The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 237 Chapter 36 The Most Painful Way to Die

Both Aiden and Veronica opened their eyes slightly.


This guy... wants to rob prison?

"What are you going to do with that prisoner?" Aiden asked.

"Stop talking nonsense and do it right away!!" The vampire woman shouted excitedly, "We must let that guy come out wearing the magic shackles, now!!"

Aiden realized something when he heard this.

The Vampires wearing the shackles of forbidden magic can neither use blood magic nor use the Vampires' natural transformation ability. They are basically like fish on the chopping board.

This guy's purpose is not to "rescue" Ophelia, but only to "kidnap" Ophelia.

After just a moment's thought, Aiden understood the other party's purpose - he was probably planning to use Ophelia as a hostage to target Kyle Caodo.

The Blood Moon Order also seemed to be aware of the obstructionist actions of the "Original Sect" and was preparing to counterattack.

At the same time, Aiden was also convinced that the person standing opposite was not the supervisor, but just a lower-level vampire who was being manipulated.

In the past, there have been incidents in the autonomous prefecture where terrorists hijacked people and even law enforcement officers, demanding the release of their accomplices imprisoned in prison. However, from the perspective of law enforcement agencies, it is basically impossible to agree to such conditions. They can only negotiate or break through. There are no means to rescue the hostages, let alone a criminal as dangerous as Ophelia who can reach S level.

Holding prison guards hostage to ask the prison to hand over prisoners is a foolproof method, but it may put yourself in danger.

As a mastermind who knew how to release smoke bombs against the Heretic Bureau, it was naturally unlikely that he would personally get involved in such a dangerous matter.

Just when Aiden was about to say a few more words, the vampire became more and more excited: "Don't waste any more time! Otherwise, I'll stab her first!"

Seemingly unable to continue the conversation in this state, Aiden turned his gaze to Veronica and nodded lightly.

Veronica understood and instantly grasped the vampire's wrist.

The vampire woman felt a sharp pain in her wrist, and subconsciously wanted to pierce the bloody knife in her hand, but found that her hand seemed to be bitten by a bear and could not move. At this time, Veronica grabbed her wrist and twisted it hard. She only heard a "click" and severe pain penetrated the vampire woman's consciousness.

Before she could react, Veronica had grabbed her broken wrist and threw it over her shoulder, threw it to the ground, and then stepped on it hard - she beat such a dangerous criminal, He has never shown any mercy.

The vampire woman only felt pain in her arm, everything in her field of vision quickly turned over, and her whole body began to hurt violently.

She still didn't understand how she was blown away by the hostage she was holding, but at this moment she had only one thought in her mind - to transform, split her body into a bat and escape from here.

Being caught means failure, and failure... means death!

But Aiden didn't give her a chance to transform, and shot a demon-eating bullet at her leg, sealing her ability.

"No, don't!" The vampire woman found that she could not transform, so she could only cry out in despair.

"Be honest, or I'll aim my next shot at your heart!" Aiden threatened coldly.

Veronica took the opportunity to scissor the opponent's arms and control him.

Aiden immediately looked around.

The supervisor sent this Vampire woman here to play such a farce, probably not just to try and get him jailed, but also to test the situation on his side.

In that case, he would probably be hiding somewhere nearby and observing secretly.

When Veronica saw this, although she still didn't understand the cause and effect, she also realized what Aiden was looking for and looked around alertly.

Then, she took the lead in discovering the figure hiding in the distance: "Sir, there!"

Aiden immediately followed her line of sight and looked over - in the clock tower of the district five hundred meters away, a vague figure flashed past the window and instantly disappeared into the shadows inside.

From such a long distance, it's a shame that Veronica can see it at a glance.

"Are you going to chase him and block him?" Veronica immediately looked at Aiden.

"No need, that guy is a vampire. He can fly away directly from the tower and can't be blocked." Aiden shook his head. The other party left a fairly safe position for him, and it was basically impossible to catch him.

And Aiden himself was not ready to confront such an opponent head-on.

He turned his gaze to the captured vampire woman and began to ask: "Are you from the Blood Moon Order?"

But the woman ignored his question, just opened her eyes wide and shouted in a gibbering voice: "No! Help, help! Help me!!"

"Stop yelling and answer my questions!!" Aiden warned the other party.

The woman was still just wailing there, and even her voice was filled with tears: "No! I don't want to die yet!"

Just when Aiden was about to say something more, the woman's skin suddenly festered at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if she had been burned by an invisible flame.

"No, no, no -" the woman's voice became shrill.

Aiden's eyes widened. This process of skin burning... is the damage reaction that occurs when vampires are exposed to the sun, splashed with holy water, or receive life spells.

If low-level vampires are exposed to the scorching sun, they will be burned to the point of being difficult to heal in just a dozen seconds, and will be completely burned to ashes in two minutes. Although high-level vampires have a certain tolerance to the sun, they will still be somewhat damaged by the sun. In theory, as long as they are exposed to the sun for a long enough time, even prince-level vampires will be killed by the sun - but under natural conditions, this dose is basically not reached.

It is now evening. Although there is still sun, it has already set. It is basically harmless to vampires with titles. Moreover, the vampire in front of him did not show any symptoms after being exposed to this degree of sun just now, so there is no reason for him to be sunburned by the sunset again.

It is the power of the "death" authority - Aiden suddenly reacted.

After talking with Abigail yesterday, Aiden went to the underground cell to meet Melifilia and asked her about the power of the "death" authority.

At that time, Melifilia answered him like this: "I haven't studied the power of the 'Death' authority in detail... I should say that I have only dabbled in other subordinate authorities under the throne. I only know two powers of the 'Death' authority, one is the 'life-taking' power to kill the designated target, and the other is the 'immortality' power to dominate death.

The life-taking power is easy to understand, which is to kill and take life... However, the power of 'Death' can be effective for all individuals with the concept of 'death'. Once it takes effect, the target designated by the power will die in a way that is feasible for the target... drowning, beheading, hanging, disease, or even aging."

Being burned to death by the sun is the most painful way to die for a special undead race like vampires.

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