The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 239 You actually poisoned the blood

"What? Aren't you happy to give you a chance to do something a little bit and improve your already extremely low treatment level?" Aiden's expression remained unchanged, and Ophelia's reaction was also expected. among.

Rather, it would be abnormal if this guy agreed immediately.

"Huh, don't worry!" Ophelia flatly refused, "Why should I care about the life and death of such a low-level vampire? Let her die!"

Aiden thought to himself that the count-level vampires were actually not considered low-level vampires.

Probably only a prince like Ophelia has the opportunity to stand at the top of such a chain of contempt.

"Do you know why this guy came here?" Aiden pointed to the countess on the bed, "She kidnapped a prison guard and threatened me today in order to kidnap you from prison."

"What?" Ophelia turned to look at the Countess. She quickly became convinced that she did not know her, and immediately frowned, "Who are you lying to!?"

"I'm not lying to you. What she asked me to do was to send you out with the magic shackles on you." Aiden said expressionlessly, "If I'm not mistaken, she should want to catch you." Hostage. As for who you want to threaten, you should know it yourself."

Ophelia's expression was slightly touched after hearing this, and she glared at the countess again.

"Confirm with her that she probably doesn't know anything. She was manipulated. As the price of failure, she was turned into this kind of character by the mastermind behind the scenes." Aiden added at the side, "In order to get as much out of her mouth as possible If you ask me something, I'll ask you to find a way to save her life."

"What's going on? What trouble did that idiot get into?" Ophelia stared into Aiden's eyes, "Do you know anything?"

"Didn't he write to you?" Aiden asked. He had just suggested that Kyle send a letter to Ophelia yesterday.

"A letter came today, and it contained nothing but a bunch of useless preaching!" Ophelia gritted her teeth and replied.

It seems that Kyle did not tell Ophelia about his situation at all...

"Then you revive her and I'll tell you." Aiden made the conditions directly.

Ophelia stared at Aiden for a long time: "Then I also have a condition."

"You're really good at bargaining...tell me."

"Let me suck your blood!" Ophelia replied word for word.

"Oh? You want me by name?" Aiden raised his eyebrows and teased, "Have you finally begun to have wild thoughts about me?"

"Fuck you! I drink so much pig blood every day, and now you want me to empty my body to donate blood?" Ophelia pointed at Aiden and gritted her teeth and said, "Let me drink human blood! If you want to choose , I will definitely suck you. I dream about draining the blood of you bastard every day. Just sucking a little bit is already an advantage for you! "

It was to vent his anger...Aiden actually didn't mind if he just let out a little blood.

"Okay, you can rescue the person first." He nodded towards Ophelia.

Ophelia came close to the countess, and the countess turned her eyes to look at her, her eyes full of desire for survival.

Ophelia stretched out her hand to the Countess with a cold expression, like a noble lady extending her hand for a kiss.

The Countess tried her best to raise her head, opened her mouth, aimed her fangs at Ophelia's wrist, and bit down hard.

Ophelia frowned slightly, a trace of disgust flashed across her face, but she still managed to restrain herself from retracting her hand.

Along with the sound of swallowing, the ulcerated wounds on the countess's face and hands quickly reversed and healed.

Ophelia frowned and endured it for a while, then pulled her hand back: "Okay, scum, how much more do you want to drink!?"

There were still drops of blood hanging from the corners of the Countess' mouth, and she looked at Ophelia's punctured wrist with a look of reluctance.

Then Ophelia immediately turned around and glared at Aiden: "It's our turn."

"Biting the neck is a bit too offensive. Let me bite the back of your hand for now." Aiden said while adjusting his sleeves.

Of course, Aiden couldn't let the other party bite his neck. Even if the magic power was sealed, the fangs in the vampire's mouth were always a threat. If he showed his neck to the other party to bite him casually, the other party might take the opportunity to bite his throat.

Veronica, standing behind, breathed a sigh of relief.

Ophelia's cheek twitched: "I'm not happy if you let me bite there! Untie the prince quickly!!"

Aiden temporarily untied the seal around Ophelia's neck and stretched out his hand to Ophelia: "Come on, open your mouth."

Ophelia glared at him fiercely, then opened her mouth and bared her fangs, biting him hard in revenge for her past humiliation.

Blood immediately came out and flowed into Ophelia's teeth.

Long lost human blood! Or the blood of the enemy that I want to drink every day!

At this moment, Ophelia felt that the blood was so hot that it scalded her mouth. It was more stimulating than any blood she had drunk before. It was like strong alcohol... No, this stimulating feeling was even stronger than that.

However, after this hot and exciting first feeling passed by, the severe pain that followed made her tremble all over.

It’s not an illusion! The blood was really hot enough to burn her, it was like pouring a mouthful of holy water into her mouth!

She immediately let go and spat out the first mouthful of blood reflexively, but her mouth still felt burning and painful.

"What? Not to your taste?" Aiden was a little surprised by Ophelia's reaction.

Ophelia didn't reply immediately. She grabbed the kettle on the table nearby and poured water into her mouth, gargling and spitting it out.

After a while, she finally recovered and covered her mouth and cursed Aiden: "It's so hot! It hurts so much! Despicable villain, you actually used this method! You actually poisoned the blood!?"

Aiden was stunned for a moment, glanced at his bloody hand, and didn't react for a while.

Poisoned the blood? Impossible, he is not Avansha... and the poison that works on the living will not work on the undead who are already dead.

"Sir, is your hand okay?" Veronica came forward with a concerned look on her face, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Aiden.

"Thank you." Aiden wiped the blood off his hand.

The prison doctor came over with the prepared medicine and bandages: "I'll bandage you..."

But after Aiden wiped the blood off his hand, the prison doctor was stunned: "Huh?"

After being bitten by the vampire, there should have been two blood holes on the back of Aiden's hand.

But now there are only two very shallow wounds on Aiden's hand, which feel like a little skin was scratched somewhere.

Moreover, these two very shallow wounds also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye and quickly disappeared.

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