The next day, the warden's office.

"Warden, I have inspected all the prison areas and found no abnormalities." Warden Franda respectfully saluted Aiden who was sitting behind the desk.

"Well, OK." Aiden, who was busy processing documents, nodded.

"These are the letters sent to the warden's mailbox today. I brought them to you." Franda handed over a stack of neatly tied envelopes.

"Why are there so many today? Are there any with official stamps?" Aiden looked up.

"No, all are ordinary letters."

"Then put it aside for now, I'll take a look later." Aiden pointed to the corner of the desk with a pen.

The mailbox of the warden of the Rose Iron Prison is open to the public. In addition to work-related letters, it also accepts letters from the public to collect opinions. This is what Aiden set up after taking office.

However, ordinary people rarely deliver to the prison. Most ordinary letters come from the prisoners' families, friends or other relevant personnel, and the content is all kinds of.

These letters have a lower priority in work and are generally processed last.

"Then this is the opinion letter submitted by the prisoners in the core area yesterday. I have sorted it out. Please take a look." Frenda handed over another report paper.

The rule that allows prisoners to submit opinions to the warden regularly was also newly added after Aiden took office. In the previous Rose Iron Prison, such a communication channel between prisoners and the warden was unimaginable.

"Read it to me directly." Aiden instructed without raising his head.

"The tiger man Philippa in cell 2 applied to buy a hair comb, saying that it is used to comb the fur during the molting season..."


"All prisoners in cell 4 apply to add the complete collection of the novel "The Domineering Duke of Hell and the Little Witch" to the reading room."

"Can they read that kind of rubbish novel? Approved."

"Catherine in cell 6 applied to buy a dagger, saying that it is only used to ward off evil spirits."

"Rejected, tell her not to treat the prison guards as idiots."

"Anna, who is also in cell 6... She left a message on the application form saying that she will be killed by you sooner or later Hang the pirate to death, and then hang the body on the mast of her flagship. "

"Negative, replace the pirate's meals for the next two days with the dried radish she hates the most."

"The succubus Fei'er in Room 13 applied for a sentence reduction, saying that she would thank you in a special way..."

"Negative, tell her that if she submits a similar application again, she will be put in solitary confinement!"


Aiden responded to the prisoner applications read by Flanda one by one, and handled the work at hand in an orderly manner. Flanda couldn't help but show a bit of admiration for the boss in front of her.

Except for Aiden himself, no one knew that he could handle this job so well, mainly because he had work experience that did not belong to this world.

Before coming to this world, he used another name, in a world where magic and fantasy creatures did not exist, and worked diligently as a prison guard until he died of illness.

Then, inexplicably, in this world, his soul was transferred to a young policeman who was assassinated in the suburbs and began a new life.

The "Aiden" before him was a senior investigator who was proficient in gunmanship, swordsmanship and even black magic. He belonged to a law enforcement agency called the Inquisition. He had personally arrested many dangerous criminals - including the blood prince Ophelia who escaped from prison yesterday, and of course he also made many mortal enemies for this.

After inheriting the memory of his predecessor Aiden, he immediately realized a serious problem - with his experience level, if he continued to live his second life in this position, he would probably die in the line of duty soon.

Fortunately, he soon discovered that in this world, he actually had the opportunity to transfer to other judicial departments. Based on the principle of doing what he loves, he tried his best to transfer himself to the prison and became a prison guard like in his previous life.

Then in just a few years, he relied on the work experience accumulated in his previous life to be promoted all the way to the warden.

Although there are no traditional strange golden fingers, he is generally satisfied that his experience in his previous life can come in handy.

After finishing the work at hand, Aiden looked up and unexpectedly saw Flanda still standing in front of his desk, so he asked, "Is there anything else?"

"All the new prisoners will be sent to the court tonight, and I need to report to you." Flanda replied.

"What kind of prisoner?"

Aiden knew that this would not be an ordinary prisoner. Ordinary prisoners did not need to report to him, the warden, when they were imprisoned. They would only mention their identities and case files in the weekly report, just like the succubus who pimped yesterday.

"She is a senior police officer of the Mounted Police, named Veronica Wolfe, 22 years old, sentenced to hanging for killing civilians. The execution date is scheduled for the 12th of next month, and she is required to be transferred to the core area."

"Why should she be transferred to the core area?" Aiden asked.

Murderers are not rare species in the Rose Iron Prison. If they are not dangerous people that are difficult to accommodate in other prisons, there is no need to throw them into the core area of ​​the Rose Iron Prison, and there is no need to report to him specifically.

"She is a pure-blooded werewolf." Flanda added. "I see." Aiden understood.

The werewolf was given the special ability to transform into a wolf due to the curse, and also had the symptom that he would lose his mind and be dominated by the beast-like killing impulse when he saw the full moon.

A pure-blood werewolf refers to a person whose entire bloodline has been cursed and who is born with a werewolf curse.

Their beastly state is stronger than that of ordinary werewolves. Of course, their violent state when out of control is also more terrifying.

It is difficult for ordinary prisons to accommodate werewolves. After transformation, those powerful werewolves can break the chains with their bare hands and easily take the jailer as a hostage. This is the main reason why this prisoner was transferred to the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison.

"A werewolf can actually join the Mounted Police as an officer. Either he has outstanding abilities or he came through the back door." Aiden said casually.

As a civil servant in the judicial branch, Aiden has a certain understanding of the internal culture of the police force. Werewolves are feared by the public because of the risk of losing control. Department leaders who are afraid of taking responsibility are unlikely to be willing to recruit such people, let alone reuse them.

"Judging from her resume, her personal abilities are indeed extraordinary. She passed the police selection test with perfect scores at the age of seventeen, arrested two A-level wanted criminals, and also achieved second-class merit when she participated in handling a natural disaster-level monster disaster. , was appreciated for her outstanding performance, and this incident also caused the supervisor who promoted her to be punished. "

"It's interesting that such a rising star in the police force has become a death row prisoner." Aiden nodded, "When will he be handed over?"


"Then we will schedule another inspection tomorrow morning and I will meet the new prisoner."

"I understand." Frenda was about to leave when she saw Aiden's cup was empty, "I'll refill your cup of tea."

"No need to bother..."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little effort."

Franda diligently reached for the tea cup, exited the office and headed to the tea room.

"Morning... Hey, isn't this the warden's cup?" Another colleague who came to pour tea greeted her.

"Well, I'm bringing tea and water to the boss." Flanda replied while pouring tea.

"Indeed, we still need this kind of service. Without the transfer of this big man, how can we live a good life with time to drink tea." The colleague shook his head with emotion, "Think about those people who were so busy and mindless in the past. When I couldn’t go home for many days, my husband almost divorced me.”

"Okay, this rainbow is ridiculous, how about you be responsible for pouring tea for him from now on?" Flanda smiled.

They are all old prison guards of the Rose Iron Prison. In terms of working qualifications here, Aiden is far inferior to them.

When Aiden was first transferred to Rose Iron Prison, he was only in his early twenties. Many people were worried about whether such a young boy could cope with the work here.

You must know that the Rose Iron Prison contains almost all the most dangerous witches on the continent. There have always been frequent accidents involving demons, and prison escapes and riots are commonplace.

Moreover, compared to the Thorn Prison, a men's prison of the same level, the Rose Prison has never received enough attention, and there is a continued shortage of funds and manpower, making management very difficult.

Even the warden ten years ago was killed by prisoners in a large-scale riot. After that, the people who took over either resigned voluntarily or tried every means to transfer him, until Aiden relied on his excellent work performance. , an exceptional promotion to this position.

After taking office, Eden immediately promoted a series of reforms to solve the prison's dilemma.

He established a treatment hierarchy mechanism for prisoners, used various rewards and punishment methods to train prisoners, used his authority to give benefits to bribe capable model prisoners as pawns, added an education and reform department, and set up reading rooms and sports facilities to relieve prisoners' depressed emotions... …

Through this series of means, he quickly managed the entire Rose Iron Prison in an orderly manner, turning it from the worst prison in Silver City to a model prison that has been praised year after year.

After discipline and performance were taken into account, the prison guards' work became much easier.

Everyone is very grateful to this young and promising warden. No one knows where he came up with so many methods. In the eyes of everyone, this boss has both strategy and an iron fist, and he is someone who can be hugged tightly. Boss.

"By the way, you didn't forget to report on the death row prisoner, right?" a colleague reminded while pouring tea.

"How could you forget such a big thing?" Flanda shook her head.

"I heard that the guy not only injured the colleagues who came to arrest her, but also tried to attack the judge during the trial. It's terrible. Just because the other party said a few bad words, he went over and killed him in a hothead in the middle of the night. "The colleague sighed while holding the tea cup, "I don't know what the people in the Mounted Police think about letting a werewolf become a police officer."

"This kind of death row prisoner is the most troublesome. I have no idea what she will do. To be honest, I'm a little worried." Flanda frowned slightly, "We have to raise this kind of monster for more than a month before the execution day. The prison's barrier can only seal magic, and it can't do anything against this kind of werewolf."

"This kind of scene... the warden should be able to control it." A colleague said with concern.

"Well, I hope nothing happens."

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