The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 244 Fast forward to becoming a vampire

"It sounds like he has something on you?"

Aiden felt that Kyle's statement was not that he was not willing to resist subjectively, but that he could not betray the ancestor objectively.

"Well..." Kyle suddenly stopped here.

Aiden remembered that they had touched on this topic before. At that time, Kyle told him that there was a "contract" between him and the ancestor, but when he asked further, he said it involved personal privacy.

Aiden thought that Kyle would stop here this time, but to his surprise, Kyle suddenly brought up a seemingly unrelated topic: "May I ask the warden, someone broke into the prison... Have you told Ophelia?"

Aiden thought about it and nodded: "Yes."

"Then have you mentioned the situation here to her?"

"Yeah." Aiden continued to respond, "I'm very curious, why didn't you explain it to her directly in the letter?"

He specifically mentioned Kyle's matter to Ophelia, on the one hand, he wanted to advise Ophelia to be more obedient, and on the other hand, he also wanted to confirm whether Kyle's words were true from Ophelia's reaction.

"What was her reaction?" Kyle asked seriously.

"She said she didn't want to care about your life or death." Aiden shrugged, "It can be seen that she is very dissatisfied with your insistence on loyalty to the ancestor."

"Really ruthless." Kyle sighed with a frown, "How is her performance in prison now?"

"Not very good... Well, strictly speaking, her situation is actually very dangerous. Participating in riots and trying to attack prison guards is a very bad behavior. In comparison, her previous escape is just child's play. Fortunately, it was unsuccessful, otherwise you should have received her body when you came to Silver City." Aiden commented truthfully, "Now her sentence has added up to more than 150 years, and there are restrictions on commutation. The key is that her attitude still shows no intention of cooperating. If this continues, I estimate... it's more likely to be dangerous."

Also participating in the riot, Ophelia, as an accomplice, is in a much worse situation than Mirujinu, the main culprit.

Miru Jinu - although it is basically certain that she did not do it sincerely, at least she gave in on the surface and began to cooperate in serving her sentence. Moreover, she could use her medical attainments that were beyond her time to exchange her research results for a reduction in sentence. Although she was sentenced to death with a reprieve, as long as she did not commit suicide in the future, she would still have a chance to spend the rest of her life in prison.

As for Ophelia, although she has not yet been sentenced to death, she is not far away. The key is that from the last fight, it seems that she has no intention of cooperating in serving her sentence. Based on Aiden's experience, this kind of ignorant and willful prisoner will almost certainly cause some trouble in prison, let alone 150 years, even if it is only a few years. The next time he escapes from prison or makes some trouble, even if he is not shot dead by the riot police, he will probably not escape the death penalty.

"It's really worrying." Kyle slapped his forehead with a distressed look, "Oh, I really regret it... I shouldn't have continued to spoil her at that time."

"I've seen quite a few family members like you." Aiden commented expressionlessly, without any sympathy.

In his experience, the root cause of the distortion of many criminals who have lost touch with society can be traced back to their growth environment.

This "distortion" is different for different situations.

Some, like Camilla, are at the bottom of society and have no normal family. It is a luxury to live like a normal person, and it is easy for them to go astray and commit crimes.

But there is another situation, that is, they have a good growth environment but have not received a normal education. They have been spoiled since childhood and have never been admonished or punished for doing wrong things, so they gradually develop a completely self-centered character that ignores the rules. Once they encounter a certain opportunity, they are likely to ignore legal restrictions and commit crimes.

And Ophelia's personality traits are quite consistent with the latter situation.

Kyle was silent for a long time, poured another cup of coffee, motioned Aiden to sit on the chair, and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"The family of Kaoduo was originally a local noble family in the eastern part of Seni. My father was a marquis, ah, not the kind with an empty title, but the kind with a small territory." Kyle suddenly began to talk about his family before his death, "I have been trained as an heir since I was a child, but Ophelia is different..."

"She is spoiled by her parents?" Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"Including me, I also spoiled her very much, so she has such a bad character." Kyle smiled bitterly.

"I can see that." Aiden nodded, "So you were nobles when you were alive. No wonder that woman was so arrogant even after being in prison."

"But we are no longer like that. Twenty-five years ago, there was a revolution in the Kingdom of Seni, and the people of the Cao family also rebelled. When my father met with other nobles, he was captured by the revolutionaries who were ambushed and sent to the guillotine. I took Ophelia and drove a carriage to the Netherlands for refuge, but we were chased by horse thieves on the road.

Although we finally escaped, we got lost in the wild. What's worse is that Ophelia was shot and was in critical condition... Then when I was desperate, I saw a secluded house in the wilderness."

Kyle paused here and looked directly into Aiden's eyes: "You should be able to imagine what happened next."

"Where did you meet the ancestor?" Aiden quickly realized the unfolding of the plot, and was a little surprised at the same time. "The ancestor of the vampire family used to live in seclusion on the border of the Netherlands and Seni? Tell me... is it possible? Would that be too candid?”

He was surprised because Kyle, who claimed to be the ancestor's lackey, would reveal the hiding place of the ancestor so easily. In addition to the heresy trial agencies of various countries and the Death Sect Blood Moon Order, there should be many forces in the world who want to kill the ancestor of the blood clan. .

"No, he has many hiding places. That's just one of them, and it's been abandoned. It doesn't matter even if others know about it." Kyle saw Aiden's doubts and explained, "I at that time, Of course, it was impossible to know that such a powerful person lived there, but when I approached the secluded house, I felt that something was wrong there. The horses started to become restless just as they approached the house, and in the end they were unwilling to even go there. But Ophelia's situation was so urgent at that time that I could only give it a try even if there was only a slight possibility, so I got off the carriage and visited the house alone, and the ancestor received me..."

"So, you asked him for help, and then he turned you into vampires?" Aiden directly fast-forwarded to the key plot.

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