The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 250: Applause for your shamelessness

Afternoon, Rose Iron Prison.

"...That's what happened." Aiden was sitting in the meeting room and said to the stunned Ophelia in front of him. Behind him was the amalgam golem that turned into a human and stood there with arms folded acting as a bodyguard.

According to the agreement with Kyle, after Aiden returned to prison, he specifically told Ophelia the past events that Kyle had mentioned.

"This kind of thing... you are lying to me!" Ophelia stared into Aiden's eyes, but her expression was clearly shaken.

"If I was just making it up, how could I possibly hit the mark on your past?" Aiden silenced Ophelia with just one sentence, and promptly added that Kyle had informed him of it on purpose. , "After he told me, he specifically asked me not to tell you."

"Then why are you telling me?" Ophelia looked at Aiden suspiciously.

"Of course I'm here to laugh at you, do you still need to ask?" Aiden once again put on the smile that made Ophelia grit her teeth. "You have always been the source of my happiness, Ophelia."

Ophelia's face became extremely gloomy, but she couldn't utter a word of rebuttal.

"I've always wondered how an immature person like you could become a blood prince. Now I understand." Finally, Aiden broke the silence, "How happy, Ophelia." , You are truly the eldest lady who has been in a honeypot since you were a child. Someone will take care of everything for you... It's a pity that no one will go to jail for you here. "

In the core area of ​​​​this prison, there are female devils spitting sweet fragrance everywhere.

Aiden feels that after working here for five years, his face and eccentric skills have been greatly improved compared to his previous life.

These words stabbed Ophelia's self-esteem firmly, and she glared at Aiden: "I didn't ask him to do this!"

"If he hadn't done this, you would have been exposed long ago." Aiden replied expressionlessly, "Don't you have more brains? There will never be a shortage of people in the world who want to change their brains. There are a lot of people who have become vampires seeking immortality. If you want to give them a chance to bid to become the princes of the vampire clan, they will probably fight on the spot... If there is any need for the ancestor, he must spend all his efforts to turn you two into his dependents. ? Let you go free after working for two years? The ancestor of the vampire clan who makes a living by drinking human blood turns out to be such an amiable person. Even if I ask prisoners to do things for me, I will give them a devil's contract. "

"I..." Ophelia opened her mouth.

"You haven't thought about it. Because you have always lived like this, self-centered and willful, you must have been favored since you were a child. I have seen many prisoners like you. Although you have always called yourself a prince, but In my opinion, you are just a young lady who is ignorant of the world. It’s amazing. The title of prince you show off to me every day was earned by your brother working as a lackey.” Aiden suddenly smiled and clapped his hands. I almost want to applaud you for your shame."

He tried his best to trample Ophelia's self-esteemed prince title into the mud, in order to make Ophelia realize that this title was worthless. This guy still had a considerable degree of self-esteem. After learning the truth, she should be ashamed of her title of prince.

"That's enough!" Ophelia punched the table angrily, exactly the reaction Aiden expected.

"No matter how much you don't want to hear it, the facts are here." Aiden said without changing his expression, "In about a month, when your observation period is over, he should come to apply to see you. What are you going to do then? ?”

"I...I don't want to see him." Ophelia looked away.

"Are you scared?" Aiden laughed at her mercilessly, "You even have the guts to participate in riots, but you don't even dare to see your family?"

"Okay, I will think about it myself, don't say any more!" Ophelia did not look into Aiden's eyes.

"Whether you see me or not, it's none of my business." Aiden said calmly, "I only advise you not to commit crimes again. Your sentence has already been extended very long. If you escape from prison again, even if I want to help You are bound to die. Think about it, how will your family feel when they finally receive your body?"

Ophelia lowered her eyes and fell silent.

"But, whether he is alive to see you in a month is another matter." Aiden said suddenly.

Hearing these words, Ophelia raised her head suddenly as if she was electrocuted, and stared into Aiden's eyes quietly: "What did you say!?"

"Huh? I remember you said yesterday that you didn't want to care about his life or death?" Aiden asked in pretending to be surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense! Tell me quickly!" Ophelia patted the table and urged.

Aiden smiled and then slowly told him and Kyle's plan to catch the Death Agent sent by the Blood Moon Order. However, in order to achieve the effect, Aiden did a little "artistic" "Processing" - He deliberately concealed the setting of Kyle "possessing immortality given by the ancestor" and their plan to let the "apex witch" Abigail deal with the enemy.

"A vampire whose bloodline is not under the Duke's, and who is protected by the God of Death!? Is he crazy and wants to provoke such an opponent?" Ophelia stood up excitedly before listening, "Leave this kind of matter to the heretics Wouldn’t it be better if the Tribunal did it?”

"Because he couldn't resist the order of the ancestor, and the people of the Blood Moon Cult also tried to kidnap you from prison, which was to some extent due to you." Aiden raised his hand and pointed at Ophelia, "To be honest, I don't care how a troublesome prisoner like you is treated after being kidnapped, but there is no way, my duty is to manage this prison. Since a blood prince offered to help, I have no reason to refuse."

"Let me see him!" Ophelia stared into Aiden's eyes.

"No, you are still under observation." Aiden replied leisurely and snapped his fingers, "Also, sit down, when the prison guards are questioning, the prisoners should not make any extra movements!"

The amalgam golem standing behind Aiden put down his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking ready to attack at any time.

Ophelia sat down again in a huff.

"All you can do now is stay in prison and wait obediently. At least be a good person in prison while others are fighting for their lives outside." Aiden stared at Ophelia and said slowly.

He thought that after such a long talk, this guy should understand the limits.

However, Aiden was a little surprised that after a long silence, Ophelia made a new request: "I say, since you want others to help you so much, let me go out and help you!"

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