The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 249 I can play for a year

In the afternoon, Silver City, an apartment near Fireworks Alley.

The closed curtains blocked the afternoon sun. In the dim room, the gramophone played melodious dance music, and men and women hugged each other and danced.

The woman's movements were a little stiff, but she still kept up with the man's dance steps quite accurately. The two had no extra strength control and no eye contact, but every rhythm was closely coordinated, as if they were born as one.

As the dance music gradually reached its climax, the man held the woman and spun around in the small apartment, with the red skirt flying like a flower blooming.

Near the end, the man raised his hands, and the woman raised her hands high and used her toes to support herself and started spinning rapidly. She turned faster and faster, until the last beat of the dance music came, and the woman's heels hit the ground for the last beat. Stopped its own rotation.

The woman leaned back suddenly and stretched her waist. At the perfect time, the man reached out his hand, held the other's back, leaned out and put his face close to the woman's, so close that they could smell each other's breath - but neither of them felt the other's breath, as if they were both holding their breath because of nervousness. breathe.

A few seconds passed, and the man spoke in a calm tone: "You are really good. There are very few people I can dance with for three days in a row. Her appearance and body shape are the type I like. The most important thing is her height and me." They match each other very well. I really enjoyed dancing with you. I just want to say that I have any regrets..."

When the man said this, he suddenly turned away from the gentle and considerate way he danced before, and pushed the woman away with rough force: "That means I am getting tired of you."

The woman immediately collapsed to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut off. She never got up again. A fly that flew into the room at some unknown time circled and landed on her face. It kept crawling, and finally crawled until she was half-open. On the open eyeball.

The woman didn't react at all, not even blinking.

Because she is already dead.

"What a pity. Death can preserve your appearance, but it cannot preserve the freshness you give me." The man sighed regretfully, his dark red eyes looking towards the window, "It's time to find a new dance partner... "

Thinking of this, a strong thirst also welled up from the depths of his throat - he wanted not only a new dance partner, but also fresh blood.

When the two of them were close, they didn't feel each other's breathing just because neither of them was breathing. The woman was a corpse, while the man was a vampire.

The man gritted his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot.

I want fresh blood, I want a new dance partner...

Want to... kill someone! He wants to kill beautiful women, use death to preserve their aging looks, and make them his own collection.

The eerie impulse occupied almost all of his thoughts in an instant. Once this impulse appeared, it was difficult to subside.

Going hunting in Fireworks Alley?

As soon as the man came up with this idea, he rejected it in his heart.

Enough is enough, those rouge fans are tired of it.

At this moment, what emerged in his mind was the scene he saw from the clock tower at dusk yesterday.

That day, he sent Countess Martha Cayton to test the Rose Iron Prison. As a result, the useless plan failed to capture the warden, Aiden Garrod, and only kidnapped a female prison guard.

Taking hostages would have been a good way to die, but to the man's surprise, the female prison guard actually beat the vampire countess half to death.

Although it was only a glimpse from afar, there was no doubt that the female prison guard was a top-notch person.

Her appearance and figure are impeccable, but the key is her tall figure, strong skills, and perfect flexibility... She is so suitable as a dance partner.

With such a high-level dance partner, he should be able to play for a year without getting tired of it.

Moreover, that woman has the strength to subdue the earl-level vampires through hand-to-hand combat. It is not known what kind of special bloodline she has.

After becoming a deceased person accommodated by the "underworld", the power of her life can be preserved. This woman becomes a corpse, even if it is used as a puppet for combat, it is extremely valuable.

It's so perfect... How could I resist this urge after seeing such high-quality prey?

Let's take action today. This afternoon, at the same time, the woman should appear near the prison again.

As soon as he made his decision, the man vaguely felt an old voice emerging from the depths of his mind: "Give me... the authority to 'reproduce'..."

"Ah, my ruthless Lord, are you feeling uncomfortable? Is that damn goddess still eroding your consciousness?" The man made a concerned voice.

He heard the voice of Death, the god he served, who wanted new authority.

Only with new authority can the status of the God of Death be improved. Then, he can completely get rid of the curse left by the goddess.

"Hurry up... mission... don't do meaningless things anymore..." The voice seemed very weak, like a dying old man.

The agent could feel that his master's power had been declining over the past two hundred years, and even this "divine revelation" had become so weak.

"Please don't be anxious, Lord." The man said and raised the corners of his mouth, "Only this time, my fun is not meaningless."

The Order of the Mother Goddess of Fengran was destroyed by the joint attack of the Witches' Assembly and the warden of the Rose Iron Prison, Aiden Jarod. The saint's body is in the hands of one party - or divided by them. .

From the previous action pattern of the Mother Goddess of Plenty, I am afraid that the only power of "reproduction" is also in the hands of one of them.

If you want to start, you must naturally start with the one that looks simple.

Yesterday's action was not successful, but the idea of ​​attacking the Rose Iron Prison was correct.

Moreover, Ophelia Caoduo can be obtained from the Rose Iron Prison as a hostage to contain the annoying lackey of the ancestor...

Killing the female prison guard and adding it to the collection can also create an opportunity to kill Aiden Garrod.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, the man couldn't wait to stretch out his hand, and his index finger suddenly turned into gray mist, floating towards the female corpse lying on the ground, and drilled into the mouth and nose of the corpse.

At the same time, a dark crack opened out of thin air behind the man, and countless pale hands grabbed the man from the depths of the crack and dragged him in.

The man did not resist, and naturally entered the "underworld" he created.

The moment the door to the "underworld" closed, the female corpse that had collapsed on the ground twitched twice, and the flies that had been crawling on her body were frightened and flew up.

The female corpse got up from the ground, and her lifeless eyes regained their spirits, with a faint dark red in the bottom of her eyes. Except for her face being a little too pale, she now looked no different from a living person.

"I can't wait any longer." She raised the corners of her mouth, and the arc was exactly the same as the smile the man showed just now.

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