The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 232 The Purpose of Murder

A few minutes later, the superior judge who was responsible for taking notes on Kyle came out from the depths of the corridor and came over to report to Rebecca: "I've finished asking, now I'm going to arrange for him to get the bounty."

"Did you ask about his whereabouts these past few days? Especially...those key moments." Rebecca asked.

"The critical time?" Aiden asked casually.

"The two viscounts who were arrested before mentioned that the people responsible for supervising them would visit them regularly to check their activities, and we recorded those times and places." Rebecca answered.

"I understand." Aiden understood.

Through the confessions of the three captured vampires, the Inquisition was able to learn the whereabouts of the "Supervisor" only when and where the "Supervisor" visited the three to check on the progress of their work.

By confirming Kyle's whereabouts at that time, it may be possible to confirm whether he is the overseer.

Aiden is also very concerned about this. The Blood Moon Order is following the Fengyang Mother Goddess Order. The vampire who appeared in the abandoned mine is probably a member of the Blood Moon Order - and may even be manipulating those few people behind the scenes. Supervisor of the vampire clan.

If the supervisor had witnessed the witch assembly's counterattack against the Black Goat while monitoring the Fengran Mother Goddess Order, it would naturally have been possible that he had discovered his involvement - even if he had not seen it with his own eyes, he might have learned from the leaders. From the conversation between the witches, I heard that Precia, who was in the priest's body at that time, brought a corpse forged from his own reproductive body. As long as the witches said a few words at the scene, it would be possible. exposed.

If Kyle is the overseer, then his sudden proximity to his purpose is cause for alarm.

"At one point in time, he gave a confirmable alibi." The junior judge said and glanced at Aiden who was present. "On the afternoon of the 11th, he said that he went to the Rose Iron Prison. Visited his sister Ophelia Caodo, but was refused on the spot.”

Rebecca immediately gave Aiden a confirming look.

"There is such a thing. The person on duty at the reception desk mentioned it to me. He showed his ID there, so there is nothing wrong." Aiden remembered it after thinking about it for a while.

"What time is it?"

"Probably around 3:15 in the afternoon."

Alden remembered this time because Isabella mentioned that "Alice Liddell" also happened to be visiting at this time.

"I remember that day the 'Supervisor' visited Suspect No. 2 in Uptown at about four o'clock in the afternoon, right?" Rebecca tried to think back, "If he left the prison and rushed there immediately, he should still be able to make it in time. "

"But Kyle Caodo claimed that he was still stranded near the prison at four o'clock and had contact with a female prison guard. He claimed that he wanted to ask the prison guard for help in establishing a relationship, but he was rejected." The subordinate The Inquisitor added.

"It's Veronica. She also told me about this." Aiden confirmed.

"In addition, he also contacted a person who happened to come out of the side door of the prison at about 4:10, saying that he was...'a guest of the prison leader'. His name was Alice Liddell. Twenty-year-old, quite beautiful girl, and he also said..." The lower judge looked at Aiden as he spoke, and suddenly paused.

Aiden was stunned for a moment. He didn't know that Kyle had met Abigail before.

"What else did you say?" Rebecca asked.

"He also said... uh..." The lower judge smiled helplessly, looked at Aiden and said, "He said that the visitor seems to have a special relationship with you, the captain."

Aiden's eye twitched.

This vampire is a real dog. Is he here to take revenge for making him go to the Inquisition to cooperate with the questioning?

"Can you explain me, senior?" Rebecca looked over again.

"Do I have to explain it?"

Aiden actually didn't want to go into details about Abigail. His deal with Abigail involved a lot of secrets.

The time when Kyle saw Veronica and Abigail was not much different. In fact, only Veronica's testimony was enough to show that Kyle was not the "supervisor".

But Rebecca looked reluctant: "Please make it clear."

The lower-level judge showed a subtle expression on the side, as if watching a show.

Seeing Rebecca asking so closely, Aiden could only sigh and replied: "That person is actually Abigail."

As soon as these words came out, Rebecca and the lower judge's eyes widened at the same time.

"Abigail? That 'apex witch'?" the lower judge asked in surprise.

Aiden nodded.

"The matter with the Fengran Mother Goddess Order is over. Are you still in contact with the Witches' Assembly?" Rebecca asked with her eyes wide open.

"I just..." Aiden thought for a moment and thought of the reason, "I just have some business dealings with them."

"What business?" Rebecca asked, "Isn't it related to black magic?"

"Don't worry, it's legal." Aiden shrugged, "Our prison is going to use their technology to produce feminine hygiene products."

Rebecca and the lower judge were stunned.

"Speaking of which, since that guy inside is not a supervisor, then there is probably a high-level vampire lurking in this city." Aiden changed the topic back, "To make an earl fear like that, the title is probably Above the Duke."

A blood prince or duke who may be an S-level wanted criminal is lurking in this city, and he is also suspected of more than one murder. This is a big event.

"Yes... I have to report to the director tomorrow. Now we have to wait in one more place, and we won't have enough manpower." Rebecca sighed.

It seems that the Inquisition has tried to wait in the hiding place of the two captured vampires before, waiting for the "supervisor" to visit and catch them.

Now that North has been arrested, the number of places to wait has increased.

Considering that the other party's bloodline may reach the prince level, if you want to catch the target at the waiting place as much as possible, at least a senior inquisitor must lead the team.

"So what are you going to do this time, senior?" Rebecca looked over tentatively.

Last time, Aiden took the initiative to help the Inquisition solve the dangerous Mother Goddess of Plenty in one fell swoop. Rebecca is not sure whether he will intervene this time. .

"It depends on the situation. I still have work to do in the prison. This time I just happened to be caught by the vampire inside and reported the case, so I followed him to take a look." Aiden spread his hands.

Tracking and arresting criminals is the responsibility of the Inquisition. After all, he still has his own work to deal with.

But if this new Blood Moon Cult really finds him... he can only find a way to get rid of them. Anyway, they are very likely to be the real murderers in the city.

However, if these murders and disappearances are really done by the Blood Moon Cult, what is their purpose in killing people?

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