The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 245 Food is talking

"Yes, just as you thought." Kyle nodded.

The desperate brother and sister encounter a house inhabited by monsters in the wilderness... This unfolding sounds very much like the fairy tale "Candy House".

However, this world is not a fairy tale. Instead of escaping the clutches of the devil and returning to a happy life, the brother and sister had no choice but to become the dependents of the monster.

"You're not directly regarded as food by him?" Aiden narrowed his eyes, "The ancestor himself is also addicted to blood, right?"

"Compared with blood, he is more interested in humans who approach the secluded house. Anyway, I can't escape from his hands if I approach the secluded house. He doesn't mind chatting more with the food." Kyle explained, and then Added, "After I greeted him, the first thing he said in response was 'food is talking'..."

Aidenxin said that strong people like this kind of speaking style?

"Ophelia was seriously injured. She can save her life by becoming a vampire, but you..." Aiden quickly realized something, "Could it be that the ancestor made a condition to you?"

"Yes, you understood quickly." Kyle smiled, "The condition proposed to me by the ancestor is that he can save Ophelia's life, but after becoming a prince, Ophelia must make a blood relationship with him. If Ophelia betrays him, he can break Ophelia's heart and kill her at any time."

Aiden realized that this "blood contract" seemed to be similar to the devil contract he used to bind prisoners.

However, the contract made by the ancestor of the blood clan with his own power should be much stronger than the old-era black magic technology mastered by the Inquisition.

"So you chose to replace Ophelia?" Aiden pointed at Kyle and said.

"That's right, so it's impossible for me to betray the ancestor, because my life is always in the hands of that adult." Kyle said and spread his hands.

"I'm afraid there's more than one vampire prince like you, right?" Aiden said.

He can form demonic contracts with multiple prisoners, and the blood contract of the ancestor should not only be used for one target.

If the founder has multiple vampire princes as his confidants, the power of the vampire clan cannot be underestimated.

"That's right." Kyle admitted generously.

"The Inquisition has not received registrations of blood races other than you recently, so are you the only Prince of the Founding Sect who came to this city?" Aiden asked.

"It's just me."

"In other words, are you the only one who possesses the 'immortality' of the ancestor?" Aiden pointed at Kyle.

"Are you trying to trick me?" Kyle smiled, "Yes, it is true that I am the only one who possesses this kind of 'immortality'. The gift of the ancestor is still limited after all."

The power given to Kyle by the Blood Ancestor is similar to the power given to Aiden by Abigail. Abigail once said that she could only give one additional person the power of resurrection, and it seemed that this was true.

"In short, you replaced Ophelia as the lackey of the ancestor. But Ophelia didn't know about this?" Aiden changed the topic back.

"Yes, the final agreement between the Ancestor and I was that I would always serve as his lackey, and Ophelia only had to serve him for two years." Kyle replied, "Ophelia always thought that I was the same as her. You will be free in two years."

"Don't you want her to have a psychological burden?" Aiden didn't hide his sarcastic tone, "What a model brother."

"I'm just used to taking care of her." Kyle sighed, "This habit is hard to break."

"It's doting." Aiden corrected, "So in the end she thought you were a loser who knelt down to the ancestor, and abandoned you to live alone. Not only was your job thankless, but it also harmed her."

"Yes, now she is in prison. She has refused to change despite repeated admonitions and cannot listen to my words. I regret it very much." Kyle said and winked at Aiden, "That's why I took this opportunity to talk to the warden. Let’s talk about this topic.”

"You don't want me to tell her the truth and let her realize your good intentions, right?" Aiden understood what Kyle meant.

"Do you think it will work?" Kyle tried to ask.

He and Ophelia have been separated for twenty years. As for Ophelia's current temperament, Aiden probably knows better than him.

"Maybe not to others, but in her words...that guy has such a strong self-esteem, maybe it can give her a little stimulation. If it doesn't work, it only means that there is no room for saving her as a person." Aiden said, thinking back. When Kyle was mentioned twice, the expression on Ophelia's face changed, "So, do you need me to tell her for you?"

Ophelia once took the initiative to ask about Kyle's situation. Aiden felt that Ophelia should still have some humanity left.

"No, don't tell her..." Kyle waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, then you'd better write a letter and tell her yourself." Aiden didn't insist much.

As a result, Kyle raised his eyebrows and a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "No, I mean, you tell her and tell her that I asked you not to tell her."

Aiden was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Oh... ok, you will be the good guy."

"If you want her to be touched, you have to add some effect." Kyle rubbed his palms and smiled.

"That's okay. I also hope that the prisoners in my cell can be more honest. It doesn't hurt to let me act as your microphone." Aiden agreed readily.

"Thank you, warden." Kyle smiled and bowed his head, then immediately brought up another topic, "But besides this matter, I have another unwelcome request..."

"Tell me about it."

"Now that the Inquisition has made no progress, the Blood Moon Cult has begun to try to kidnap Ophelia from the prison..." Kyle narrowed his eyes.

"Do you want you and I to work together to find the supervisor?" Aiden continued.

The prison break is a threat to the Rose Iron Prison, and Aiden, as the prison manager, naturally cannot turn a blind eye.

And the Blood Moon Cult intends to kidnap Ophelia, which makes Kyle, who is already on the opposite side of them, further accumulate anger.

"Now we have a reason to join forces, don't we?" Kyle spread his hands, "And I've heard that you, Warden, used to be the trump card of the Inquisition in Silver City, right?"

Aiden thought for a moment: "I don't mind, but the question now is, how do we find that person? To be honest, I'm just a prison boss now, and I don't have any more intelligence networks except the Inquisition."

"In this regard, I actually have a way." Kyle smiled with a prepared smile.

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