveillance investigator had such sharp eyes.

But if you think about it carefully, those who do surveillance must have sharp eyes to be considered professional.

Actually, it's nothing to say it out loud. It's just a pornographic picture. Who hasn't seen it? If the person asking the question was the director or other male superior judge, Aiden would probably explain it naturally and fluently.

But talking about this with a female former colleague is a little embarrassing.

The key is those photos... He even accepted them.

"Could it be that he sent you money?" Rebecca was worried. "Senior, don't get carried away."

"How could it be? It's not money." Aiden gestured to Rebecca to relax. "In fact, it's just some... uh, more collectible photos. It doesn't constitute bribery."

He thought about it carefully. This matter probably can't be concealed. It is estimated that Kyle is being asked the same question now.

"Is it... landscape photos?" Rebecca blinked.

"I guess so." Aiden could only maintain an awkward but polite smile. "If necessary, I can find a chance to show those photos to the director for confirmation."

This railway is extending to all parts of the continent. At the same time, portable cameras have just been widely promoted. Travel photography is quite popular. Landscape photos are considered a social fashion of this era.

Speaking of landscape photos, those photos are indeed some "good scenery".

This time, Aiden learned a lesson: Don't just take gifts from others, even if they are just pornographic pictures...

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